Stop Showing Skin

Want to go to Heaven?  Stop Showing Skin!

Ladies, I’m asking you as a man, a fellow human being, a husband who wants to be faithful to his wife in mind as well as in body, and as a father of little girls.  Please be modest.  Please.

That not reason enough?  Well, how about this?  Do you want to go to heaven for all eternity?  Or do you want that sun tan you’re working on to turn into a major, never-ending burn that no amount of aloe will ever fix?

When men see skin, it affects them.

When men see skin, it affects them.

Here’s the thing, Christian sisters…

The Bible commands us to dress modestly and discreetly both by direct command to women and by implication to men (1 Tim. 2:9-10; Matt. 18:6-9), and yet we are now in the time of year when many – including many of those who profess to believe in God and follow him – do the exact opposite.

This happens due to either ignorance of God’s Word, stubborn pride and selfishness, or a desire to conform to the standards of the world rather than the standards of God.  Regardless of the reason behind it, sin is being committed when we dress immodestly in public among those who are not our spouses, and the wages of impenitent sin is death (Rom. 6:23; Heb. 10:26-31).

Yeah, that’s right.  I said it.  Someone needs to…

Women and men who wear the name of Christ should not be solely considering whether or not their clothing is in fashion, stylish, or if what they wear will keep them cooler or warmer depending on the weather.  First and foremost, Christians must consider whether or not what they wear is modest and proper for those who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ.

Here’s that verse again, for those of you who are still reading but didn’t look it up in your Bibles when I cited it earlier:

Likewise also, that women should adorn themselves in RESPECTABLE apparel, with MODESTY and SELF-CONTROL, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with WHAT IS PROPER FOR WOMEN WHO PROFESS GODLINESS – with good works.

For those of you who have questions about the “braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire” part, let me refer you to this article I linked to some time ago by a brother in Christ named Wes who really summed up exactly what Paul was talking about in one of the best and most understandable ways that I’ve seen.  What I want to focus on in this article is the part of modesty’s definition that condemns showing skin.

In the interests of getting the point across, let me be very clear…

Ladies, it is shameful and sinful to expose or draw attention to the private parts of your body! 

You sin against God whenever you wear these low-cut shirts that show your cleavage or your stomachs in public! 

You sin against God whenever you wear those shorts which stop well above your knee and show off lots of leg! 

You sin against God whenever you’re in public and wear those really tight pants or shorts that accentuate your backside! 

You sin against God whenever you wear really tight shirts that accentuate your breasts! 

You sin against God whenever you wear bikinis or swimsuits that show off most of your breasts, your torso, your backside, and your legs!

I wish that there wasn’t a need to speak so bluntly and forcefully about such things, but there is.  Friends, please know that those who profess to love God must obey him (John 14:15) and dress appropriately, even if it means inconveniencing yourself during the summer months by wearing something a little warmer in public.  Souls are at stake, including your own!

“But Jon,” some will say, “‘modesty’ is such a subjective term.  Europe’s definition of modesty is far more liberal than ours, while the Middle East’s definition is far stricter.  So how can one know what modesty truly is?”

That’s a legitimate question.  In Europe nude beaches are the thing.  In Saudi Arabia women are stoned to death for showing their ankles.  Is modesty really nothing more than a cultural thing, then?

Here’s the truth of the matter.  We can have confidence that the Bible holds the answer to what modesty really is because God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33).  Let’s see how by first going way back to the beginning, to Genesis…

Do you remember how, when Adam and Eve sinned and thus realized they were naked, they made “coverings” for themselves out of fig leaves?  In spite of that, Adam confessed later on that he still felt naked (Gen. 3:7-10).  Have you ever wondered why they would still feel naked even after clothing themselves?

Perhaps because in the original language, “coverings” (chagorah) literally is defined as a particular type of garment which is the equivalent of underwear covering only the midsection.  So when you see those paintings of Eve with fig leaves over her midsection and bosom, remember that those paintings are incorrect because, going solely by the definition of the Hebrew word for “coverings,” Eve would not have been covered at all above the waist.

Ladies, if a loincloth was all you had to wear, you would feel naked too, wouldn’t you?  With that in mind, how much difference is there between today’s swimwear and your underwear?  Not much.  Really.  Let’s be honest.  Not.  Much.

Later, we see that God himself clothed Adam and Eve with “coats” of skin (Gen. 3:21).  In the original language, “coats” (kethoneth) literally is defined as a particular type of garment covering someone from the shoulders to the knees.  Now, why would God do this?

After all, at this time Adam and Eve had already clothed themselves.  So why did God go to the trouble to clothe them himself?  And why would he inspire Moses to record this in the book of Genesis?

Perhaps because he planned that Genesis would be part of “whatever was written in former days” that was “written for our instruction” and example (Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:11).

In other words, when we read the Old Testament and see how God clothed Adam and Eve from the shoulders to the knees in contrast to their skimpy fig leaf loincloth underwear, we now know God’s standards of modesty and thus have a non-subjective definition to uphold and live by.  There’s your definition of modesty.  Non-subjective.  Black and white.  Universal, regardless of what they do in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia.  God’s revealed standards trump whatever man’s standards are in whatever culture he is in.

