Peace and Holiness

Peace and Holiness

Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

Hebrews 12:14

Jesus said that the peacemakers will be blessed (Matt. 5:9).

Jesus said that the peacemakers will be blessed (Matt. 5:9).

Jesus said that the peacemakers will be blessed (Matt. 5:9).  The Holy Spirit commanded us to be at peace with all if possible, so far as it depends on us (Rom. 12:18).  Jesus implied that being peaceable was an indicator that you are the salt of the earth (Mark 9:50).  The kingdom of God consists of peace along with righteousness and joy (Rom. 14:17).  Christians are commanded to live in peace by aiming for restoration, comforting one another, and agreeing with one another (2 Cor. 13:11).  Division and contentiousness are condemned (1 Cor. 1:10ff; Tit. 3:9-11).

In like manner, holiness (being different, set apart from the world) is essential for salvation.  That sanctification comes only from the truth of God’s Word (John 17:17), which is holy itself and which will be rejected by those who are not peaceful (Matt. 7:6).  Dedicating our entire lives to God is what makes us holy and acceptable to him (Rom. 12:1).  He chose the church before the events of Genesis for one purpose: to be holy (Eph. 1:4), and that was also why he died on the cross (Col. 1:22).

To be at peace.  To be holy, different from the world.  That’s a big part of what true Christianity is all about.

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Spiritual Nutrition

Spiritual Nutrition

If you’ve watched the news any time lately, you’ve probably been aware of the new “epidemic” in our country. This epidemic isn’t caused by a virus; it isn’t caused by a bacteria; it isn’t caused by any “disease” at all. The new epidemic in our country, say the experts, is obesity. We are being told that we have a fat problem and that our society needs to do something about it! Much of our problem, say the experts, stems from poor nutrition: an imbalance in our diet, too much sugar and fat and not enough fiber and healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Another problem, they say, is that we eat too much and as a result of overeating we multiply pound upon pound.

What is your source of nutrition?  Are you healthy?

What is your source of nutrition? Are you healthy?

In contrast to our burgeoning physical waistlines, we are spiritually wasting away. Spiritually, we need to have a balanced diet as well; we need less spiritual sugar and fat; we need more spiritually healthy choices. It isn’t easy to give up a diet of sugar and fat, after all, they taste so good! Similarly, it isn’t easy to divorce ourselves from spiritual sugar and fat (i.e. the “feel good” approach to spirituality). So, how can we improve our spiritual diet?

First, we need a daily serving of prayer. We begin to grow weak spiritually when we think that we are self-sufficient and have no need to depend upon God. A daily serving of prayer is packed with the daily essential vitamins of humility, selflessness, and thankfulness. We need these to fight off the potential bulge of pride, selfishness, and arrogance. Paul wrote, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Second, we need a heaping portion of God’s word. Every day we make decisions in our relationships that affect our family, friends, coworkers and acquaintances. We need nourishment of God’s word to guide us in such decisions. We also face temptation of one sort or another and we need the fortification of God’s word to help us to overcome. Jesus quoted scripture to Satan when he was tempted and we know that God’s word will help us overcome temptation (Psalm 119:11).

Third, we need a regular dose of service to others. There are many around us who need help. It’s not enough for us to sit back and relax and wait for them to come to us. We need to be active in going out and seeing how we can help others. Galatians 5:13 says, “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” Exercising service in our life will keep us spiritually fit.

Finally, we need to pour ourselves several cups of a good attitude. Attitude makes all the difference in our daily walk with God. Regardless what we may believe, we have complete control over our attitude regardless how things are going in life and we must conform our attitude toward God’s will. What must we do? Show love toward our fellow man, exercise patience, practice longsuffering and generously give forgiveness to those around us. Jesus said, “In your patience possess ye your souls” (Luke 21:19). We need constantly drink from the water of life to help our attitudes!

So many in today’s spiritual world want to satiate themselves with spiritual soda pop and candy. And while there certainly isn’t anything wrong wtih having soda pop or candy on certain occasions, a regular diet of it will cause sickness and mal-health. Such is also true spiritually; spiritual fast food may taste good at first, but cannot ultimately satisfy. Exercising spiritually healthy choices, however, will maintain a healthy spiritual life and fortify us with the basic essential spiritual nutrients. This will go a long way toward our spiritual health and well being.

