Solar Eclipse: Nothing Short of Amazing

Solar Eclipse: Nothing Short of Amazing

It had to have been one of the most over-hyped, over-sold, and yet totally underwhelming cataclysmic NON-events of my entire lifetime – maybe even eclipsing the dreaded but totally bogus and phantom Y2K world-wide computer shut-down which never happened at the turn of the last century… Recently, on Monday, August 21st, there was (apparently, from what I hear) a total solar eclipse. This particular type of eclipse would be unlike anything we would ever see again in most of our lifetimes, as this type of eclipse only occurs once every one hundred and something or so years, or so we were told by the ‘experts.’

Did you spend time in preparation of the Solar Eclipse?

Did you spend time in preparation of the Solar Eclipse?

And the portion of it that was nothing short of absolutely amazing to me – in case you couldn’t tell by reading the article to this point – was obviously not the eclipse itself, but the unbelievable preparation that so many people were willing to put in prior to it, mostly because it was the latest “here today and gone tomorrow” craze (you know, sort of like fidget spinners?). Intoxicated on hype and dancing hysterically in lemming-like lock-step with the mass-media’s “once in a lifetime,” mass-hysteria, must-see mania, massive amounts of men, women, and children reportedly lined up by the thousands, back out of stores, through parking lots, and around corners for hours, in order to purchase ‘specially-licensed’ paper and plastic glasses with which to view said solar eclipse – glasses which would then, most likely, be summarily discarded by the thousands, to grace garbage cans everywhere only mere moments after the great sun shadow sped by (This, in a culture which claims to always want to ‘go green’ by the way.) Television stations wholly devoted to weather phenomena purposefully planned and dispatched many of their major stars and personalities to different and varying locations along the eclipse’s projected path across America, incurring what I would have thought to have been ‘astronomical’ travelling and accommodations costs – at least, I’m glad that I didn’t have to pay for them.

As for my wife and I, we were traveling when “it” occurred. Actually, we had stopped for fuel and noticed a few people with their paper and plastic glasses on and/or electronic “devices” out, staring up at the sky while seeking to get a momentary glimpse or image of what was occurring in the heavens. Over the course of the past half hour, our environment had admittedly gotten a bit dingy in the south, but a few minutes after we got back on the road everything got back to normal. And I thought, ‘Really? All of that time, and money, and discussion, and preparation that so many people had put in… for nothing more than a few brief moments of basically the same effect as a cloudy day so often and routinely produces? What a terribly sad commentary on our “got to get caught up in it because everyone else is,” “got to have it because everyone else has,” “media made it sound so special so it must be,” “only this moment matters,” drama-driven culture!

Consider for yourself: A very brief and momentary moon shadow darkens our sun and everyone has to go to incredibly great lengths to “see” it – although all will experience its ‘shady side’ whether they want to or not as it passes by. But, when millions of these very same folks who are conversely walking in the deadly darkness of sin have the opportunity to experience walking in the pure and unpolluted light of God’s presence and preservation for all eternity in heaven, they shun and avoid it with every fiber of their being! Where is their preparation then? When was the last time you saw a television or internet news story about hundreds of people lining up outside of the meeting house of a congregation of the Lord’s church – the ‘official,’ ‘licensed’ church of the Lord of glory ‘by the Way’ (Romans 16:16; Acts 20:28) – through the parking lot and back down around several city blocks, for a full four to six hours before bible study even begins, in order to get a good view and a glimpse of glory from the word of God? When was the last time you heard some ‘star’ or member of the media say in effect, “It doesn’t matter to me how much time, or money, or effort, or preparation I have to put in to get to worship and bible class (2 Ptr. 1:2-11)! Seeing the Light pierce my darkness (Jn. 3:19-21) is so much more than just a mere and momentary, once in a lifetime event – it is an essential and ever-necessary component to transforming my momentary earthly life into an eternal in the heavens event (2 Cor. 5:1-11)! I’d be foolish not to go! Want to come with me?”

