Christians are Different

Purchased People Are Peculiar—Are You?

I remember when I was a child hearing Christians misuse the King James rendering of Peter’s words in 1 Peter 2:9. “You are a peculiar people.” Whenever there was a social misfit or a person “whose eyeballs don’t line up with the holes in his head,” someone would say, “Well the Bible says we are to be peculiar, and he is the “peculiarest” person I have ever known. They failed to understand that in 1611, when the translation was made, the word “peculiar” was used to describe those who have been purchased. However, Christians actually are different.

Coins do not purchase Christians, the blood of Christ does.

Coins do not purchase Christians, the blood of Christ does.

Christians are different in how they treat other Christians. Early in the second century, a Roman official described Christians and ended his description by saying, “But oh how they love each other.” We do. Each week when services end, I marvel at just how many stand for such a long time to visit with their brethren. The building is filled with love. So many times this has been expressed to me about the love you have for fellow Christians.

Christians are different in how they care for each other. We send cards to each other. We pray for each other, and this is seen so often in posts on Facebook when so many say to a hurting Christian, “I am praying for you.” We encourage each other. We exhort each other. We lift up when there is adversity in our lives. We care for others because He cares.

Christians are different in the moral values which rule our lives. I recall a Christian whose boss told him to lie as to whether he was in the office. The Christian refused and said, “I will not tell a lie. You need to know that if I will lie for you, I will lie to you.” Our world is filled with liars, but Christians are different. We cannot seem to forget those closing words of Revelation 21:8. Our values are so different!

Christians are different in our views about marriage. We enter marriage with a view of the lifetime commitment to our mates. Even in the struggles which come in marriage, we rarely even think about the “D word”—it is not in our vocabulary. We have not bought into the world’s view of same-sex “marriage” because He who created marriage retains the right to define it!

Christians are different in how we are entertained. We do not spend time like others who “rejoice in iniquity” (1 Cor. 13:6) nor do we find pleasure in seeing the world’s ungodliness (Rom. 1:32). The choices we make about recreation are not the same choices our friends make.

Let’s face it—Christians are different. Because of this it might pay you to see if your salt and light are salt without savor or lights hidden from the world. If your friends do not see you as “peculiar,” you might should make some changes.

