No Pain No Gain

No Pain No Gain

There is an expression among those who exercise regularly, “No Pain, No Gain.” The expression basically means that if you are not willing to work hard and suffer a little for your efforts, then you are not going to accomplish very much. Just doing the easy and simple exercises that don’t challenge one’s body won’t lead to lasting results. The same principle is true in life as well. In order for one to be productive in business, for example, one must be willing to make sacrifices of time and money; one must make an effort in order to do well. In our personal relationships also, we understand this to be true. The more we put into a relationship the better it is going to be. The parent who makes an effort to spend time with his children is going to have a better relationship with his child than the parent that doesn’t. The husband who spends more time with his wife will have a better relationship than one that is always gone.

To Grow, you must endure; To endure, you must engage.

To Grow, you must endure; To endure, you must engage.

Should it cause us to wonder, when we come to the spiritual world, that if we don’t make an effort at serving the Lord that we’re not going to get anything out of our relationship with God? The same principle is true here as well. “No pain, no gain.” Sometimes I think that people expect church to be some kind of spiritual playground where we can just relax and have fun in the glow of God’s goodness. While I certainly believe that coming to church can be rewarding, it doesn’t quite work like a playground. Our worship and service requires of us some effort, both mentally and physically. The more effort we put into our worship and service, the greater our relationship with God will become.

Our efforts must start with our attendance. If we don’t attend services or if our attendance is sporadic, then we’re not going to get very much out of it. Attendance to the worship services is where we get our encouragement to continue to live godly lives and be faithful to the Lord (Hebrews 10:25). It is absolutely critical to our relationship with God. It is as important as families having dinner together on a regular basis. To miss such an appointment is to undermine one’s relationships.

We continue our efforts with how we worship. We must engage our minds to worship God (John 4:24, Matthew 22:37). That means we need to listen attentively to the prayers and the sermon (1 Corinthians 14:15). We need to sing with all of our heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16). We need to give with purpose and thanksgiving in our hearts (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). And we need to remember the death of Jesus as we partake of the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:19). How many times do we catch ourselves thinking about what is for lunch or what we’re going to do later in the day instead of focusing on the worship. We cheat ourselves out of a relationship with God when we don’t engage our minds in worship.

When we leave the church building our efforts must continue. If we simply leave what we’ve done at the building behind, then we are going to limit our relationship with God. However, if we take what we’ve learned and tell others about it, we will not only help others but ourselves as well. This may mean doing good to those who are in need (Galatians 6:10); it may means being a good example to our children (Ephesians 6:4); it may mean teaching someone about the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20); it may mean setting an example of model behavior for our coworkers (Ephesians 6:6). Regardless who we influence, there must be the effort of influence.

What will happen if we engage ourselves in the work of God? We will grow as individuals. The church will also grow also; others will see the wonderful things working in our lives and they will want to be part of it. Our efforts will not go unnoticed, and we, as individuals Christians, will not be the only ones to benefit from our work. “No pain, no gain” means that if we want more out of our relationship with God we need to work harder at it. Let us all resolve to renew our efforts to serve God in all things.

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Do You Want Eternal Life?

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.

John 5:24

To pass “from death to life.”  To not “come into judgment,” which means to not come into what the Greek calls krisis, condemnation.  To have the “eternal life” that is God’s free gift rather than the second death of hell which we deserve because of our sin (Rom. 6:23; Rev. 21:8)!  What a high, undeserved honor!  What a wonderful thing it will be to hear those sweet words from the King of kings:  “Well done, good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.  Enter into the joy of your master” (Matt. 25:21).  Do you want those wonderful words to be said to you?  I know I do…

Eternity with God?  Do you really want it?

Eternity with God? Do you really want it?

Look very carefully at what the Master says in today’s Scripture of the Day.  These blessings of eternal life and the passing over of judgment from death to life come to “whoever” does two things:  the one who “hears my word and believes him who sent me.”

The Psalmist wrote that the “blessed” man “who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers” is one whose “delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night” (Ps. 1:1-2).  The apostle wrote that Christians are to long for “the pure milk of the Word” like a newborn longs for milk (1 Pet. 2:2), and that we are to diligently grow in “knowledge” if we are to have that “entrance into the eternal kingdom” provided for us (2 Pet. 1:5-11; 3:18).  The faith which pleases God (Heb. 11:6) and saves us (John 5:24; 3:16) comes from hearing “the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17).  Friend, how well do you hear God’s Word?  How often do you meditate upon it?  Day and night…or once a week for a couple of minutes?  Have you ever read the entire Bible?  If not, why?  If you want to escape the judgment of God and walk into an eternal life of bliss, take Jesus’ promise to heart.  Hear his Word.