In Matthew 16:1-3 and Luke 12:54-57, Jesus condemned those whose feeble and fatal focus enabled them to accurately forecast the weather, but who chose not to discern the far more important purpose of His presence and promise of His return. Christ’s return will be nothing short of the most stunning, amazing event this earth’s inhabitants have ever witnessed (1 Thess. 4:16-18; Rev. 1:7). It will come without warning or media hype – but make no mistake, it will come just as Jesus promised (2 Ptr. 3:1-18).

The only question that therefore remains, is ‘what on earth’ was more of a priority for you to spend your precious time and money on prior to that? Events like the momentary darkening of the sun, or, walking in the light (1 Jn. 1:1-7) and preparing daily for the eternal reckoning God promised, so that you can then walk in the unfading light of the Son of glory forever?

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Respeto a Dios y su Nombre

Respeto a Dios y su Nombre 

    Ningún estudio referente a Dios y su nombre puede llevarse acabo sin antes ver desde la misma apreciación del Salmista en 111:1-10. Este Salmo forma parte de lo que los judíos comúnmente entonaban después de haber participado la pascua, el famoso “Halel” iniciando aquí en el 111 y finalizando en el 118. Muy probablemente Jesús y sus discípulos entonaron estas mismas letras en Mat 26:30 cuando el evangelio según Mateo nos informa que; “cantaron un himno”. Con particularidad el v9 de 111 nos ayuda a recordar como debe de ser nuestra apreciación a Dios y a su nombre, él dice: “Santo y temible es su nombre”.



Los nombres importan. Cuando Moises pregunta en cuanto al nombre antes de retornar a Egipto a liberar al pueblo la respuesta divina fue “Yo soy el que soy” (Ex. 3:13-14). En los tiempos de Moises (Cerca de 1445-1405 a.C) unos 44 dioses prevalecían en Egipto. Cada dios tenía un nombre especifico (Anubis, Nut, Set, Osiris, Horus etc..). Dios el Padre deseaba enseñar que EL no necesitaba un nombre personal porque simplemente EL es EL que es. Israel debía de entender que no existía ningún otro Dios más que EL, debía de aprender a respetarlo y tener reverencia para referirse a él.

– EL RESPETO POR EL NOMBRE DE DIOS ES DEMANDADO- Definición: El diccionario de la real academia define la palabra respeto de la siguiente manera: “admiración, veneración, acatamiento que se hace a alguien, miedo, recelo”. Una definición bastante aproximada a la idea Bíblica sin embargo le falta más , mucho más…Desde muy temprano se le recuerda al hombre como debe utilizar el nombre de Dios. A los Israelitas se les recuerda nunca utilizar el nombre de Dios en vano: “No tomarás el nombre de Jehová tu Dios en vano; porque no dará por inocente Jehová al que tomare su nombre en vano.” (Ex.20:7).“No tomarás” Es una demanda para Israel, es una orden explicita de Dios.¿Pero que deseaba Dios que aprendieran? Ellos debían de mantener apartado y para cierto uso exclusivo el nombre de Dios. Observe en  1Pd 1:16 Pedro menciona lo que reiteradamente en el A.T se hace saber “Sed santos porque yo soy Santo” (Lv.11:44, 45; 19:2; 20:7, 26; 21:8). El término hebreo Kadosh para santo es; separado, apartado único, reservado. Si Dios es santo entonces también su nombre es Kadosh único, apartado y separado. Hay cientos de personas que usan el nombre de Dios para expresar sus emociones tales como: enojo, sorpresa, exclamación… y lo terrible es que sucede con miembros de la Iglesia, esta práctica categóricamente es pecado. Hacer de lo santo algo común, le costó a Israel lecciones muy pesadas y muy dolorosas. Deberíamos de recordar siempre que Dios y su nombre están muy por encima de todo y todos.

