Mark 11 – The Miraculous and Prayer

Mark 11 – The Miraculous and Prayer

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Mark 11:24

Whenever I read this passage of scripture, I’m reminded of a scene from Mark Twain’s classic The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:

Then Miss Watson she took me in the closet and prayed, but nothing come of it.  She told me to pray every day, and whatever I asked for I would get it.  But it warn’t so.  I tried it.  Once I got a fish-line, but no hooks.  It warn’t any good to me without hooks.  I tried for the hooks three or four times, but somehow I couldn’t make it work.  By and by, one day, I asked Miss Watson to try for me, but she said I was a fool.  She never told me why, and I couldn’t make it out no way.

What is it you are expecting from prayer?

What is it you are expecting from prayer?

I set down one time back in the woods, and had a long think about it.  I says to myself, if a body can get anything they pray for, why don’t Deacon Winn get back the money he lost on pork?  Why can’t the widow get back her silver snuffbox that was stole?  Why can’t Miss Watson fat up?  No, says I to myself, there ain’t nothing in it.  I went and told the widow about it, and she said the thing a body to get by praying for it was “spiritual gifts.”  This was too many for me, but she told me what she meant – I must help other people, and do everything I could for other people, and look out for them all the time, and never think about myself.  This was including Miss Watson, as I took it.  I went out in the woods and turned it over in my mind a long time, but I couldn’t see no advantage about it – except for the other people; so at last I reckoned I wouldn’t worry about it anymore, but just let it go.

While humorous, the above excerpt does reveal a tidbit of truth about how many interpret today’s verse.  Many pray as if God were a genie in a bottle, ready and willing to grant them any and all wishes…and then they get discouraged and upset when it doesn’t turn out that way.  Let’s remember that as with all passages of the Bible, context is key when applying proper hermeneutics (interpretation) to any passage of scripture, including this one.  The entirety of God’s Word is truth (Ps. 119:160), and so not only immediate but the overall context must be considered.

In the immediate context of this passage, we read that during the previous day Jesus had said to a fig tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again,” upon seeing that there was nothing to eat on it (Mark 11:12-14).  The next morning, they saw the fig tree withered away and Peter pointed out to Jesus that the fig tree which he had cursed had withered.  Jesus replied, “Have faith in God.  Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.  Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:20-24).

What Jesus had done to the fig tree was a miracle…a violation of the laws of science and nature which God had put into place at creation.  Scientifically, fig trees don’t wither away overnight based on the word of a man, just as the Red Sea doesn’t naturally part due to a man holding a stick over it and a man doesn’t scientifically come back from the dead three days after he had died on a cross.  What Christ had talked about his apostles doing (telling a mountain to be taken up and thrown into the sea without doubt in his heart and it coming to pass) was also miraculous in nature.  Thus, the statement in today’s verse about receiving whatever you ask in prayer if you believe that you have received it must also be taken to refer to the apostles being able to perform miracles.

Elsewhere in the New Testament, we read of spiritual gifts which were miraculous in nature being given to some of the early Christians (1 Cor. 12-14).  Paul lists these miraculous spiritual gifts, and includes “faith” in the list alongside of miraculous spiritual gifts such as prophecy, speaking in tongues, and knowledge (1 Cor. 12:4-11).  He later clarifies that faith as the same type of miraculous faith Jesus is talking about in the context of today’s passage:  the type of faith one would need to have in order to perform a miracle like removing a mountain (1 Cor. 13:2).

However, a few verses later he tells us that these miraculous spiritual gifts would “pass away” and “cease.”  This would happen “when that which is perfect has come” (1 Cor. 13:8-10).  “Perfect” in the Greek is referring to that which is mature or complete, and is used elsewhere to refer to the complete Word of God (Rom. 12:2; James 1:25), which of course wasn’t complete at the time Paul wrote to the Corinthians.  In fact, one of the reasons miracles occurred back then was to confirm the Word of God which was being preached by the apostles and prophets of the early church (Mark 16:17-18, 20; Heb. 2:1-4).  Once the Word of God was complete with the writing of Revelation, miracles would no longer need to happen in order to confirm it, and thus they would cease as Paul foretold.