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Problemas siempre van a existir, y seguramente seguirán existiendo mientras la Iglesia de Cristo esté compuesta de seres humanos. Aunque hay que analizar bien el contexto comprendiendo incluso que no existía la iglesia, Génesis 4,  la historia de Caín y Abel sigue siendo el primer problema registrado en la Biblia que terminó en tragedia. La Biblia establece que los miembros de la Iglesia somos sin duda alguna la familia de Dios (Efe 2:19). Pero ¿Hay algún estándar para poder solucionar conflictos? ¿ Existe instrucción de parte de Dios del paso a paso? ¿ De verdad todos los problemas que tenemos en la Iglesia pueden solucionados o existen algunos que no?. Las preguntas pueden continuar y son sin duda alguna muy buenas preguntas. Acompáñenos mientras buscamos el consejo de Dios sobre como solucionar problemas entre hermanos.
  1. Permita que primero sea privado. Sabe, suele suceder y mucho. En ocaciones las congregaciones están compuestas de familias numerosas, y por la confianza que existente se pierde la noción de lo que dijo Jesús en Mateo 18:15 tú y él solos. En ocaciones se comete el error de manejar situaciones espirituales como asuntos familiares y ¡oh cuan tremendo y difícil es esto!. Aun dentro de esta misma confianza que existe en la familia se suele destapar el problema de un miembro en una atmósfera familiar y no es así o más bien no debería ser así. Si el miembro es cristiano el paso de la privacidad que establece Jesús, no debe ser irrespetado. Pero también a manera general para solucionar conflictos que no sean doctrinales con los hermanos primero se debe de trabajar a solas. Y quien debe de ir a buscar un acercamiento de acuerdo a la fraseología de Cristo es la parte ofendida y el ofensor debe de tener suficiente capacidad de recepción al dialogo. Hablar con alguien más, fuera de su esposa sobre el asunto cae en el pecado de la murmuración.
  2. No permita que lo humillen. Esta parte es muy importante, cualquier diálogo puede ser atendido, pero bajo los parámetros del respeto. Si una de las dos parte rompe esa linea, entonces la conversación deberá ser pospuesta para otro día. Sabe algunos miembros por alguna extraña razón han pensado que el predicador por ejemplo tiene que aguantarse todo lo que le digan los hermanos, que tiene que permanecer callado mientras cualquiera lo humilla aun en público.  Pablo en 1Corintios 12:24-25 estableció que el honor de un miembro es el honor de todos. El respeto y la comprensión para el miembro regular deber ser exactamente igual para el predicador de la congregación. Si alguien ha pecado quien quiera que sea debe ser conversado en la atmósfera de “ a solas” pero no para humillar sino que por las palabras de amor y de preocupación espiritual por su alma la persona que haya pecado se sienta ella misma humillada por su pecado (Como el caso de David con Natán) pero no humillada por alguien más.  Ningún cristiano, es más ningún ser humano que se aprecia y que sabe que su alma es valiosa para Cristo debería permitir que alguien lo humille. Cada miembro del cuerpo de Cristo necesita sin duda respetar cada alma infundada por el Padre de los espíritus (Heb. 12:9). Recuerdo en una ocasión una hermana me dijo frente a todo un público de hermanos, mirándome firmemente a los ojos y con una vos firme: “Hermano Heiner venga acá, usted tiene un problema serio que resolver con migo”. Mi padre fue un hombre “enchapado a la antigua” le agradesco por todos sus correcciones severas porque me ayudaron de gran manera. Nunca jamás en todos mis años de infancia y de pavor a la voz de corrección de mi padre me había sentido tan amenazado, intimidado y a la vez avergonzado en público como ese día. Con todo algunos insisten a que no hay un movimiento feminista al rededor, pero eso es material para otro tema, sin embargo ese día le respondí atemorizado a esta hermana pero con firme voz: “ Hermana aquí no es ni el lugar ni el momento” y salí de esa asamblea de hermanos, mientras esta hermana ya famosa por este tipo de acciones corrió a su esposo a llorar y mencionar lo abusada que se sentía. Mientras no haya respeto de ambas partes, un dialogo definitivamente no puede ser sostenido. Recuerdo otra ocasión donde este hermano que es predicador estaba defendiendo a su hijo, por algunas fotos indecentes y de mal gusto que estaban expuestas en Facebook, pero el comenzó a defender( a travez de un dialogo privado) esto, alegando que es parte de la juventud y usando palabras muy fuertes y casi tirando a humillantes. Por alguna razón algunos predicadores han pensado que son infalibles juntamente con su familia y que por ser predicador tienen el chance de humillar a un jovencito medio “negrito”, de padres no cristianos y que vive en la selva por poner un ejemplo nada más. Casi con lagrimas escribo estas lineas, Dios nos ayude siempre a todos a respetar a los niños, jóvenes, adultos, ancianos no por su posición o “status cuo“, sino más bien por el alma que poseen. Considere que quien escribe también es un predicador del evangelio, Dios no nos ha dado y no poseemos autoridad en lo absoluto para avergonzar a nadie, ni humillar a nadie. La y toda autoridad recae en la palabra de Dios, la Biblia. 
