Another Excuse to Get Drunk and High

Another Excuse to Get Drunk and High

Fair warning – the following article is a bit blunt. But the season calls for bluntness.

Not the season of peace, good-will and giving. We are instead referring to the season of revelry which descends upon some during the end of the year holidays.

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

This is not a new thing. Men have, since just after the creation we would guess, sought out any excuse for drunkenness and lechery. Holidays seem particularly prone to the behavior.

This is one of the reasons why, when our forefathers first landed on this continent, they outlawed Christmas. Literally. The pilgrims had a very bad opinion of the festive season, viewing it not only as an unscriptural addition to the Gospel message, but having also grown disgusted at the wanton carousing and drinking that so often accompanied the celebrations in England and other parts of Europe. Thus, celebrating Christmas was made a criminal offense in several of the colonies. It wasn’t until the beginnings of the 19th century that Christmas celebrations were fully accepted in the young United States.

Though many attempt to project a spiritual air to the Christmas season, it is clear that the practices of 18th century England are not too far removed from the practices of 21st century America when it comes to revelry and the holidays. It is just another excuse to get drunk and high.

But, and this is the blunt part, the Bible teaches us that Christians who want to go to heaven should have no part in such behavior. Drinking and drunkenness is suitable for people who are going to hell and don’t care, but for those who are children of God, it has no place in any celebration or other activity.

There are actually several passages of the Bible which admonish against the use of alcohol (and other drugs) as a beverage, but to keep this simple, one shall suffice. Proverbs 31:4-7 reads as follows: “It is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes intoxicating drink; lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the justice of all the afflicted. Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to those who are bitter of heart. Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.” (NKJV)

Let us first note that kings and princes are told that it is unsuitable and wrong for them to ever drink intoxicating beverages. They have duties: duties to the law and duties to doing the right thing. Mind altering substances are going to interfere with those duties, and perhaps cause them to be done wrongly.

This admonition is of particular relevance to Christians who have been told by God that they are both kings and priests in God’s Kingdom. (Revelation 1:6). This degree of honor is true of all Christians, not just a select few. Peter reminds his readers that they are a royal priesthood and a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9). If you have been saved by Christ, then you are a child of God, an adopted heir of the immortal Lord, a brother to the King of kings, and God expects great things from you. (cf. Romans 8:14-17) If this is your calling, you should walk worthy of the calling. It is not suitable for kings and princes to drink.

On the other hand, the Scriptures are quite clear that drunkenness is suitable for the “perishing.” The original context of the proverb likely refers to criminals about to be executed for their crimes, such as rape or murder. Alcohol was used to dull their pain and make the death more humane. But the application is made broader by the context of scripture, wherein the perishing refers to those who are lost in their sins, separated from His grace and destined for hell. (cf. Romans 6:23; Luke 13:3; Revelation 21:8)

The message is quite clear. If you are lost in your sins – going to hell, and don’t really care enough to change and seek the salvation God offers, go ahead, drink, get drunk, carouse, and try to pretend that everything is fine. But if you are a child of God, a prince in the Kingdom of God, and have been promised a throne and a crown of your own in His eternal home: you have better things to do with your time and your mind.

by Jonathan McAnulty

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Incense, Prayers, and Loneliness

Have You Stolen Heaven’s Incense?

Is there anything more touching than the following story? She sits alone in one of the finest houses to be found. Her husband is dead. He had been so successful and provided for her and her needs after his death. Her phone is by her side, but it rarely rings. Her children never call. She would give anything to hear from them. She sits there waiting, but it never rings. Is there a scene more tragic? Consider the following spiritual parallel to this situation of loneliness.

Are you feeling lonely? Have you isolated yourself from God? Pray. Pray. Pray.

Are you feeling lonely? Have you isolated yourself from God? Pray. Pray. Pray.

The God of heaven and earth sits in heaven waiting to hear from His children. He would give anything to just hear from them. He knows they have needs, even though they may not realize it. He is ready to help, but they do not call. He made an amazing promise to them, “If we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know we have the petitions that we ask of Him” (1 John 5:15). Yet, they do not call. Beloved in Christ, is God’s heart heavy because you do not call?