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Particular mente quiero en primera instancia, enfatizar mi titulo arriba expresado. Independientemente si nuestro ser amado era cristiano o no, si fue bueno o fue ingrato y nosotros le queríamos mucho, el dolor y el vacío que experimentamos es tremendamente fuerte. Recientemente observaba de lejos el momento exacto cuando mi abuelito era sepultado. La familia, aquellos que nunca se acordaron de él, como quienes estábamos siempre pendiente sufrieron amargamente la pérdida. De hecho he podido observar en otros funerales, al menos a los que he podido asistir que en la expresión del tremendo dolor del momento, muchas veces Dios es blasfemado con expresiones tales como: ¿Porque me hiciste esto a mí? o, ¡Mejor me hubieras llevado a mí y no él!. Cualquiera que sea el caso le invito a que juntos tratemos en este espacio ¿Que hacer cuando se pierde a un ser querido?  y más aún permita utilizar la Biblia, la palabra de Dios viva para que nos guíe( Sea usted cristiano o no) en varios apuntes que podemos hacer en nuestra mente y corazón, y que incluso estamos más que seguros le ayudarán a lidiar con este momento de angustia y de dolor. 
Existen diferentes niveles de sufrimiento y nunca es igual en todas las personas. 2 Corintios 1:3-6 es un pasaje clave. Primeramente el pasaje dice que Dios es un Dios de consolación. El uso de drogas para evitar el sufrimiento tales como pastillas para los nervios, calmantes o sedantes tienen el mismo trabajo que el licor, Drogas inhaladas  y demás simplemente buscan como sacar al individuo de la realidad. Amigos no podemos “Sacarle la vuelta” a la realidad, el v3 dice que Dios es Dios de TODA consolación, si somos cristianos nuestro refugio y nuestra consolación está en Dios. Usualmente suelo decirle a los hermanos que están pasando por un dolor desgarrador, haga horas extras en la oración. Santiago nos muestra un camino excelente para nuestra aflicción, a saber la oración  (Sant 5:13). Es ahí donde podemos “desnudar” nuestro corazón a nuestro creador y contarle todo sin sentir vergüenza al llorar ni temer que un día El se lo va a contar a alguien más. También Romanos 15:4 utiliza la frase “para que tengamos consolación en las escrituras”. ¡Vaya que sí! La Biblia es un libro tan poderoso que puede consolarnos de una manera que nadie en este planeta puede hacerlo. El libro de los Salmos hay varios preciosos manantiales de agua fresca en medio de nuestros desiertos de angustias. Pasajes tales como: Salmos 120, 130, 69,30, 142, 77, 62, 63, 91 entre otros más. No hay nada malo en sufrir, al contrario permita que su corazón se desahogue, No esconda su dolor. Alguien dijo en manera poética que llorar es una limpieza profunda del alma de adentro hacia afuera, y cuan cierto es esto, de hecho todos necesitamos llorar en algún momento. Cristo mismo expresó su dolor Juan 11:35 pero…
Esto nos trae nuevamente a la pregunta que ha redundado por siglos y que satanás ha utilizado como su mejor “bazuca” en boca de los ateos; ¿Porque Dios,  que es tan bueno permite el sufrimiento?. La respuesta más fácil y simple es; porque El quiere que regresemos a El. El sufrimiento es uno de esos pocos sentimientos en los que el ser humana necesita con afán a un ser superior con quien interactuar. En relación con nuestro tema cuando se pierde a un ser amado deberíamos inmediatamente tornar nuestras mentes a un par de cosas: 1) La muerte está en nuestra ventana.  La Biblia identifica a la muerte como nuestro enemigo, que será un día destruido (1Cor 15:26). Es nuestro enemigo porque nos hace daño (adversario, en oposición, contrario), nos afecta y de verdad que está a nuestra ventana forcejeando  por entrar y créame un día logrará hacerlo. El autor a los Hebreos explica que hay un día establecido para todos nosotros en que nos veremos cara a cara con la muerte(Hebreos 9:27). Cuando un ser querido muera piense en eso, un día será usted quien esté en ese ataúd y usted sabrá lo que sintió aquel ser amado al pasar por las puertas de la muerte. 2) Dios sigue estando al mando. Creo que una de las cosas que nos asusta y que a la vez nos duele al ver un cuerpo muerto, es que nadie (Ningún humano) puede hacer algo para remediar la situación, es un acto que se sale de nuestras manos y si pudiéramos pagar lo que sea y lo que fuera para traer a la vida a aquel hombre o mujer, lo haríamos pero sabemos que no es posible. Lo que sigue es Regresar nuestras mentes al hecho de que es Dios quién está al mando, es Dios quien ahora tiene control completo y absoluto del espíritu de aquella persona por encima de nuestro dolor o de nuestras lágrimas. El está al mando (Ecle 12:7), nos guste o no. 3) Cual es mi condición actual. Al estar en el cementerio deberíamos ver a nuestro al rededor y observar los rostros de las personas mientras nos ponemos en el lugar del fallecido y pensamos: Si fuera yo el que está ahí, siendo enterrado ¿ Tuve enemigos por culpa de mi mal carácter?¿ Cuantos de los que están ahí al rededor del féretro pueden decir con una sonrisa, a mí él me ayudó en esto y esto? ¿ A mí el me predicó con su vida?  Cuantos más, en vez de llorar puedan reunirse alrededor de mi cuerpo muerto, un grupito llamados así mismo la Iglesia de Cristo y que ellos comiencen a cantar alabanzas al Señor en ojos de tantos incrédulos que no entienden porque esta gente se alegra en medio del dolor, para celebrar no mi muerte sino el inicio de mi vida eterna de descanso, al estar ellos seguros que fui un cristiano fiel hasta lo último de mis días, y que puedan ellos sonreír y gozarse de mi victoria, en vez de llorar desconsoladamente porque NO fui obediente a Dios y mi destino está sellado. Deberíamos, al perder un familiar un ser amado pensar en nuestro propio estado espiritual y como están nuestros negocios y cuentas con Dios y apresurarnos a pagar todo lo que debemos antes que llegue mi día.