  3. Permita que sea la Biblia la que intervenga.  Al ser la Biblia esa autoridad absoluta, entonces tiene el derecho de intervenir por ponerlo de alguna manera y mucho más que cualquier persona por más influyente que sea en la Iglesia. El Salmista expresó en Salmos 119:105 lámpara es a mis pies tu palabra y lumbrera a mi camino. Que en el camino de resolución de conflictos la Biblia sea esa luz que va al frente mostrándonos donde pisar. Cuando sucede esto tenga por seguro cualquier problema se solucionará. Y cuando hablamos de Biblia no estamos hablando de una manera genérica, no. Nos referimos a literalmente mostrarle al hermano o  hermana el versículo Bíblico que deje en evidencia su pecado. Sabe estimado lector demasiados problemas han sucedido, acusaciones basadas en NADA, que si pudiéramos preguntar: ¿ En base a que versículo usted me está exhortando? ¿ Cual pasaje he ofendido?, Le garantizo que la persona seguramente se va a enojar con usted y va a criticar a  usted  y va a decir …esto y lo otro pero sin ningún pasaje. Si realmente vamos a exhortar a alguien asegure que sea la Biblia la que intervenga ya que las escrituras y están para eso ( 2Tim 3:16-17, 2Tim 4:2). Ojalá más miembros pudiéramos usar la Biblia como base para exhortar y no nuestros propios juicios y estándares personales que salen sobrando y que al final termina siendo eso, más pecaminoso que cualquier otra cosa, poner estándares donde Dios no los ha puesto, hacer mandamientos donde Dios no ha dado orden. 
  4. Permita ser honesto con sigo mismo. La honestidad, es un claro sinónimo de la integridad y amor al Señor. Aunque la acusación que venga sea falsa, permita examinarse usted mismo y responder en base a su conocimiento Bíblico y su moral; ¿Realmente estoy haciendo bien, realmente estoy equivocado?. Hay personas y hermanos que están causando problemas profundos en la Iglesia por su falta de honestidad. Ellos ya tienen una mente establecida sobre alguna cuestión de opinión y ni siquiera escuchan cual es el otro lado de la moneda. Estamos en acuerdo que los oídos deben ser cerrados cuando alguien quiere atacar la doctrina del Señor, es más hay que huir de todo eso (1Tim 6:20, 1 Tim 4:7 etc). Pero siempre hay que ser honestos para poder crecer. El error más grande es pensar que alguien más tiene que intervenir, uno mismo debería ser su propio maestro, uno mismo debería ser su propio doctor al lado del manual perfecto, pedir perdón si hay que hacerlo, regenerar daño causado si es necesario. Cuando uno es honesto con sigo mismo también es honesto con el Señor y los problemas pueden sin duda alguna resolverse más fácilmente .
También existen aquellos problemas que no pueden ser resueltos. Para estos mejor dejarlos así porque cada vez que usted intenta resolverlos crea más problemas y más grandes. Hay otros que ni siquiera son problema a tratar, es como cuando usted tira el baso de vidrio para probar si es de plástico y se despedaza. Ojalá ustedes y yo no seamos culpables de despedazar vasos de vidrio. Algunos ven el carácter como problema y hasta como pecado. Lo interesante del asunto es que algunos no saben ni de lo que están hablando. Carácter es una palabra general hay diferentes tipos de caracteres; suaves, fuertes, amorosos, compasivos, intolerantes, tolerantes, demasiado tolerantes etc… Dios nos hizo a todos de una manera única y especial, tratar de cambiar el carácter de alguien es un error porque usted está yendo en contra de la obra de Dios. Le sorprenderá si le digo que en sí todos los caracteres están mal… amoroso por ejemplo usted no puede ser amoroso solamente, o tolerante solamente ni tampoco intolerante todo el tiempo y de carácter fuerte todo el tiempo. Creo que más bien lo que debemos de hacer es a controlar el carácter que ya Dios nos ha dado, moldearlo y pulirlo cada día a medida que profundizamos en la palabra de Dios, creo que esta era la idea de Pablo al escribir 2 Corintios 4:16, y no me refiero a los domingos nada más y ayudar a otros a hacer lo mismo y no decirle: “ Necesitas cambiar tu carácter”. Créame, escribe alguien que vivía preocupado por lo que oros hacían, he aprendido muy bien esta lección y desde entonces he encontrado la paz, me incluyo Cuando aprendamos a hacer eso con nosotros mismos y dejemos de intentar cambiar a la gente y los caracteres de ellos, los problemas realmente serán pocos entre la Iglesia del Señor.
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Success and Survival