There is an amazing picture in the figurative language of the book of Revelation. God sits on His throne. When the Lamb of God comes before our awesome God, heaven explodes with worship of the Lamb. There are those twenty-four elders who have harps in their hands, but they also have bowls filled with incense. Immediately, heaven is filled with the aroma of that incense as the elders fall down before the Lamb, and golden bowls filled with incense become part of the heavenly joy and adoration of Jesus (Rev. 5:8-9).

That incense is mentioned again in this book. In chapter six, the saints of God are calling out to God to respond and bring His judgment on those who are persecuting the church. They are told God will respond very soon. In chapter eight, He does. An angel comes to God with incense in a censer. He adds fire from heaven’s altar, and the wrath of God is poured out on the earth. The saints of God have called out for God to act, and He responded.

What does that have to do with the church? Take a look at God’s description of that heavenly incense of the praise of Jesus. Look at what is part of the incense which caused God to come to the rescue of those suffering saints. The bowls in the hands of the elders are full of incense. The Bible tells us exactly what the incense is—it is “….the prayers of the saints” (Rev. 5:8).

What does that have to do with you individually? Imagine those elders about to praise the Lord, and there is no incense because you are not praying! Our lack of praying to heaven robs it of the praise that is around the throne.

God sits in heaven longing for you to call out to Him. He sits there awaiting your incense to fill heaven with its aroma, but there is none! Is there anything more tragic?

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In the Clouds

In the Clouds

And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.’

A cloud took him out of their sight.

A cloud took him out of their sight.

Acts 1:9-11

The apostle John elaborates:  “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him.  Even so.  Amen” (Rev. 1:7).

The apostle Paul had this to say about it:  “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God.  And the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4:16-17).

What an awesome day that will be!!

But only if you are ready for that day to come.

Because if you aren’t ready, the day we all see Christ descending in the clouds will be a terrible day…the most terrible day…for you.  Consider this warning given by Paul:  “…when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.  They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints…” (2 Thess. 1:7-10).

Do you know God?  You do if you obey him (1 John 2:3).  If you say you know him but do not obey him, you’re lying (1 John 2:4).

Have you obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ?  Here’s what Jesus said about it:  “…Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:15-16).  God forgives you of your sins and saves you when you believe with all of your heart in his Son and are penitently immersed (Acts 2:38; 8:12, 35-38; 16:30-34; 22:16).  When that happens, he adds you to his Son’s body, the church of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 12:13; cf. Col. 1:18).  He will continue to forgive you of your sins if you walk in the light by holding fast to his Word and penitently confess your sins (1 Cor. 15:1-2; 1 John 1:7-9; 2 Cor. 7:9-11).  That’s what obeying the gospel is all about.

When Jesus descends in the clouds in the same way he ascended into them all those years ago, will you be ready?

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Teach Your Children To Be Givers

Teach Your Children To Be Givers

It’s no secret that we live in a materialistic society. The mainstream media constantly bombards us with advertisements of products that we “need.” My generation has perfected the art of “keeping up with the Joneses.” In fact, most individuals my age wanted to start their marriages with the same material possessions that it took our parents thirty years to amass. And so, we purchased it all—on credit.

Is your life about giving or taking?

Is your life about giving or taking?

We are a generation of consumers and takers. Sadly, this selfishness is now being passed on to future generations, as children want more and more. Holidays such as Christmas are no longer about family and memories, but rather they revolve around commercialism and “things.”

Here’s what I intend on teaching my children about giving versus taking.

Every Christmas morning since you were born your mother and I have set up a video camera to record the events of the morning. It’s one of the ways we have recorded you growing up through the years, as you went from crawling over presents and playing with empty boxes, to running into the room trying to guess exactly what was in each box. One of our joys as parents has been watching you tear open the wrapping paper and seeing your eyes light up as you see what was contained in each package.