– EL NOMBRE DE DIOS MERECE EL MAS ALTO RESPETO: Pero si esto fue dado como ley a Israel, ¿que con nosotros?. Es correcto el mandamiento explícito fue para Israel hace muchos años atrás bajo la antigua dispensación, pero el mismo principio aprendido sigue teniendo sentido en el N.T. Observe como Cristo se dirige a Dios. “Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre”(Mt.6:9). La versión en Ingles KJV utiliza una palabra  que no es tan común ya en ese idioma,“hallwode” y esta palabra expresa respeto. Dicho sea de paso esta versión no es tan popular por  el uso de palabras antiguas como esta, pero quienes respetamos el nombre de Dios apreciamos que esta versión sea casi una de las pocas que utilice reverencia y respeto al dirigirse a la persona de Dios. La versión en español Reina Valera 1990 utiliza  en reiteradas ocaciones casi de forma peculiar para referirse a Dios como el “Eterno Padre”. Piense en nosotros. ¿Cuantas veces usted ha usado la frase: ¡Hay Dios mío!?, o tal vez !Ni Dios quiera! o tal vez el equivalente al inglés ¡Oh my God!.

  1. En la calle. ¡Que le vaya bien, Dios lo acompañe! el cuestionamiento que yo hago si es cristiano ¿acaso Dios no acompaña siempre a los cristianos, dudamos de ello? En Mateo 28:20 el Señor dijo que estaría con nosotros todos los días hasta el fin del mundo. De ninguna manera yo puedo dudar de eso. Si no es Cristiano, segunda pregunta ¿Realmente usted cree que Dios esté y va con él o con ella? Hechos 5:32 tiene mucho que decir al respecto: “Dios ha dado de su espíritu (no de una forma directa) a quienes le obedecen” (Enfasis mío HLM). Cuando el muchacho va para la fiesta, la vagancia o el bar la madre le dice lo mismo ¿ Acaso Dios acompaña a el al bar, o a montar toros? Estas preguntas necesitan ser respondidas con claridad y sobre todo con honestidad.
  2. En la Iglesia. ¡Vamos a orarle a Diosito! le decimos a los niños antes de comer, iniciar una clase con ellos o demás, pregunta ¿Usted tiene un diosito? Lucas 1:37 para Dios no hay nada imposible, el es Todopoderoso (Salmos 80:19; 91:1; Ap.1:8). Por lo que más quiera no le enseñe usted a nuestros niños en las congregaciones que Dios es “Diosito”.
  3. En lo social. Me da vergüenza recibir un mensaje de un miembro de la Iglesia de Cristo escribiendo Dios en minúscula. Desde la escuela le enseñan a uno que Dios va siempre en mayúscula. No utilicemos a Dios para cualquier cosa común en las redes sociales, por cierto Dios no tiene Facebook… ¡Querido Dios te escribo, Querido Dios en estos momentos!…  No escuche, no vea programas películas donde incluso se burlan de Dios, oh amigos que utilicen el nombre de Dios en vano. Recuerde que Dios y su nombre merece el más alto respeto.
  4. Aprecio mucho escuchar oraciones dirigiéndose a Dios como “Eterno Padre, Buen Dios, Soberano Señor, Señor del Cielo y de la Tierra, Jehová de los ejércitos, magnifico Dios admirable…” todos y cada uno de estos términos tienen un versículo bíblico, la manera como nos dirigimos al Padre es importante, especialmente si usted está orando en representación de la congregación en los servicios de adoración.  Tenemos una gran variedad de términos respetuosos de como aproximarnos al trono de la gracia.

– ES UN PRIVILEGIO USAR EL NOMBRE MAS SAGRADO Jesús comparte la misma naturaleza de Dios. Es decir si usted presenta respeto hacia al Padre y su persona también debe de haber respeto hacia Cristo Fi.2:10.Cualquiera que haya sido el nombre de Dios en el A.T es una discusión vacía y sin sentido y algunos amigos (T.J) pierden su tiempo, zapatos y almas al propagar que Jehová solo es Dios y que ese es su nombre. Tanto que su traducción (TNM) han cometido un error intencional de tradición garrafal al traducir  “adonai” o “Teos” en el N.T a Jehová, palabra de origen hebreo ¡Absurdo!. Basados en Hechos 4:12 se corta todo intento de argumentación. No hay otro nombre más exaltado bajo el cielo que el de Jesús, (no Jehová, ni Yahweh, ni Elohim pero para la salvación eterna,es Jesús). El nombre Cristiano y Cristiano solamente es el más grande privilegio porque nos identifica y nos une a Cristo  por consiguiente también a Dios. Ninguna denominación lleva su nombre  porque ninguna le pertenece a él. Pedro expresa si alguno sufre como “Cristiano” Glorifique a Dios por ello (1Pd. 4:16, no como católico, o evangélico etc).  El nombre que llevamos es un privilegio, note la armonía de la Biblia; Cristo mismo lo profetizó. Mt 10:22 “Seréis aborrecidos (Odiados LBLA) por todos por causa de mi nombre”. Si ve ¿Cual nombre lleva usted? Nosotros y solo nosotros llevamos ese nombre glorioso.  Y sufrimos el odio de las denominaciones con mucha dignificad y con mucho orgullo por causa del buen nombre…Iglesia de Cristo.