Therefore, the miraculous faith one would need to receive anything one asked for in prayer does not occur today.  God does answer prayer today, but providentially rather than through miracles done by men as read about in the Bible.  He wants us to bring our cares to him through prayer (Phil. 4:6-7), and pray that he provides our spiritual and physical needs (Matt. 6:9ff) as well as for the needs of others (1 Tim. 2:1-2).

And as it was true then, it is also true today that we must pray with faith (James 1:5-7)…and we must also pray according to his will (1 John 5:14-15).  This latter caveat is something I believe old Huck Finn…and many of us today…don’t think about like we should.  What does God care about most?  Huck getting hooks for his fishing lines and us getting that brand new car…or the spiritual well-being of us all?  What are we asking God for the most in our prayers?  Are our requests truly in line with his will?  Daily study of his Word will show us what God really cares the most about.  As we grow spiritually, we will see our prayer life changing to fit more in line with his will also.

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A World Without God

Our World Without God

It is difficult for us to imagine, but have you ever thought what this world would be like if God had totally removed Himself from it? What if when every thought of man was on evil continually, He had decided to not send the flood? Or what if He had not dealt with Sodom and Gomorrah? Suppose He had not descended to Mt. Sinai nor ever given any other messages through those Old Testament prophets? What if Jesus had not come? What do you suppose our world would be like?

Without God, our world would be horribly different.

Without God, our world would be horribly different.

We should be so thankful knowing that when God gave man the freedom to choose to do wrong that He did not remove Himself. Our loving God repeatedly tried to call mankind back to Himself. Tragically, the world ignored the preaching of Noah (2 Pet. 2:5) and then all the other attempts God made to reach the lost. Zechariah’s words remind us how all the prophets were received. “They refused to heed, shrugged their shoulders, and stopped their ears so that they could not hear. Yes, they made their hearts like flint refusing to hear the law and the words which the Lord of hosts had sent by His Spirit through the former prophets. Thus great wrath came from the Lord of hosts” (Zech. 7:11-12).

The history of God and the Jewish nation is so tragic, but what if God had not sent a single prophet into that world? God was trying to call that nation to walk in the paths of righteousness, but almost all of His messengers were ignored. What if God had just quit dealing with His chosen people?

So what about the Gentiles? In Romans chapter one, Paul described how the Gentiles at one time knew God (v. 21). They turned away from God to serve idols. How did God respond? “Therefore God gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts” (v. 24). They despised the ways of righteousness and turned to sexual perversion. God’s response? “God gave them up to vile passion” (v. 27). Read the next several verses. When they gave up on God, God gave up on them!

What about the Jews who were there when Jesus lived among them? Jesus described them so vividly. “This people draws near to me with their mouths, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me” (Matt. 15:8).  The “godly” nation was Godless!

In spite of all that God did, before Jesus died on the cross, the world was in a wretched state. Now, just suppose that God had never done one thing to impact righteousness. There are not words to describe such a world.

Next week, we will look at your place in God’s plan to change the world. We must never forget that God’s plan to change the world includes us!

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El vocablo “autonomía” o “autónomo” no son de uso bíblico, sin embargo el concepto es tan bíblico como aplicable e indispensable en la iglesia del Señor. La controversia puede girar en que si es bíblico o no y los argumentos pueden ir de un lado para el otro pero el hecho sin duda es que podemos analizar la evidencia existente y determinar si es posible entender el tema las causas y las consecuencias.

The Local Congregation has autonomy from other congregations. All are under Christ.

The Local Congregation has autonomy from other congregations. All are under Christ.