Having been reared in the United States, you are extremely blessed. You have never experienced poverty or not had something you need. In fact, most of the time you get things you want. But your mother and I worry about what we are teaching you regarding giving versus taking. One of my greatest hopes is that during your lifetime you will learn the joy of giving. Undoubtedly, you will grow up around individuals who surround themselves with “things.” But remember, things won’t buy happiness. Remember that those “things” can never fill the void in your life as He can. And never forget ultimately Who owns everything.

There are literally thousands of individuals who have abandoned the Faith in favor of material possessions. These people are selfish takers. They never learned the art of giving. In the book of Acts, Paul reminded the people of the words Jesus Christ who said “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Never forget this admonition from the Son of God. I pray that as you grow older you will constantly be on the lookout for ways to give to others. The feeling you get inside is like none other. Practice random acts of kindness. Never forget—people are much more valuable than things.

When your mom and I were in Russia, we had the opportunity to visit the “flat” (apartment) of one of the local Christians. They lived a beautiful life, but it was obvious they did not own nearly the material possessions we did. They worked hard just to get by. During our visit, we complimented a picture she had hanging on the wall, and she literally went over and took it off the wall and gave it to us. We tried desperately to tell her no, but she insisted. In the years since, I have forgotten her name but we still have the picture. Her act of kindness has remained in my memory for years. She truly was a giver.

As you mature, you will meet people who place an inordinate amount of attention on material possessions. Their identity is shaped not by who they really are, but rather by what they own. Many people spend years climbing the corporate ladder so that they can buy more “things.” These individuals remind us of the Rich Young Ruler who asked Jesus what he needed to do to have eternal life. “Jesus said to him, ‘If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me’” (Matthew 19:21). Rather than him ruling his possessions, his possessions ruled him. The Bible tells us he went away sorrowful because he had many possessions.

Be thankful for what God has blessed you with, but never let your material possessions separate you from Jehovah God. Look for ways to share your possessions. Be a giver, not a taker!

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A travez de la Biblia aparece 13 veces, la referencia a infierno. El Señor Jesús durante su ministerio terrenal habló más del infierno que del cielo, aún así es un tema muy poco discutido y hasta por cierto olvidado por el cristianismo. Ha habido ocaciones cuando he escuchado predicadores haciendo la aplicación y el paralelismo entre el cielo y el… ellos prefieren saltarse esta palabra “INFIERNO”   y la sustituyen por castigo eterno o tormento, y está bien, ya que la mente de muchos no puede procesar la palabra porque es tomada ofensivamente y como un ataque directo a él o a ella. Lo cierto  es que necesitamos educarnos en la Biblia y entender que con la misma intensidad que hablamos del cielo debíamos hablar del infierno también, sin que suene a ataque, al igual que Jesús habló más del infierno que del cielo los pregoneros de la palabra de Dios deberíamos de igual forma enseñar. Recuerde, entender apropiadamente el infierno nos hará apreciar correctamente el cielo.