El estilo de vida reflejaran cuanta honra nosotros le demos al nombre de Dios. Llevar el nombre sagrado implica vivir como vivió ese hombre sagrado. Gal 2:20 “Con Cristo estoy juntamente crucificado…” Los pensamientos míos deberán  ser como fueron los de Cristo, las respuestas a problemas, tentaciones y tribulaciones deberán ser igual a las de él, mi entrega a Dios, los hermanos y los injustos deberá  y será la misma entrega de Cristo y mi obediencia al Padre debería ser igual a la de Cristo.( Heb.5:8), mi amor por la Iglesia debe de ser igual o mayor y por su puesto mi respeto hacia el nombre de Dios debe ser igual al respeto que él mostró. “Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre”. (Mateo 6:9).

  1. Diccionario de la Real Academia española (Versión electrónica en 2017).
  2. La Biblia de las Américas (Fundation publications) 1990.
  3. Liddell, Bobby, God the Father (Sain Publicastions, Memphis School of Preaching Lectures) Pulaski, TN; 2003, pg 489.
  4. Versión  en Inglés King James (Broadman and Holman publishers) Nashville, TN; 1996.
  5. Wesley J. Perschbacher, “The New Analytical Greek Lexicon” (Peabody, Massachussets: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 1999). 
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The Power of Death?

The Power of Death?

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. For surely it is not angels that he helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham.

Hebrews 2:14-16

Through Christ the Power of Death is moot.

Through Christ the Power of Death is moot.

When Satan successfully tempted Adam and Eve, he brought death into the world (Gen. 3:1ff; Rom. 5:12).  The concept of death revolves around separation, the separation of the body from the spirit which is the physical first death (James 2:26) and the separation of God from us due to our sins which is the spiritual second death death culminating in eternal hell (Is. 59:2; Rom. 6:23; Rev. 21:8).  Because we all sinned (Rom. 3:23), and our sins demanded a just punishment (Rom. 2:5-6; 3:26) for which the blood of animal sacrifices could not atone (Heb. 10:1-4), Satan had the power of death over us.  In other words, we had no hope of salvation from hell.

Thanks be to God that out of his great love for us he sent his only Son (John 3:16), who left the glory of Heaven to become a mortal, flesh-and-blood Man (John 1:14; Rom. 1:3; 8:3; Gal. 4:4; Phil. 2:7-8; Col. 1:22; 1 Tim. 3:16; 1 John 4:2; 2 John 7) who was tempted in every way that we are tempted, “yet without sin” (Heb. 4:14-16).  By living that sinless life and then offering himself on the cross on our behalf, he became the propitiation for our sins (1 John 2:1-2; 4:10; cf. Rom. 3:25; 2 Cor. 5:18-20; Col. 1:20; ).  God’s righteous demand for a just punishment for our sins was met, giving us the hope of salvation and thus taking away Satan’s power of death over us!

Yes, Satan is still active and we must be wary of him (1 Pet. 5:8-9; 2 Cor. 2:11)…but Christ’s sacrifice on the cross has destroyed him so that we know his guaranteed, ultimate end (Rev. 20:10-12).  Therefore, Christians need no longer fear the death that is separation from God (Rom. 8:37-39; 1 Cor. 3:21-23) because we are Abraham’s spiritual descendants due to belonging to Christ (Gal. 3:29; cf. Rom. 2:28-29; Gal. 6:16; James 1:1-2) and thus are heirs to whom is promised that glorious, eternal inheritance in Heaven (1 Pet. 1:3-5)!