Para nadie es un secreto que la Iglesia Católica abiertamente reclama un orden jerárquico, centralizado que es el siguiente, iniciando de arriba hacia abajo: Papa, Cardenales, Arzobispos, Obispos, sacerdotes, y por último católicos en general. Ellos han seguido este orden por años y años siendo la autoridad suprema el papa a quién sin vacilar deben obedecer el resto de la cadena antes trazada. Las denominaciones han renunciado a este orden abiertamente sin embargo secretamente han seguido un orden jerárquico similar, estableciendo iglesias “madres” o “cedes” para sus organizaciones. Estimado amigo, la iglesia de Cristo no procede de ninguna manera a travez de estos métodos sino de la manera que lo observamos en el N.T. La desviación de la verdad ocurre en la época de los llamados “padres de la iglesia” entre tel cierre del siglo primero y el año 300 antes que el catolisísmo estallara como tal. Uno de los ancianos intenta centralizar a las otras congregaciones para que el error no tomara ventaja y así poder estar mucho más pendiente de lo que sucedía en las iglesias pero sin saber que estaban dando inicio a la apostacía, que sin duda alguna continúa hasta hoy e incluso es un cáncer que avanza en muchas congregaciones de la Iglesia de Cristo, que necesita con urgencia ser removida con una operación a “corazón abierto” para suplantar este mal con las santas escrituras.


Me temo, que muchos ni siquiera están relacionados con el concepto de autonomía en la Biblia. Para poder respetar algo hay que conocer ese algo, eso lo concluimos por lógica, pero autonomía bíblica se refiere a una independencia una libertad para manejarse, controlarse y organizarse a sí mismo. En el sentido de la Iglesia algunos piensan que si no existe un ancianato no puede haber autonomía lo cual no es del todo cierto. Hechos 14:23 lee de la siguiente manera: “Después que les designaron ancianos en cada iglesia, habiendo orado con ayunos, los encomendaron al Señor en quien habían creído”(LBLA). La frase “cada Iglesia” nos revela con claridad la particularidad de estas Iglesias y que cada anciano iba a servir en cada una de ellas colocando automáticamente limitaciones entre los ancianos y y las congregaciones, en otras palabras no podían interferir entre ellos.  También del pasaje aprendemos que “cada iglesia” era precisamente “cada iglesia”. Puede sonar confuso pero antes que los ancianos fuera establecidos ya existía una independencia y particularidad entre las Iglesias si partimos correctamente la la palabra “cada”. La autonomía de la iglesia del Siglo primero queda bien apreciada al observar con detalle 1Co. 16:1-4. El apóstol Pablo en el versículo 3 la frase “a quienes vosotros hayáis designado y “vuestra donación…”, deja entrever que:

  1. La iglesia en ese lugar en particular tenia la autoridad y la libertad de enviar a ciertos hermanos para llevar esta carta. Ellos sin duda alguna podían decidir por si solos quiénes eran estos candidatos y nadie más que no fuera apóstol podía interferir en esa decisión.
  2. La donación que ésta congregación en particular está recaudando para participar en la ayuda a los santos en Jerusalén, era una ayuda determinada por ellos mismos (monto y contribución) esta donación también les iba a representar a ellos individualmente como congregación  cuando llegara a su destino. Estos hermanos podían disponer  de sus ofrendas, obviamente no enviaban la ofrenda de cada domingo a la “iglesia madre” o a Roma, mucho menos a Brooklyn. No existía un sistema de centralización de fondos.