Las dos palabras más controvertidas sobre el tema sin duda alguna son:
  1. γέεννα géenna; de orig. heb. [1516 y 2011]; valle del (hijo de) Hinón; gehena (o Ge-hinón), valle de Jerusalén, usado (fig.) como nombre del lugar (o estado) de castigo eterno:—infierno. 
  2. ταρταρόω tartaróo; de Τάρταρος Tártaros, (el abismo más profundo del Hades); encarcelar en el tormento eterno:—arrojar al infierno. 
Algunas versiones en Inglés traducen tártaros como infierno (Mateo 16:18 KJV por citar un ejemplo) lo cual es un error, ya que entendemos que el Hadez es la morada de los muertos en general pero hay una división entre el paraíso y el tormento que se describe en Lucas 16. Ese tormento es el tártaros  o la parte del castigo dentro del Hadez mientras que el géena sí está haciendo referencia al lugar eterno de condenación, el cual esta preparado pero desocupado al momento (Mateo 25:41,46).
En fin, quizás usted conozca mejor lo que son los conceptos, los griegos y lo demás pero hay un par de factores que realmente deberíamos de “pelar el ojo” como decimos acá en Costa Rica, más que a los conceptos y las definiciones, cuatro cosas de entre muchas, cuatro que podrían asustar nuestro espíritu. 
  1. LA FIGURA QUE USO JESUS.  Marcos 9:47-49, es uno de esos pasajes donde nuestra atención debe de estar fija. Dios hecho hombre está narrando y dando una descripción de lo que es el infierno en una frase, ¡Vaya que el sí sabía de lo que estaba hablando! Al utilizar la palabra “géena”(infierno) la idea en mente era del valle de los hijos de Hinón. Este lugar era algo muy peculiar, ya que era como el “basurero municipal”. Allí existían podredumbres de todo tipo, restos de animales y sin duda probablemente hasta de seres humanos. He tenido la oportunidad  de presenciar accidentes de transito donde hay la perdida de vidas humanas, y sin ninguna exageración la imagen impacta bastante, tanto que recuerdo en una ocasión  haber perdido el apetito por una semana completa. No puedo ni imaginarme si quiera lo nauseabundo que era este valle. Seguramente no se podía ni respirar al entrar ahí, definitivamente no era el centro turístico más frecuentado por las familias. Pero también había algo diferente en este valle y es el hecho de que siempre había fuego ahí. Seguramente a como lo hacemos en la actualidad necesitaban quemar los desechos para seguir acumulando más desechos ¿ Puede usted percibir el aroma en el  humo a desecho humano quemándose, o incluso el olor a piel o carne de animales mezclándose en el humo?. No fue por causalidad que el Señor usó esta palabra, Cristo quería que tuviéramos al menos alguna idea cercana de lo que el tormento en el infierno es. La permanencia de las llamas son descripciones que se asemejan a las de Apocalipsis cuando en su capitulo 21 menciona a el lago de fuego que arde con azufre. No creo en lo absoluto que en infierno haya fuego literal sino que  más bien la sensación de estarse quemando por la eternidad es algo inimaginable. El gusano de ellos No muere, es decir ahí no existe el deterioro, nos son 80 años de sufrimiento, se murió y ya pasó todo, ni siquiera mil años o diez mil años… amigos esto es eterno, sin fin, para siempre y siempre. 
  2. LA COMPAÑIA.  Mientras estaba en la escuela de predicación siempre jugaba con el hermano Marcus Teske, le decía que si él iba al cielo entonces yo no quería estar ahí. Por supuesto era solamente una broma amo a mi hermano y el cielo va a ser un lugar especial por la compañía de todos los hermanos del mundo, de los ángeles y por sobre todo de Dios mismo. Pero de igual manera la Biblia enseña en Mateo 25:41 que el infierno será horroroso porque toda la maldad que jamás haya existido estará concentrada en ese lugar. El diablo  y todos sus ángeles estará ahí por una eternidad. Algunos han llegado a expresar lo siguiente “Si todas las cosas que hay en mundo son pecado y por ellas voy a acabar en el infierno entonces me voy hacer fiesta al infierno y a pasarla bien con el diablito”. Honestamente no creo ni por un segundo que el “diablito” vaya a querer hacer fiesta en ese lugar donde el mismo estará en tormento eterno, él no tiene dominio sobre ese lugar como quizás lo ilustra equivocadamente la película de Cantinflas, la Biblia enseña que él será arrojado al lago a ese abismo (Mateo 25) indicando así que es Dios que realiza este acto y que Satanás no puede hacer nada al respecto. Tener al diablo mismo en tormentos y a sus ángeles y las personas que han hecho lo malo de toda la historia a la par…simplemente será algo terrorífico. Si pudiera describirlo en palabras sencillas, dijera que 30 segundos de haber entrado allí su espíritu deseará salir huyendo lo más lejos que pueda, pero no podrá hacerlo, nadie ni siquiera el diablo mismo.