Some will still ask, “But what’s the harm in showing off some skin?”  Good question.  Here’s the answer…

Have we forgotten that the One who loved us so much that he sent his Son to die for us has commanded us to not walk “in lewdness and lust” and to “make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts” (Rom. 13:13-14)?  Do you know what that means?

Ladies, speaking as a man, I can tell you how difficult it can be to avoid lusting after women who aren’t my wife when most of the women around me are showing off their cleavage and thighs.  And yes, God still holds me to the responsibility to not lust.  That’s very true, but it doesn’t stop with me.

He also expects THOSE AROUND ME (that’s you, ladies) to do their part to not put the temptation in my path (Matt. 18:6-9; Rom. 14:21)!!

So ladies, help us guys out.  As Christians, that’s what we all are supposed to do, right?  Bear one another’s burdens?  (Gal. 6:2)

Deep down, sisters, you know what the low-cut shirts and bikinis do to your average male when he sees them.  You girls know.  Let’s be real.

Mary Quant, the London fashion designer who invented the miniskirt, said, “Mini-clothes are symbolic of those girls who want to seduce a man.”  When she was asked where wearing miniskirts would lead to, she replied with one word:  “Sex.”

When the cruise ship Santa Maria was hijacked by terrorists in 1967, you want to know what the women who were on board (most if not all being non-Christians, I might add) did with their skimpy swimsuits?  Do you think they put on those itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny bikinis and went out on deck to get some sun and frolic in the pool in front of those pirates?

Nope.  Here’s what they did.  They all went out of their way to hide the bikinis and wear modest clothing because, by their own admission, they didn’t want to entice the terrorists to rape them.  And that’s what you would do too, right?  Sure, you would.  You’re smart, just like them.  They knew exactly what wearing the skimpy clothing would cause men to desire.  Deep down, so do most of you, sisters.  Let’s be real.

However, many of you women don’t care.  I know.  Over the years, I’ve talked to several young women – including, unfortunately, some within the church (and some of their mothers) – who basically say, “So what?  It’s the guy’s problem, not mine and not my daughter’s.”

Well, it may be more of your problem than you think…

I recently read a sociologist’s interview with a young man who expressed deep anger and resentment towards women for sexually “teasing” him, as he put it, via what they wore and the flirtatious way they acted around him, only to later have the power to with the threat of an accusation of rape deny him the fulfillment of those urges. Another young man interviewed said that he himself felt “sexually violated” by what the skimpy clothes and suggestive poses his female peers constantly exposed him to, only to then have and exercise the power to deny him the satisfaction of those urges. These and other young men confessed the need to “get back” at women for teasing them in these ways.

After revealing that hundreds more felt this way, the sociologist concluded that the immodest dress and sexually teasing actions of many young women is one of the main contributing factors to the startling rise of many young men’s interest in violent hard-core pornography, date rape, and deep, violent anger and resentment towards females in general, things which in many cases carry over into marriage and lead to spousal and child abuse.

While the contribution of women’s immodest dress and actions in no way justifies these sinful actions of men, at the same time it should not be overlooked or excused away.  Ladies, let me put it to you this way.  If I purposefully get into a Rolls Royce, drive it to the worst part of town, park it right in front of some gangstas, get out of it and lean up against it right in front of those hoods, and hold the keys to it in my right hand and my big, fat wallet bulging with cash and credit cards in the other hand…what’s going to happen?  You know what’s going to happen.  I’m going to get robbed.

So I get robbed, and the police come, and let’s say they arrest those thugs.  Who committed the crime?  The gangstas.  But do you know what any honest cop is going to tell me?  They’re going to say, “Hey, don’t be stupid.  Don’t go flaunting your wealth right in front of the people who are likely to rob you.”

Ladies, men are created by God to be visually stimulated sexually.  We are turned on by what we see, first and foremost.  If you show off your body in front of us, here’s what’s going to happen.  The ones of us who have no morals are going to look at you as a piece of meat that they want, and because they have no morals they’re going to take what they want, regardless of what you want.  And if by the grace of God they don’t, then they WILL go to porn to satisfy their urges…which means that the porn business which degrades and uses women will continue to exist and prosper.  Do you want that?

Yes, yes, I know that ultimately the decision to do these wrongs is on them, that’s true…but Matthew 18:6-9 tells me that God will say that you had a hand in it as well.  Do you want that?

And as for those of us who have morals, well, it’s less likely that we will go after you PHYSICALLY in any way…but with enough visual stimulation, don’t rule it out over time.  But what is going to happen, I guarantee it, is that we will MENTALLY look at you as a piece of meat that we want.  And we also will be that much more tempted to satisfy those urges which your immodesty helped create by turning to porn.

And if we aren’t married and are trying to obey God by not having sex until we’re married, you’ve made it that much harder for us.

And if we are married and are trying to obey God…and honor and love our wives completely…by being 100% faithful both physically and mentally to our wives, you’ve made it that much harder for us.

And again, I know that ultimately the decision to commit these wrongs is on us, but Matthew 18:6-9 promises me that God will hold you accountable also.  Is that what you want?