Al parecer muchos hermanos no han aprendido a respetar la autonomía de cada congregación local. Muchos deciden caminar por la senda de la centralización de fondos. En la mayoría de los casos esto crea “pequeños papas” que al distribuir el dinero a otros predicadores y a otras congregaciones y cada cosa que pasa en esas congregaciones tiene que pasar por el filtro que es ese “pequeño papa”. Amigo mío hay que aprender que Dios diseñó cada congregación en su carácter autónomo y cruzar la linea es irrespetar a Dios mismo.  Y todo esto no tiene nada que ver con la cooperación entre congregaciones eso es materia de otro tema el asunto es tomar desiciones que le corresponde exclusivamente a la congregación local. El apóstol Pablo tenia derecho como apóstol de Jesucristo de ordenar en las iglesias pero él no ejerce control sobre la distribución de la ofenda de estos hermanos y de otros. Las Iglesias de Cristo en la actualidad tienen su autonomía intacta tal y como en el siglo primero. Si realmente amamos a Dios y su palabra buscaremos la forma de aprender a no interferir. Algunos quieren justificarse a sí mismos diciendo ¡Mi intención es ayudarles! Primero se puede ayudar en el sentido de cooperación cuando se le solicite pero si nadie solicitó su ayuda, entonces colaborará mucho más no interfiriendo y segundo, Si usted pertenece a una congregación local, entonces trabaje ahí porque es donde Dios le ha puesto. Es triste ver cuantos hermanos están buscando como reparar el mundo cuando su propia “casa” está en ruinas. Cada congregación local, quienes sirven al frente de la misma y sus miembros darán cuentas a Dios por sí mismos, ¡recuerde esto!.


La mayoría de abusos a la autonomía local se debe por aquellos que no la están defendiendo y se están dejando abusar espiritualmente por lobos rapaces que sólo sirven a sus propios intereses (Filip.3:19). La hermandad necesita estar firmes y defender su a libertad en Cristo, firmes a regresar a la Biblia y ser esa Iglesia de la cual Dios pensó desde antes de la fundación del mundo. Aquí algunos principios de como usted puede aprender a defender su autonomía.

  1. Haga su plan de trabajo local: Cada congregación debería sentarse cada finales de año o principios para establecer un plan de trabajo que van a seguir para el año entrante. Esto de verdad es sumamente importante ya que le da dirección a la congregación de donde vienen y para donde van. Cualquier otra cosa en el camino simplemente esta fuera de el plan para este año y puede ser replanteado en el futuro, pero hay que tener esa base. Muchas congregaciones tienen varias actividades anuales juntas, pero si usted logra preguntar a cualquier miembro cuál es el plan de trabajo local, simplemente… no existe. No es que estemos en contra de la cooperación entre congregaciones pero para ello debe existir una organización interna primero.
  2. Trabaje mano a mano con el predicador local: El predicador local es aquel hermano encargado de la alimentación continúa de la Iglesia y son extremadamente necesarios en las congregaciones del Señor. Una mención de ellos puede encontrarse en Apocalipsis 2 y 3 cuando la frase: “Escribe al ángel de la Iglesia en…”  puede ser entendida que se refería a los predicadores de cada congregación local partiendo del hecho que “ángel” es una traducción del vocablo griego ἄγγελος= aggelos  y significa mensajero. Si cada Iglesia local debe tener un predicador y éste es importante entonces, debe de existir respeto para con el trabajo de éste hermano. He sabido de miembros que invitan a predicar a otros y el predicador local ni siquiera sabía. O también desiciones que se toman y el último en enterarse es el predicador local. Entonces para defender la autonomía bíblica, la iglesia necesita aprender a trabajar mano a mano con su predicador local. 
  3. Póngale un alto a información del exterior: Definitivamente la derrota de una congregación por lo general inicia desde adentro. Aunque seamos miembros de una congregación local podemos llevarla al fracaso cuando vamos por ahí contamos todo lo que está sucediendo con nosotros y entre nosotros. Podemos construir buenas relaciones con otros hermanos de afuera pero, sin que información concerniente a la Iglesia circule entre nosotros. Dios en su palabra escrita ha condenado este acto y quizás el pasaje más claro y evidente sea Filipenses 2:14 “Haced todo sin murmuraciones” y digo que el más claro ya que en su contexto está tratando de este asunto y el v12 nos exhorta a ocuparnos en nuestra salvación con temor y temblor.Aunque la conversación sea muy pasiva, para poder defender la autonomía de la Iglesia póngale un alto a la información relevante que venga o que vaya. Algunos otros causan problemas y revueltos hasta porque la Iglesia se cambio de edificio, o compró uno nuevo eso ya no es murmuración o porque hubieron bautismos en esa congregación y alguien informó a otros hermanos de eso o se dieron cuenta por otros medios, nada de eso es de condenar pero sí quienes hagan problemas por cosas semejantes. Ellos tienen un problema de “inmadurez aguda” y eso es peligroso.
  4. Responda con Biblia: Esta recomendación numero cuatro casi siempre está en todos los artículos y la razón es porque es la solución a todos los problemas en la Iglesia… ¿Que dice la Biblia? esa pregunta frena cualquier avance del diablo y en éste contexto como defensa nuestra a la autonomía de la iglesia. Algunos tienen problemas graves con esto, aseveraciones tales como: “Esa gente todo lo arreglan con Biblia” son aliciente para los oídos de aquellos que aman la verdad. Aunque la frase esta conjugada en un aspecto negativo, la actitud de la Iglesia que está aprendiendo a defender su autonomía debe ser de gozo y de satisfacción. Si no se arreglan las cosas con Biblia ¿entonces con que más?…solo queda como opción con psicología y filosofía humana que no es nada más  que uno de los aromas del infierno mismo. “Si Jehová no edificare la casa en vano trabajan los que la edifican…” (Salmo 127:1) No existe verdad más cortante que ésta expresada en el Salmo anterior. Amigo mío; Si no lo solucionamos con Biblia en mano, el resto es perder el tiempo y comprar boletos para la condenación eterna. 