How does one come to belong to Christ and thus receive these awesome blessings?  Through faithful, penitent baptism into Christ and his body, the church of Christ (Gal. 3:26-29; Rom. 6:1-8; 1 Cor. 12:13; cf. Col. 1:18; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38).

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In my mind this word conjures up scenes of family members around a dining room table. On that table sits a roast turkey, giblet gravy, mom’s homemade dressing, sweet potatoes, and grandma’s hot pecan pie. A thanksgiving prayer is said unto our Creator for the bounteous blessings he bestows upon us daily. A blessing is requested for those family members not able to be with us. And in that prayer, thanks is given for each family represented around the table.

Part of God's Family?

Part of God’s Family?

Family values. Every one seems to claim them, yet not many seem to have them. I remember my mother taking my sister and me to the park. She taught us to read and write. She taught us to use our imagination and be creative. She taught us to be kind to our fellow man and have compassion on the weak. My father imparted to us the values of hard work, sacrifice, and discipline. He taught us how to live in the real world. He ingrained in us the important lessons of paying the bills on time and being honest with all men. Integrity, determination, and patience were his daily instruction to us. Above this, my father taught us what it really means to love. The sacrifice, devotion, and steadfastness which he had toward us in everything, showed his love for the family. Most importantly, mom and dad taught us spiritual values: to pray, read the Bible, and give praises unto the Sovereign Ruler of the universe.

Sadly, many families are not as fortunate as the one in which I was reared. The children grow up with no father to give them fatherly lessons. Their mother is off working, having little time to give her children. Or perhaps their father has abandoned them, and their mother collects a welfare check, not having the skills necessary to obtain a job. Some do not even have that much; the children are raised malnourished and hungry. Consequently, they grow up without family values. They join gangs to get a sense of what it is like to be in a family. They sell drugs because they think it is a quick way to a better lifestyle with little work. And some simply murder for money.

Now, let’s be honest with ourselves. Which of these two family scenarios do we want? Do we want our children to be nurtured by a loving father and mother? Or do we want them hungry, not knowing from where their next meal is coming? Do we want them to know compassion and kindness toward their fellow man? Or do we want them involved in crime and murder? Do we want them to pray for the welfare of their kindred ones? Or do we want them devising plots whereby they can revenge those who have wronged them? We know what family values are, but is there a way my children can learn these things? Is there a place I can find these values taught and practiced? There is a place. This place is within the family of God.

In this family, God is our loving Father and we are his children. “Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and such we dare” (1 John 3:1). Since we are God’s children, we are brothers and sisters and we love each other as such. For “we know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren” (1 John 3:14). We became God’s children through the suffering and death of our older brother Jesus the Christ. “For it became him (God), for whom are all things and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the author of their salvation (Jesus) perfect through sufferings. For both he that sanctifieth (Jesus) and they that are sanctified (God’s children) are all of one: for which cause he (Jesus) is not ashamed to call them brethren” (Hebrews 2:10,11). God is our Father; we are his children; Jesus is our brother, and we are all brothers and sisters through love. This is God’s family.

The New Testament tells us how to get along as God’s family and add new members to our family. It tells us how to behave as a household. One of Jesus’ apostles wrote, “…how men ought to behave themselves in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). The family, or house of God, is the church; and God has given His Son, Jesus, “…to be head over all things to the church which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” Thus, God’s church is the church of Christ.

The church of Christ is a family of people who have been called out of the evils of the world. They strive to have a loving family relationship, not a relationship that is built upon mistrust and selfishness. Each father strives to raise his children “…in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4), not to come home intoxicated and take out his frustrations on his family. Each wife/mother strives “…to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home” (Titus 2:4, 5), not to be full of selfish ambition in a career while ignoring the needs of her family to be loved and nourished. The children strive to “…obey their parents in the Lord” (Ephesians 6:1), not to run around with friends who corrupt their minds to steal or sell drugs.