Success and Survival

Preparation is essential to success and survival. We stock our pantries with food, we purchase insurance, we save money, we publish a will, and we make plans. Yet, no one can possibly prepare for every possible contingency in life. Life is filled with risk. But wise planning can help us minimize the risk. Spiritually speaking, much of what the Bible says is meant to help us with the task of minimizing risk.

Success and survival come from sober living.

Success and survival come from sober living.

Let’s face it, without divine guidance men place themselves at far greater risk than those who follow the Word. Paul tells the church at Thessalonica to minimize physical and spiri-tual risk by abstaining from fornication (1 Thessalonians 4:3), possessing our bodies with sanctification and honor (v. 4), loving one an-other (v. 9), working hard (v. 11), and being honest (v. 12). What a wonderful world we would reside in if every man lived like this!

But many won’t and their existence, while fooled by Satan’s lies, is filled with sorrow and hopelessness. The one thing we can be prepared for, however, is the return of Jesus. While those of the flesh run headlong into the evils of the world, the spiritually minded are to abstain from every kind of evil. Those who live soberly go about their daily lives rejoicing, praying, bearing the fruit of the Spirit, loving the truth, proving all things, and holding fast to the good. Are you living soberly? How is your preparation? Are you ready?

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A Team of the Faithful Upon the Earth?

A Team of the Faithful Upon the Earth?

Yesterday morning, winter storm Decima blanketed the northern half of the United States with a layer of double-digit below zero arctic air, worsened in some locations by severe snow and wind chills that plummeted what it felt like to be out in the elements even further. The morning news featured a live report from the venue of one northern NFL team where a few hardy team tailgaters were already on-site several hours before the game, to support their team and spend that time outside in those sub-zero temperatures before entering the stadium for the big game later on that afternoon – one such contest featuring game-time weather conditions and temperatures which were forecast to eventually warm to a ‘balmy’ positive two degrees by comparison, with wind chills making it feel like approximately eighteen below – and thousands of those same sorts of fans would then additionally sit in the outside stadium for approximately three more hours to witness a game – a game, mind you – that really wouldn’t mean all that much of anything come Monday morning…

Meanwhile, in several states many miles further to the south, in temperatures and conditions which were a lot warmer by comparison – although admittedly still cold for where they were – there were many churches which cancelled their worship services and appointment with almighty God, due to the “cold” weather conditions.

When it's time for the team of the faithful to gather, where will you be?

When it’s time for the team of the faithful to gather, where will you be?

So… have you ever stopped to wonder exactly how almighty God might possibly view such incredible worship of sports teams – such sacrificial worship of, and deep devotion to, the “sports and entertainment ‘gods’” (or idols if you will) – in light of His own people’s level of worship commitment? What does it actually say to God, when sports fans and worshippers will travel in hundreds of miles in some cases; show up several hours before the game; stand around for many hours in sub-zero temperatures in the parking lot long before their big event even begins; and then sit around another three hours or so in those same sub-zero temperatures and at a total overall cost for the day of several hundred or even thousands of dollars?

All of this, while at the same time some of His own blood-bought worshippers would, in much warmer temperatures by comparison, arbitrarily and willfully choose not to drive a mile or two in much lesser cold, to then bolt out of their heated cars and into a warm building to set in padded seats; but would instead, cancel their worship appointment with Almighty God altogether at the slightest hint of such conditions? And then, even on warmer days when they are willing to make such incredible ‘sacrifices’ of time and effort as to be in worship with their Lord and Savior, some might even complain – at least inwardly – about having to listen to a 45 minute lesson, because after all, that’s way “too long;” or, about “having to throw a few bucks” into the offering plate because the preaching, teaching, and outreach efforts of the Lord’s church really “aren’t worth it” (although the athletes that are paid millions of dollars a year to play a game are yet somehow worth what one has to pay to be there?).