Not only that, but believe in the God who sent Jesus.  This faith consists more of a belief in the existence of God, but also that he “rewards those who seek him” (Heb. 11:6).  It must be stronger than the faith of demons, for they too believe in God (James 2:19).  No, this belief in God consists of such a strong spiritual, mental, and intellectual conviction and trust that it prompts unhesitating obedience (James 2:14-26).  It was this kind of faith that prompted Noah to obey God in building an ark (Heb. 11:7), Abraham to obey God by moving his family to places unknown and being willing to sacrifice his son (Heb. 11:8-10, 17-19), and Moses to give up “the fleeting pleasures of sin” in Egypt in order to serve God by leading Israel out of slavery through the Red Sea (Heb. 11:24-29).  It is this faith that will prompt you and me to obey the will of our God as revealed in his Word, no matter what the cost.

Do you want eternal life?  Hear, believe, and obey…

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El Aborto


La Masacre de Millones hecha por nuestras propias manos
Cada año en solamente en los Estados Unidos de América, más de un millón de niños son masacrados por los doctores que practican el aborto. Desde 1973, cuando la Suprema Corte legalizó el aborto-a-petición, algo de 43 millones de bebés han sido sacrificados en U.S.A (vea “Consequences”, 2003). Cada año un estimado de 46 millones de abortos toma lugar mundialmente (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2002). En tres décadas, una generación completa de niños ha sido eliminada para siempre. De hecho, más del 20% de todos los bebés concebidos en este país mencionado (los Estados Unidos) son muertos antes que vean la luz del día y la matanza…Continúa.

Abortion: The murder of innocent human beings who cannot defend themselves verbally or physically.

Abortion: The murder of innocent human beings who cannot defend themselves verbally or physically.