The church of Christ is a family of people who have been called out of darkness into God’s light. “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9). They show forth his praises in worship: by “…singing with grace in their hearts to the Lord” (Colossians 3:16), not by playing pianos; by praying to their Father and asking for guidance and forgiveness; by giving “Upon the first day of the week,” as God has prospered him? (1 Corinthians 16:1,2); by partaking of the emblems of Jesus’ death, unleavened bread representing his body, grape juice representing his blood (1 Corinthians 11:23-28); and by letting God speak to them through the study of the Bible. These are the ways they worship God.

The church of Christ is a family of people who have been called unto the Christ. They have heard the message of Christ. They have believed this message and trusted in Christ. They have repented of their worldly sins which once controlled them against Christ. They have confessed that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God. And, they have been baptized into Christ, into the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, that they should no longer walk in sin, but being made new should live unto Christ (Romans 6:1-11). They are then added to the family of Christ and are accepted by the Father into the church of Christ there to be loved by their brethren in Christ. Family values come from the most valuable family-God’s family, Christ’s family, Christ’s church, the church of Christ.

At the church of Christ, we are a family of believers striving to do what God wants us to do in worship and service to Him. You can be part of God’s family today. Please talk with someone from the church of Christ. They can help your family be part of God’s family.

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Toppling the Icons of Evolution

Toppling the Icons of Evolution

Faithful Christian parents shudder at the thought of their children one day embracing the atheistic tenets of organic evolution. One of the best preventative measures is for parents to be proactive. Many of the icons that evolutionists routinely uphold as proof for their beloved theory have serious problems. Young and old alike should make themselves familiar with these icons as well as the errors associated with them. Listed below are some of the more common icons used as evidence. We encourage you to look through your child’s science book and teach them the truth regarding these evolutionary hoaxes.

Haeckel’s Embryos

These iconic images were 100% faked.

These iconic images were 100% faked.

In 1874, German biologist Ernest Haeckel published a series of drawings that has influenced thousands of biology students. He admitted that the changing point in his life was reading Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species. Haeckel believed that humans evolved, and as such, hypothesized that during our embryological development humans allegedly go through successive stages from the animals we evolved from (e.g., fish to amphibian to reptile to lower mammal). Biology students today recognize this belief as “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.” To support this idea, Haeckel an established artist, drew a series of images depicting embryos from several different species at various stages of development. In his drawings an early stage human embryo looked similar to the fish, salamander, turtle, bird, pig, etc. This series of drawings seemed to be the perfect evidence evolutionists were seeking to prove the descent of all animals from a common ancestor.

The only problem was the images were 100% faked. Haeckel altered the illustrations to portray this alleged similarity. Haeckel was rebuked by the scientific community for his fraudulent drawings, but they have continued to be published for decades. This hoax is persistently used by textbook writers to convey the idea of common ancestry. One of the most popular examples that originated from Haeckel’s embryos is the theory that humans have gill slits as they are growing in the womb. This concept spawned from a set of fabricated drawings. We know today that human embryos never possess gill slits in the womb, and yet, textbooks continue to promote this lie. (Haeckel’s embryos also served well in the 1970s for abortion-rights activists who asserted that the “thing” growing in the womb was not human, because it resembled the reptiles, fish, and amphibians. Today we know humans are different!)

Darwin’s Finches

Another evolutionary hoax can be laid directly at the feet of Charles Darwin. During his voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle, Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands. On these islands he observed thirteen species of finches that possessed differences in bill shape, diet, and the environments in which they lived. Since Darwin’s observations, researchers (e.g., Peter and Rosemary Grant) have documented populations of finches changing due to environmental pressure. For example, a drought might result in the primary population of these birds returning to smaller beaks so they could feed on the available plants. The changes documented in these finches have led many evolutionists to proclaim this as example of  “evolution in action.”

However, the question should be asked: Do differences in beak size result in this species changing into an entirely new species? Microevolution can explain the small changes that are observed among the beaks, but organic evolution does not explain the existence of these birds in the first place. They are still finches – whether a drought existed or not. Also, we know today that these finches can interbreed – which demonstrates they are simply variations of the same species. [Additionally, these changes in beaks actually argue more against evolution. Evolutionists have always argued that evolution is a slow process requiring millions of years. Yet, the changes observed occur in a relatively short amount of time.] A few minor changes in beak size are hardly proof of common descent.