El humanismo es un problema serio serio que ha causado estragos cuando se aplica a la Iglesia. Con una lógica falsa y un palabrerío muy bien elaborado la autonomía de la Iglesia a sido violada, abusada y despreciada, todo porque no hemos tenido la capacidad, ni los “pantalones” necesarios para frenar el abuso con Libro capitulo y versículo, aunque sea alguien prominente o sea cualquier gringo, o alemán o canadiense. Hermanos y amigos, regresemos a la Biblia, respetemos los patrones que ya Dios estableció, aprendamos ha hacerlo de una manera amorosa pero con firmeza. Aprendamos a hablar con amor pero sin temor y sin vacilar un momento, cuando se trata de lo que Dios dice en su palabra. Sí esto hacemos El nos bendecirá de una manera sorprendente y esa congregación estará en el camino correcto al cielo.  

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Are You Teachable?

Practical Christianity

Is there anything more frustrating in conversation than someone who can’t seem to get to the point? I have listened to some preachers who preach an entire lesson and leave you wondering “What’s the point?”. In fact, in everyday conversation I like some-one to say what they mean, get to the point, and be understandable. One thing rings true from the book of James…he doesn’t mince words; he is clear, concise, and practical.

God's principles for a good life are simple.  Are you teachable?

God’s principles for a good life are simple. Are you teachable?

We as individual Christians, and the church as a whole, would be in far better spiritual health if we started living the biblically inspired principles therein. 1) Friendship with the world puts you at odds with God. 2) God opposes the proud but gives grace and lifts up the humble. 3) Draw near to God, cleanse your hands, purify your hearts, and God will draw near to you. 4) Understand that life is short and should be lived in view of the eternity beyond this life and those things that are pleasing to God. 5) Knowing good and not doing it is sin. 6) Be patient. 7) Keep you word! 8) Pray and sing. 9) Confess your faults to one another. 10) Save yourself and others.

It’s not that we can’t know what to do or that we can’t do what is pleasing to God. The problem is often our “teachability” and our willingness to do God’s will. Are you teachable? Listen, it’s not thank we can’t know, it’s are we humble enough to submit to the teaching of God and then do it. We have much to do and the forest at times seems overwhelming. But God gave us His Son, He gave us His word, and He has given us the church. One step at a time friends, keeping God and eternity in focus. Be faithful!