Al perder a un ser amado muestre respeto principalmente por estas tres cosas: Dios, el difunto y la familia . ¡Oh no siempre es fácil!, algo se nos tiene que escapar de nuestra boca pero la palabra “respeto” debería de rodear nuestras mentes a cada momento mientras duren los actos funebres. A Dios: Dios no tiene la culpa del deceso de tal persona simplemente es algo natural del Ser humano que tiene que pasar. ¿Porque te lo llevaste?¿ Porque Dios, me haces esto a mi? Son frases definitivamente incoherentes que más bien blasfeman contra Dios. Quiero que quede muy claro lo que Santiago establece, Dios NO ES EL AUTOR del sufrimiento, el dolor y todo esto no proviene de Dios. Ahora bien que Dios permita que suceda, como lo hizo con Job es  algo completamente diferente pero NO que El Sea El autor, ya que “toda dádiva y todo don perfecto proviene del Padre de las luces…” (Santiago 1:17).Al fallecido: Mejor no hablar de él ni en bien ni mucho menos en mal. En bien solo causa más dolor a los familiares  al tener lindos recuerdos de su ser amado, en mal probablemente lo echen de ahí. Deberá de existir un profundo respeto hacia el cuerpo fallecido, sabe he escuchado montones de personas que se acercan a un féretro y comienzan a decir  en voz alta cosas tales como: “ Mira como quedó su rostro ó, observa la ropa que le pusieron, que flaco que estaba seguro lo tenían mal cuidado, que hinchado que se ve su rostro..” ok, primero está muerto. No creo que nadie espera ver a un muerto bonito, así que mantener todos estos comentarios en la mente y no en los labios será lo mejor. La familia:  Hay gente que en vez de ayudar destruyen, algunos llevan licor otros causan problemas y otros más simplemente dicen cosas inadecuadas sobre el fallecido que solamente hunden más en el dolor a la familia. Apoyar en estos casos y brindar consuelo (que como cristianos debemos de hacerlo 2Cor 1:4),en muchas ocaciones se reduce simplemente a estar ahí en silencio al lado de los dolientes, eso habla más que mil palabras. 
Los primeros días después del ultimo adiós, cuando las aguas vuelven a su cause son quizás los momentos más duros, el cuarto vacío  del ser amado, sea que usted viviera con él o ella, o sea que pasaba de visita, ese cuarto vacío dirige el corazón a una sola afirmación “Ya Nunca más volverá”. En el A.T se registran varios pasajes a favor de lo que se conocía como luto. Entre esos tantos pasajes uno muy interesante relacionado es este: “También se quitará el vestido de su cautiverio, permanecerá en tu casa y llorará por su padre y por su madre por todo un mes; después de eso podrás llegarte a ella y ser su marido, y ella será tu mujer.” (Deut. 21:13) . Hombres de Dios como David pasaron por esta amarga copa también, y está bien para nosotros sufrir por unos días, aunque el N.T no especifica cuanto tiempo puede ser un tiempo prudencial. El cuarto vacío será una espina que profundizará en el corazón una y otra vez. Sin embargo dentro de los pasajes referentes al luto siempre observamos un limite. Es bueno entender que podemos sufrir, pero no es algo que permitamos suceda para siempre. Aquí entra el dominio y control de su propia mente o lo que la Biblia denomina “Dominio Propio”. Todos vamos a continuar con nuestras vidas y debemos hacerlo, ya que Salomón inspirado por Dios dice que  de los muertos no se tiene ya más memoria (Ecl 9:5). Y es cierto todo en el momento duele y es difícil pero pasará.
Dios bueno todo el tiempo, nos ama, nos estima nos cuida, nos consuela. En la perdida de un ser amado acerquémonos a Dios, “Cercano está Jehová a los quebrantados de corazón; Y salva a los contritos de espíritu” (Salmos 34:18). Cuando se pierde a un ser querido seamos agradecidos con Dios por la vida y por el tiempo que  nos permitió interactuar con él o ella. Cuando perdamos a un ser querido recordemos siempre que la salvación se encuentra en Cristo y que solo hay un camino, una verdad y una vida  como dice Juan 14:6. Existe sólo un plan de salvación y solamente una Iglesia que Cristo estableció  para poder ser salvos(Mateo 16:18) debemos de estar en esa Iglesia verdadera habiendo obedecido el único evangelio a travez del bautismo en agua para perdón de pecados, exactamente como Cristo lo odernó (Marcos 16:16). !Cuando pierda a un ser amado por favor, piense en que usted no se pierda.!
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Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation, and the rich in his humiliation, because like a flower of the grass he will pass away. For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. So also will the rich man fade away in the midst of his pursuits.