Peppered Moths

Almost everyone who has sat through a biology class can recall seeing a picture of a light-colored moth and a dark-colored moth resting on a tree trunk. Evolutionists proclaimed that prior to the industrial age, 95% of the moths in England were white, and only 5% were dark colored. They reasoned that the dark colored moths would be quickly eaten by birds, because they stood out against the white lichens of the trees. After the industrial age, the trees took on a darker color from the pollution and soot. The moth  population shifted, and 95% of the moths were dark colored and only 5% were white. Evolutionists claimed the dark moths were better camouflaged. Again, they contend this is an example of evolution by natural selection. However, in more than 40 years of research, the moths have only been observed on tree trunks twice! So where did those now-famous pictures come from? They were faked – staged! The moths were glued or pinned to the tree. Additionally, the original research has never been replicated. Lastly, no matter what color they are, the moths are still moths! They have not evolved into a new species. Bob Ritter, a Canadian textbook writer who new the images were fabricated, noted: “You have to look at the audience. How convoluted do you want to make it for a first time learner? The advantage of this example of natural selection is that it is extremely visual. We want to get across the idea of selective adaptation. Later on, they [high school students – BH] can look at the work critically.”  In other words, later on they can discern if it is true or not.

Miller-Urey Experiment

All of the biology textbooks in my office contain a discussion of the famous Miller-Urey experiment that was conducted in 1953. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey put, what they believed, were the early atmospheric conditions together in an apparatus. They used an electrical spark to simulate lightening. And then they heated up the mixture to see if they could spontaneously generate living material from these non-living gases.

Did they create life? No. Did they create proteins? No. What they created was 85% – something most textbook writers fail to include. Additionally, we know today that the experiment was carried out in the absence of oxygen, in a reducing atmosphere – something honest scientists will admit is foolishness. (However, Miller and Urey had to do this in order to keep the oxygen from breaking down the desired amino acids.) Additionally, the electrical spark they used was constant, unlike the ever-changing frequency of lightening that would be found in the real conditions of nature. However, they did create trace amounts of a few amino acids. As such, most of these textbooks contain the phrase “scientists have created the building blocks for life” – another embellishment that is used to promote evolution. Routinely, after pronouncing this bold statement, the textbooks will then begin an intensive study of evolution. (Also, make sure children understand that humans have never successfully created living material from non-living material. Life always comes only from other life!)

Vestigial Structures

In 1931, German scientist Alfred Wiedersheim listed 180 human organs as being vestigial or rudimentary in humans. Structures like the appendix, the tonsils, the thymus, etc. were all on the list. Today that list has been abolished due to our increased knowledge. This has not stopped textbook writers from proclaiming that these alleged vestigial structures are “leftover” by-products from our evolutionary ancestors. For instance, a biology textbook published by Holt in 1989 noted, “The vestigial tailbone in humans is homologous to the functional tail of other primates. Thus vestigial structures can be viewed as evidence for evolution: organisms having vestigial structures probably share a common ancestry” A Glenco biology book noted: “When compared with the caecum of a horse, the caecum and appendix of humans is thought to be vestigial.” Today, we know for example, that the appendix is a site where immune responses are initiated. Likewise, the tonsils play an immune function in humans. Just because we don’t know what something is does not mean it is evolutionary baggage.


Another common icon that evolutionists like to use is the Archaeopteryx. They proclaim this to be the missing link between dinosaurs and birds. Yet many scientists recognize this creature for what it truly is – a bird. Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History observed that Archaeopteryx “has simply become a patsy for wishful thinking.” Is Archaeopteryx the ancestor of all birds? Perhaps yes, perhaps no: there is no way of answering the question. It is easy enough to make up stories of how one form gave rise to another, and to find reasons why the stages should be favored by natural selection. But such stories are not a part of science, for there is no way of putting them to the test. In a recent email from world-renowned ornithologist Alan Fedducia, he declared: “Archaeopteryx was clearly a well-developed bird, with true feathers.”  This creature is simply a bird – not the desired “missing link.

All of these errors and hoaxes may explain why evolutionists are hesitant to “teach the controversy”, and allow students to discuss the problems with the Darwinian theory.

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