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It Changed in Genesis

It Changed in Genesis

“Mommy, Mimi isn’t that old, is she?” This is the innocent response of a child upon hearing that Adam lived to be 930 years old (Genesis 5:5). It does not take long when reading through the book of Genesis to come across the vast old ages of the patriarchs. For instance, Methuselah, the oldest person we have on record, lived to be 969 years old (Genesis 5:27). So what do we tell our children and grandchildren when they question these long life spans? Are we supposed to divide the ages by a factor of ten, or did they not measure time the same way we do today? In teaching our children about these matters, it is important to reveal to them both the science and the Bible. While the media would have us to believe there is a battle between the Bible and science, the truth is that God is the Author of science. Science and the Bible fit together like a hand in a glove.

Yes, there is global change, especially back in Genesis.

Yes, there is global change, especially back in Genesis.

In answering this dilemma, we should demonstrate the scientific truth that this Earth used to be vastly different. In Genesis 1:31 we learn that “God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.” Imagine how pristine the water was in that beautiful garden. Try to picture how lush the vegetation would have been. There was no pollution from vehicles or factories. We had not yet filled schools with asbestos, or painted our homes with lead paint. Additionally, we had not yet sprayed various chemicals on the ground in an effort to control vegetation. We had not yet sprayed agent-orange on our armed forces or tried to relieve morning sickness by giving pregnant women thalidomide. Everything was “very good.”

In an attempt to describe the early conditions on the Earth, Dr. Alfred Russell Wallace described it as a “mantle of spring-like loveliness which seems to have prevailed over the whole globe.” E. H. Colbert noted: “In those days the Earth had a tropical climate over much of its land surface, and in the widespread tropical lands there was an abundance of lush vegetation.” When teaching our children about the vast old ages of the patriarchs we should first establish that the Earth they lived on was vastly different than what we see around us today.

We can prove that scientifically by showing our children the diaries of Admirals Byrd and Peary (who conquered adversity to reach the North and South Pole, respectively) who looked down into the ice and saw palm trees and fruit trees buried feet below in the ice. Another solid piece of evidence centers around the formation of coal. We know today that it takes tremendous amounts of organic vegetation to make coal. And yet, one of the largest coal reserves on our planet is Antarctica! This is proof that Antarctica has not always been a frozen barren waste land. Or we can show our children reports like the one out of the University of Colorado in 2004, in which they identified pine needles under 10,400 feet of ice in Greenland. Indeed, there once was a time in which this Earth was a mantle of spring-like loveliness.

When we are asked the question, “Why is it people die today?” we can give a long laundry list of reasons—cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, congestive heart failure, etc. Many of these conditions have one factor in common. We know today that humans have over 1,600 harmful genetic mutations in our gene pool. Few families exist that are not affected by at least one of these harmful mutations. But we should ask ourselves the question: How many of these harmful mutations were present when God first created Adam and Eve? Absolutely none! Everything was “very good.” Remember, had Adam and Eve not sinned they were created in such a fashion that they could have lived forever—having access to the Tree of Life. Given that there were no genetic mutations, higher levels of oxygen, and the Earth – a mantle of spring-like loveliness, then why couldn’t the patriarchs have lived to vast old ages?

Having established the scientific side, one could then take children to the Bible and demonstrate that things were different back then as well. For instance, in Genesis 12:11-12 we find Abraham asking Sarah to tell the Egyptians that he was her brother, so they would not kill him. But notice Abraham says: “Indeed I know that you are a woman of beautiful countenance…” Yet, have you ever calculated Sarah’s age when Abraham makes this comment? She’s pushing 70 years old! And yet Abraham was worried the Pharaoh would take her away because of her beauty. Avon and Mary Kay are good products—but they are not that good. Obviously, things were different back then.

So what changed the environment? What could have changed the Earth from a mantle of spring-like loveliness to what we have today? Quite simply, the Global Flood.

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