  3. LA DESESPERACION.   Me gusta la manera como la Biblia de las Américas traduce Lucas 13:28 “ Allí será el llanto y el crujir de dientes cuando veáis a Abraham, a Isaac, a Jacob y a todos los profetas en el reino de Dios, pero vosotros echados fuera.” Llanto es una expresión más exacta de la idea en griego, quizás más que lloro. En sí expresa el sentimiento y no tanto las lagrimas de un “lloro”  nos acerca más al sentimiento de  la desesperación. Usted ha visto por ejemplo cuando una madre pierde a un hijo y lloran y lloran… pero cuando ya no le salen más las lagrimas, el dolor sigue ahí y tal vez hasta puede usted escuchar los gritos desesperados y desgarradores, o observar las expresiones del rostro, la impotencia y sobre todo el desconsuelo eterno aún cuando ya las lagrimas se han ido. Los residentes del infierno van a sufrir desesperación intensa de acuerdo a las palabras del Señor. Tener conciencia en ese lugar será la cosa más mortificante, ya que cada segundo de este lado podrá ser recordado, cada pecado, cada oportunidad de obedecer a Dios vendrá a la memoria. Saber que era posible estar allá con los santos en gloria, entender completamente el asunto de ser “echados fuera” implica que no existe ya nunca más esperanza y ni buen trato de parte de Dios. En el castigo eterno, en el infierno, al fin las personas van a comprender que Dios no era solo amor, de una vez por todas van a entender que Dios es el ser más amoroso que existe pero también el más severo. Comprenderán que Dios es soberano y el hace lo que El desee ya que por más llanto y más arrepentimiento genuino, una vez en el infierno no existe escape ni Dios mismo podrá hacer algo al respecto, NUNCA, NUNCA, NUNCA (Proverbios 11:7). Por esa razón Dios ha hecho todo, todo lo que ha estado a su alcance para asegurarse que el hombre tenga el chance del NO ir a ese lugar(1Tim 2:4), El diseñó un plan para salvar al hombre, el hombre mismo es quien toma su decisión y Dios ciertamente respeta esa decisión. En el infierno la desesperación será uno de los tormentos más horrendos.
  4. LA AUSENCIA DE DIOS: Cada vez que ocurre una catástrofe de la naturaleza la primer intención del hombre es clamar a Dios. El infierno será el lugar más horrendo y espantoso porque no existe Dios allí. Habacuc escribió mucho tiempo atrás: “Muy limpio eres de ojos para ver el mal…” (Habacuc 1:13)Dios no dará ni siquiera una miradita al infierno para ver como van las cosas. La existencia de Dios será nula ahí. Si la persona tuvo familiares que fueron cristianos, tal vez esposa, hijos, padres, le dolerá mucho saber que no puede estar con ellos ni ver nunca jamás a ellos. Tampoco es como pretendía el rico en Lucas 16 mientras estaba en el Hadez en la parte del tormento pidiendo que Lazaro  lo visitara. No existirá visitas familiares en ese lugar o visitas de amigos.
Amigos cualquiera que sea la situación y las circunstancias, el infierno es el último lugar donde uno quiera parar. Recientemente este autor sufrió la perdida de un ser querido. Cristo dijo el que creyere y fuere bautizado será salvo, el que no será condenado (Marcos 16:16), Aunque amo y amé a mi familiar no puedo cambiar las escrituras  a mi conveniencia. Lamentablemente él no obedeció el evangelio por lo tanto no es salvo y se encuentra reservado en este momento para el lugar de tormento eterno… me duele, si claro por supuesto pero amigo que puede leer este articulo, para ti hay esperanza ahora mismo, hay 5 pasos para ser salvos y ser añadidos a la Iglesia de Cristo, la cual el compró con precio de sangre (Hechos 20:28). ¿Le asusta el infierno? A todos nosotros debería de asustarnos. “Y no temáis a los que matan el cuerpo, pero no pueden matar el alma; más bien temed a aquel que puede hacer perecer tanto el alma como el cuerpo en el infierno” (Mateo 10:28)LBLA.
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