Dentro de los muchos problemas con este tema, algunos argumentan que es un derecho de la madre o incluso que las circunstancias ayudan a justificar este acto(violaciones, fue un descuido, fue un momento de locura etc.) Amigos y hermanos Dios es la única autoridad final para determinar lo que es moralmente correcto o incorrecto, y las practicas de los hombres no siempre concuerdan con la voluntad de Dios (Is. 55:8-9; Lc. 16:15; 1 Co. 1:18-25). Debemos obedecer a Dios antes que a los hombres, afirmó el apóstol Pedro (Hch. 5:29). La Biblia es el estándar superior de moralidad que determina que es correcto y que no lo es, para todas personas en todas las culturas, en todo el mundo.
Realmente esta parte puede ser descrita como terrorífica, y la intención no es, de ninguna manera poner una imagen grosera, fuerte o traumatizante en la mente de nuestros lectores. Sin embargo deseamos que se entere, de que trata el aborto realmente y que este tema no tiene nada que ver con los derechos de una madre, ni se reduce a las decisiones tomadas en un hospital. Las aciones que se toman bajo este tema, son violaciones claras a la ley de Dios. A continuación algunos de los tantos métodos utilizados en clínicas y hospitales.
Metodo del Raspado:Este método es el usado más frecuentemente en las primeras 13 semanas del embarazo. Un azadón muy pequeño como instrumento, la cureta (o cuchilla cortante), es insertada dentro del vientre de la madre a través de la cerviz dilatada, su entrada natural. El aborcionista raspa entonces la pared del útero, cortando el cuerpo del bebe en pedacitos extrayéndolo hacia el exterior en partes mientras la criatura está viva…(Hay más detalles que creemos no poder presentar acá , por favor le animamos a que haga una búsqueda por su cuenta en el internet, este método es el más común).
Envenenamiento con cloruro de sodio, o aborto de Hiper-Sodio Una larga aguja es insertada a través del abdomen de la madre y una fuerte solución de cloruro de sodio (o sal) es inyectada directamente dentro del líquido amniótico el cual rodea al niño.El cloruro de sodio es tragado y “respirado” y envenena lentamente al bebe, quemando también su piel.  La madre entra en dolores de parto y tarde cerca de un día y expele un bebe muerto. Algunos bebes han sobrevivido al salir de la “salinidad” y han nacido vivos.
Método a travez de Cesária: Este método es exactamente igual que una operación  de cesárea hasta que se corta el cordón umbilical, salvo que en vez de cuidar al niño extraído, se le deja morir ya afuera del vientre de su madre. La cesárea no tiene el objeto de salvar al bebé sino de matarlo.  Existen más métodos pero estos tres bastan para darnos una idea clara de que es lo que realmente rodea la palabra “aborto”. De verdad la próxima vez que la escuche, deténgase y pienso en esto y no deje escapar la palabra muy fácilmente o pasarla por alto con ligereza.
Si tuviéramos la oportunidad de preguntarle a Dios, que opina sobre el tema, si realmente el feto es simplemente “algo” que no tiene voz ni voto. ¿Cuál cree usted que sería su respuesta?. Permítame sugerir que El respondería algo como que es El quien hace el Espíritu humano  (Zacarías 12:1). Salomón el predicador sostiene con firmeza que el “feto”, es obra de Dios cuando esta aún en el vientre, mientras crecen sus huesos (Ecle 11:5), Job respalda esta misma idea cuando dice: “Me vestiste de piel y carne, y me tejiste con huesos y nervios” (Job 10:11). ¡Oh! pero el asunto no acaba ahí, Jeremías por inspiración del Espíritu Santo contradice lo que nuestra sociedad ha dicho, mostrando que él ya era un ser vivo aún antes de nacer y va más allá explicando que ya era un ser humano incluso aún antes que comenzara el proceso de formación (Jer 1:4). Isaías levanta su voz a favor de esto y no deja caer a tierra ninguna de estas palabras recordando que desde el vientre, Dios lo había buscado para ser profeta y desde que estaba, note… “en las entrañas de su madre”(Isa 49:1).  Por todos los hechos concretos anteriormente citados Dios opina que: “…no matarás al inocente y justo; porque yo no justificaré al impío” (Éxodo 23:7). Es más “Una de las seis cosas que aborrece Jehová, las manos derramadoras de sangre inocente” (Proverbios 6:17).El asunto del aborto es un asunto serio para Dios.
Nosotros debemos regresar a la Biblia como nuestro estándar de conducta antes que sea demasiado tarde.En nuestro país (y estoy seguro que muchos otros también) existe una inconsistencia e incongruencia terrible y trágica. Simplemente el apoderarse de un huevo de tortuga Lara Es CARCEL…pero matar aun ser humano inocente …bueno eso es derecho absoluto de la Madre, afirman. Razonando correctamente y usando la lógica, la madre tiene derechos, sí es cierto, pero de decidir sobre su propio cuerpo, el ser que lleva dentro de sí, no es suyo sino que es alguien más, una persona diferente. ¡O h por supuesto todos los bebés quisieran vivir! quisieran conocer el mundo en lo exterior de sus madres.
Algunos han sugerido que algunos niños no deben nacer y por esta razón hay que practicar el aborto, quizás una mal formación pretenda hacer pensar a los Padres que es mejor que no venga al mundo a sufrir. Quién escribe da fe que no existe pensamiento más equivocado que ese. Este autor es testimonio vivo que los diagnósticos médicos muchas veces fallan. He conocido personas que fueron diagnosticados con ciertos problemas agudos, mientras estaban en el vientre y que hoy por hoy, son más sanos que usted y yo juntos. Más bien en mi noción, parece ser que algunos padres encuentran una salida muy rápida y fácil de la carretera de la responsabilidad. Suena como que muchos  de estos padres no planificaron a aquella criatura y por tal razón es mejor que no nazca. Amigos hermanos, dejemos que Dios sea Dios. La Biblia enseña que El es soberano y que El está en control de todo (Job 42:1-7; Daniel 4:17). Usted y yo no podemos decidir que ésta persona no va a ser normal y aunque fuera anormal no va ha ser útil, eso es trabajo de Dios. Sin lugar a dudas el aborto demuestra ese espíritu de arrogancia de querer dejar a Dios fuera de la ecuación y la necesidad de tomar “mis propias decisiones”. Existe una docena de pasajes en la Biblia que condenan la arrogancia y una decena de ejemplos reales revelando con la mayor claridad posible que nunca la arrogancia termina en algo bueno. 
El aborto se sigue llevando a cabo cada día, cada minuto, cada segundo, pero los cristianos debemos levantar la voz en contra de aquellas prácticas que se oponen a la moral y al estándar de Dios. Ojalá ninguna cristiana se vea envuelta en un pecado como este y menos por falta de información. Recientemente vi una foto que compartió una persona que es homosexual y decía lo siguiente “Cuando aún no ha nacido la Iglesia pelea por los derechos del no nacido, pero cuando nace y es homosexual, le quitan sus derechos, ¡Iglesia hipócrita¡” . Hay demasiadas cosas que querría decir sobre esto, me sorprende el alto grado de ignorancia de este pensamiento, ya que radica en el hecho que la Iglesia pelea por los derechos de los bebes en el vientre… NO, es Dios mismo quién está en contra, no la Iglesia. Es ese mismo Dios, que le da el libre albedrío al hombre para ser homosexual si el quiere, entendiendo que al final, va a ser juzgado de acuerdo a sus obras (2Co 5:10),la iglesia no le quita el derecho a nadie. La Iglesia sí debe, y deberá mantenerse firme en la palabra de Dios, sostener con valor que en la moralidad la Biblia es el estándar supremo y que ambos, el aborto como la homosexualidad son una brutal violación a este estandar, y una mutilición a la ley del Padre Eterno¡Hipocrita usted autor anónimo! En insinuar de que Dios hace nacer a las personas con desviaciones sexuales, mi Dios, el Dios de la Biblia no es autor del Pecado, mi Dios el Dios de la Biblia es perfecto y no hace nada erróneo NUNCA. 
Para concluir, en contraste a este acto de asesinato de seres humanos, Cristo no vino a quitar vidas de las personas hace unos dos mil años atrás, cuando caminó por esta tierra, ¡No! El vino con el propósito de darnos vida( Efe 2:1) y que la tuviéramos en abundancia (Juan 10:10) Sólo espero, que usted haya encontrado esa vida y que la esté viviendo en abundancia y plenitud.
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Words Wise Men Should Not Use