In humiliation of heart may we bring ourselves to the throne of God.

In humiliation of heart may we bring ourselves to the throne of God.

James 1:9-11

Poor people generally wish to be rich, and rich people generally are thankful they aren’t poor…and yet God wishes a different mindset for both of them (cf. Prov. 30:7-9).  We tend to think that the rich have it easy, when in reality there are hardships for both them and the poor, including spiritual hardships.  God warned Israel not to forget him when they became rich (Deut. 8:10-17), but they did it anyway (cf. Judges, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Hosea).  On the other hand, Job’s wife tempted him to curse God when they lost their wealth and fell into poverty (Job 2:9).  Thus, it’s not easy to be poor OR rich.

On the other hand, consider this.  The poor have reason to rejoice because God exalts them (James 1:9).  How?  He chose the poor to be rich in faith (James 2:5; cf. Is. 66:1-2).  In my observation, I have found that the gospel message was more readily and eagerly accepted by the poor people in Ukraine to whom I preached than the rich Americans back home (cf. Matt. 19:23-24).  However, the rich also have reason to rejoice in that they have been humbled (James 1:10).  How?  Riches mean nothing in the kingdom of God (Gal. 3:28; Ps. 49:6-20).  In the long run, they are temporary (James 1:11; cf. Prov. 23:1-5; 1 Tim. 6:17) and you cannot take them with you after this life is over (Luke 12:13-21).  The rich in Christ can rejoice knowing that they found out about these facts of riches before it was too late for them.

May we all have Paul’s attitude (Phil. 4:11-13)…

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In the Image of Man

In the Image of Man

And Man Said,

‘Let Us Make God In Our Image, According To Our Likeness’ – (Genocide 1:26)

Yes I know… the above title may look somewhat like a meaningless misprint at first glance, but sadly, I can assure you that it’s not. Ever since the dawn of time, it seems as if earthly man, dissatisfied with the dictates and desires of the one, eternal, almighty God and Creator of the entire universe, has sought to dethrone, diminish, and “dumb-down” the God of heaven, by characterizing, compromising, and/or cramming Him into some more easily understood, man-made, more man-pleasing – or at least more familiar to man – earthly creature or caricature.

In the Image of Man, not God.

In the Image of Man, not God.

From the very earliest example of worship which God required, we see that man was not satisfied to simply submit, obey, and give God what He desired, but sought to “create God in his own image,” by giving God what man desired instead, while at the same time, apparently thinking that that would be acceptable. Man was, of course totally wrong (Genesis 4:3-5; Hebrews 11:4), repeatedly! And yet, he still remained totally committed and undeterred in his prideful, disobedient, and irreverent pursuit of error.

As time went by, man continually sought to restructure, recreate, and recast God and His divine desires, into some of a more self-satisfying and man-made mold. And so, instead of simply submitting to the straightforward instructions which the God of heaven had so carefully and lovingly laid down for His creation to follow, man continually sought thereafter to offer to God in worship, all sorts of substitutions which man had arbitrarily decided – and outrageously somehow justified in his own deluded mind – would be okay. From the Israelites’ golden calf (Exodus 32), to Nadab and Abihu’s burning desire for their unauthorized addition to worship (Leviticus 10); to King Jeroboam’s ‘more convenient,’ counterfeit worship practices somewhat “like” God had ordained, but which he had still “devised in his own heart” (1 Kings 12:25ff); to the man-made doctrines and commandments of men which Jesus said rendered “vain” the worship of any and all of those who would practice such substitutions (Matthew 15; Mark 7), man has never stopped seeking to diminish, dethrone, and re-create the God of heaven, into man’s own “much-less” mold, in man’s own mind; into something that the God of heaven never has been or ever will be: subject and in submission to human desires, dictates, and deviant derivations (2 Peter 2 and 3)!

But man wasn’t content to stop at simply recreating worship into something more man-designed and desired, but actually also foolishly sought to go so far as to create and then to serve and sacrifice to all of his humanly-devised “gods” themselves – which were nothing more than the perverted manifestations of men, women, beasts, and earthly things, then perhaps combined with some other-worldly and/or fantastic delusions from the mind of men. But all of these things God Himself had strictly forbidden since He led His people out of bondage (Deuteronomy 5, 13; Jeremiah 10; Acts 17 + 18; Romans 1; and etc.).