Now let me make perfectly clear here that I am NOT talking about those sickly, physically-limited or aged saints whose health issues and infirmities simply prevent them from getting out in such conditions. I am NOT talking here about those who have no choice; those whose heart it breaks because they want to be in worship but their bodies can’t take the conditions for whatever reason; those whose spirit is overwhelmingly willing but their flesh is truly too weak or infirm. I am instead referring to those whose ‘flesh’ is fine, willing and able, but their spirit is weak!

Similarly, this same sort of sad scenario will more than likely play itself out again as early as this coming Sunday and repeatedly thereafter. You see, as I write this, this next upcoming Lord’s Day happens to fall on December 25th. How many parents do you think will choose (some of these probably being the same parents who will later on in life be heard to lament the fact that their own adult children aren’t living a life that puts God and His word first – and blaming the church in the process), of their own free will and nothing else, to keep their families home from their divinely-sanctioned and mandated worship appointment with the Lord God Almighty that day (Luke 22:15-20; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:1-2; Hebrews 10:19-36), supplanting it instead, with the man-made Christ-mass celebration, never once seen mandated or commanded in Scripture; that the Lord’s first-century church is hence never seen as celebrating; and that was the brain-child of the centuries-later born Catholic church? Perhaps still sadder yet, how many churches’ leadership do you think might wind up cancelling evening services altogether on the 25th due to either lack of interest, attendance, or commitment from the very congregation of God’s people they are responsible for instructing and overseeing ?

And maybe the most tragic of related and similar scenarios yet: What do you think it will say to almighty God about His place and priority in His people’s lives, when in a few weeks, some congregations of His own blood-bought people might even consider cancelling their evening worship service appointment with Him, in order to stay home and celebrate, participate in, and be infatuated with, the ‘worship’ of the Super Bowl sports ‘god?’ (Is it any wonder as we look around at the commitment, loyalty, willingness – and even eagerness – to sacrifice, that some of the sports and entertainment world enjoys from its followers, that many churches are now replacing the God-given gospel with more of those types of man-made manifestations in order to attract and hold more members and their much-coveted money and/or allegiance?)

You know, God’s people often lament in our world today, about the fact that God is not taken as seriously as He certainly should and deserves to be by the masses at large. Maybe when it comes to assigning the blame for that, we should start spending more time looking in the mirror and less time staring out the window. Maybe if more of God’s people might finally start finding Him more important and deserving enough of their time, effort, energy and priorities, to show up and set in a cold parking lot for several hours before worship services even begin because they’re so excited to be there and participate…; maybe when more of God’s people start hoping a sermon that is well into its third hour will go into ‘overtime’ because they are so into the experience of just being there…; perhaps when someone suggests that a family might possibly consider putting into the offering plate, what would be the equivalent of the price paid for all of their seats and treats at a professional football game and they readily comply and even happily increase it – because after all, this is for the almighty God who gave His only begotten Son that they might have their sins forgiven and spend eternity with Him seated in heaven…; maybe when they start cancelling professional sports games due to unsavory or unfavorable weather conditions but the Lord’s church in those areas still meets twice on Sunday, and all of those who are physically able to be there actually, eagerly choose to show up – early, both times – because the Lord is just that important and absolute top priority to them…; maybe, just maybe, the masses might then begin to take this God we claim to love and put first in our lives (with our lips at least), just a little bit more seriously.  Such commitment certainly seemed to work in the first century (see for example, Acts 2:41-47, 5:42 – 6:7, 11:19-26, 14:19-23, and etc.)!

But as long as the football and sports and entertainment false gods’ fans and followers seem to exhibit far more devotion and dedication to showing up and worshipping their earthly entities than we do to showing up and truly worshipping our heavenly Father – and especially when we elevate their idols’ importance far above and beyond His in our lives by cancelling our first day of the week worship appointment with Him in order to participate in what their worshippers do – why should we expect the unsaved and uninformed to take God all that seriously, or to do any different?

For all of the vital, tragic, and thought-provoking questions considered in this article, surely the most intense one would be the question asked in Scripture by Jesus relative to our current direction: “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8).”

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