Words Wise Men Should Not Use

Solomon is often called the wisest man in the Bible. As a youth, he asked God to give him wisdom, and our amazing God answered his prayer abundantly. “All the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart” (1 Kings 10:24). If we want to share in this wisdom from heaven, we must spend time meditating on the words of this wise king. Look at these four times Divine wisdom says we should not talk.

There are things wisdom does not say.

There are things wisdom does not say.

Do not talk about helping someone tomorrow when you can help today. Solomon said, “Do not say to your neighbor, ‘Go, and come back, and tomorrow I will give it,’ when you have it with you” (Prov. 3:28). There are times when you may have to wait about helping another, but Solomon says help a person today if you can.

The context of these words have to do with benevolence, but the principle applies to many situation in our lives. If others ask us for spiritual help, we need to help them today! They may not come back to ask again when we do not eagerly show our willingness to help immediately.

Do not say that you will “settle the score” with a person who has wronged you. “Do not say, ‘I will recompense evil’; wait for the Lord, and He will save you” (Prov. 20:22). One truth taught repeatedly in the Bible is that no one will ever get away with doing evil. Paul says it this way, “God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Gal. 6:7). How can you turn the other cheek? How can you give food and drink to an enemy? It’s very simple. Vengeance belongs to the Lord, and He will always repay (Rom. 12:19).  There is no need for us to preempt God.

Do not say that you will treat others the way they are treating you. Listen to Solomon again. “Do not say, ‘I will do to him just as he has done to me, I will render to the man according to his work’” (Prov. 24:29). These words are diametrically opposed to the “Golden Rule” given by Jesus. Treating others like they treat you is a message from Satan. We live by a much higher rule, putting ourselves in their place.

Do not say that the past is better than the present. Solomon said, “Do not say, ‘Why were the former days better than these?’ For you do not inquire wisely concerning this” (Ecc. 7:10). It is not wrong to remember the past, but it is foolish to live in the past. Things are always changing, and while some things in the past seem better, we must live in the present world.

Do you want to be wise like Solomon? Then take time to read what he wrote. Make his words the words which rule your life. Sometimes we talk too much!

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Log Cabin Lesson

Log Cabin Lesson

In Wyoming, a number of homes were log cabins.  Naturally, my mind set itself to having one.  Folks gave me varying accounts of the good and bad of cabin living.  When we moved to Ohio, we purchased a property with a log cabin on it already.  God had blessed my family not only with a dream realized, but a lesson to learn in the process.

There are lessons to learn everywhere...

There are lessons to learn everywhere…

My cabin had an insect issue.  I sprayed for bugs to the best of my knowledge and then called in some folks who claimed to be exterminators.  They came to the property with clip boards and a sign on their truck to substantiate their claim of being exterminators.  When the finished their inspection, they told me I had carpenter ants.  They also told me to put traps up everywhere because they were certain I had mice, though they found no sign.  They then informed me they would return in a week to rid the cabin of the ants.

Right away I put out traps for mice in my cabin (12 of them).  In a week’s time, I did not catch a single mouse.  I also contacted a second exterminator.  They too arrived with clip boards, uniforms, and a vehicle with a sign.  This group of exterminators was far more thorough.  They demonstrated where the other exterminators were mistaken with their claims.  I did not have carpenter ants… I had boring beetles.  Not only were their claims accurate, but they matched the evidence presented in the cabin (no mention of mice either).

There is a Biblical lesson to be learned in my beetled cabin.  Despite a supposed expert’s claim of truth, his appearance, or his credentials, truth should always be verified.  There are many false teachers out there who make statements that will not stand the test of the trial of scripture which is truth.

 John 17:17Sanctify them in the truth: thy word is truth.

 The Bereans strove to examine the veracity of Paul’s teachings:

Acts 17:11Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so.

John warns Christians to “try the spirits” (False teachers) to see if they are proclaiming truth or not.

I John 4:1 – Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

For certain, as my cabin would have suffered destruction by being treated improperly, man will suffer destruction for dealing with his spiritual pests improperly.

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