I was recently reminded of this as my wife and I returned home one evening and found our daughter doing her homework on the living room floor, with one of the latest, computer-generated “superhero” movies going on T.V. As I later considered the characters, it occurred to me just how similar these so-called “superheroes” all were, to the ancient idea of the many false gods man has made in his own image over the millennia! Just as those false gods were nothing more than merely the human, animal, imagination combinations of men’s minds, only supposedly possessing the grossly amplified, over exaggerated or magnified muscles, powers, or uniquely-modified attributes of the creatures they resembled, so too, are all of these so-called but imaginary “superheroes” of today. Fantasy manifestations of men and women combined with the exaggerated attributes of everything from ants, to spiders, to bats, to panthers, to wolverines and everything in between; as well as from the most basic of hulking muscle-bound monsters to the most technologically-advanced and flexibly iron enhanced and clad warriors and more, all clashing in world-cringing combat – very much as the false and imaginary “gods” of old were believed to do.

I am just incredibly grateful to know (1 John 5:11-13), that unlike either the false, man-made gods of old, or the imaginary man-made “superheroes” of today’s movies, my hero – Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God Himself – is very alive and real, and not some imaginary, techno-imagery which was created and lives on only in the minds and on the screens of mere mortal and misguided men. Neither does my Hero have to “suit up” to be powerful, but actually had to strip Himself of some of His power and put on human flesh just like me, in order to come and save me (John 1:14; Philippians 2:5-8). And my Hero is more powerful than all of man’s imaginary so-called “superheroes” put together could ever be, even if they did live – which they don’t – because His power extends beyond the grave. And one day He’s coming back to take me home to live with Him forever. Now, how’s that for power?

(Author’s note: On Sunday, November 13th, we here at the Lord’s church in Cleveland, Oklahoma, will be starting a several-part sermon mini-series on this very subject, Lord willing, with vital insights and applications into its ramifications for today and on into eternity. These sermons should all soon thereafter be available for your listening/learning pleasure, at:, under the “Resources” tab, in the “Sermon Audio” section. God bless + good studying!)

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Ungodly to Christians

Ungodly Men will Never Understand Godly Men

Christians in that first-century world faced such great challenges. The pagan world had such a profound impact on mankind that even their religions were given over to sensuality. When men became Christians there was an immediate change which the former friends could not understand.

When men became Christians there was an immediate change which the former friends could not understand.

When men became Christians there was an immediate change which the former friends could not understand.

Peter described this when he said, “For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles—when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries. In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you” (1 Pet. 4:3-4).

A document from early in the second century describes the church. It is rather lengthy but you will be blessed by reading it.

“They dwell in their own countries, but simply as sojourners. As citizens, they share in all things with others and yet endure all things as if foreigners. Every foreign land is to them as their native country, and every land of their birth as a land of strangers. They marry, as do all others; they beget children; but they do not destroy their offspring. They have a common table, but not a common bed. They are in the flesh, but they do not live after the flesh. They pass their days on earth, but they are citizens of heaven. They obey the prescribed laws, and at the same time surpass the laws by their lives. They love all men and are persecuted by all. They are unknown and condemned; they are put to death and restored to life.

They are poor yet make many rich; they are in lack of all things and yet abound in all; they are dishonored and yet in their very dishonor are glorified. They are evil spoken of and yet are justified; they are reviled and bless; they are insulted and repay the insult with honor; they do good yet are punished as evildoers. When punished, they rejoice as if quickened into life; they are assailed by the Jews as foreigners and are persecuted by the Greeks; yet those who hate them are unable to assign any reason for their hatred. To sum it all up in one word—what the soul is to the body, that are Christians in the world” (The Epistle to Diognetus).

Brother and sister in Christ, remember that the world has never understood our lifestyle or worldview. While we live in the same world, our values make us stand in marked contrast to the rest of the world. Reread these words and see just how different we are from others. It is just as Peter said—they will think we are strange because we are not like them.

We would be wise if we take time to make sure that while we are in the world, we are not of the world. We are in the world, but the world is not in us.

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