How much better our society would be if we all just decided to do things God’s way! 

How much better if we would simply remember that our bodies are not our own, but God’s (1 Cor. 6:18-20)!

How much better if we would honor him with our bodies and be considerate of the spiritual well-being of others by how we dress (Phil. 2:3-4)!

How much better if parents would not permissively contribute to their daughters conforming to the immodest standards of the world (Rom. 12:2), but rather would let God’s standards of dress be their standards!

How much better if parents would teach and enforce those standards to the next generation (Deut. 6:6-7)!

How much better it would be if we all taught our children that “marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Heb. 13:4).

Want to know what would happen if we taught – both by word AND example – that biblical truth to the next generation like we should?

Our daughters, when they grew up to be ladies, would save the sexually enticing showing of skin for the privacy of their marriage bed, at which time they would be willing to satisfy THEIR HUSBAND’S needs, and he theirs (1 Cor. 7:1-5).

Our sons would go through puberty without the added burden of being bombarded with sexual temptation by the female skin they see all around them, only to be denied fulfillment and thus grow more and more angry and resentful towards women in general.

They would enter into marriage with a proper attitude towards their wives, and the intimacy between them would be all the more rewarding.

Because of this, more marriages would be saved from adultery and divorce.

In the meantime, more young women would be safe on dates.

The porn industry would not profit.

All of us would be blessed in this life as well as in the life to come.

Doesn’t that sound great??

But as it is, our society has forgotten the command of God for modesty, and many in the church have conformed to the world rather than to God in this area.  By doing so, they contribute to the fornication, lewdness, heartache, and worldliness that plagues our society by tempting the unmarried (and those who are married to others) around them.

And here’s what’s going to happen…

At judgment God will hold them accountable in addition to those who unrepentantly gave in to the temptation to fornicate which was put in their path (Matt. 18:6-9).  They will receive the wages of their sin, eternal death in hell (Rom. 6:23; Rev. 21:8).

Take it to the bank, friends.  That’s exactly what will go down.

Don’t be a part of this!  Dress modestly, and teach others to do the same!

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En primera instancia es obvio que el tema tiene que ver con la ideología de género y el homosexualismo en sí. En los últimos días se ha incrementado el debate en varios países de latinoamérica luego de que el 26 de Junio de 2015 la corte suprema de los estados unidos declarará legal el matrimonio de personas del mismo sexo a travez de todo el país, enviando así un mensaje muy claro al mundo entero. En un noticiero local en Costa Rica escuché un término que inmediatamente llamó mi atención: “matrimonios igualitarios”. De ninguna manera nuestra intención sea ofender o degradar a alguien ya que todos somos creados por el mismo Ser supremo, más bien este breve espacio es para que juntos podamos razonar y podamos ser objetivos en el tema. Yo no apoyo el matrimonio entre personas del sexo opuesto solamente porque es una tradición, ni tampoco apoyo los matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo solamente porque es algo popular y moderno. ¿Cuál debería ser el estándar entonces? Aquí está la clave de todo, ¿desde que estándar, o en que base podemos determinar que es moralmente correcto y que no lo es? ciertamente no en las tradiciones, ni lo moderno pero en la Biblia, la palabra de Dios, aún cuando la palabra “Biblia” sea ofensiva para muchos, es ha sido y seguirá siendo el estándar supremo para determinar lo que es correcto y lo que no lo es aún cuando usted no crea en la Biblia. 

No es matrimonio.

No es matrimonio.

La palabra “matrimonio” puede ser encontrada a través de las páginas de la Biblia. Mientras lo leemos, podemos encontrar que la palabra “matrimonio” está escrito 19 veces en 18 textos. La palabra “casar” aparece 19 veces en 18 textos, y “casado” está escrito 30 veces en 28 textos así desde el inicio de los tiempos “matrimonio” es una palabra que tuvo su origen en la Biblia y quién dio ese origen sin duda alguna fue Dios mismo. Ninguna persona puede tomar este concepto para adaptarlo a gustos y preferencias individuales. En una ocasión  escuchaba al hermano B.J Clarke afirmar que nosotros no fundamos el universo y que si queremos cambiar alguna regla de las que Dios ha establecido entonces lo más correcto es salir del universo e ir a construir nuestro propio universo para imponer nuestras propias leyes. Pero si yo no puedo hacer eso en mis capacidades (menciona el hermano) entonces me doblego humillado ante aquel que si puede y me someto voluntariamente a sus leyes. 
El terrible problema aquí es el irrespeto deliberado frente a Dios. Bajo otro contexto el apóstol Pablo escribe a los hermanos en Galácia que “…Dios no puede ser burlado” (Ga.6:7), el hecho real de la frase es que nadie pude dejar plantado a Dios y salir bien librado, nadie pude abofetear a Dios y pensar que nada va a sucederle, matemáticamente no es posible. 
Por otra parte el concepto de Matrimonio igualitario está destrozando el objetivo de la creación misma y la intención de Dios para la subsistencia de la raza humana. ¿Puede imaginarse usted  que hubiera pasado si Noé hubiera apoyado las marchas sobre los matrimonios igualitarios? ¿Piense por un momento que hubiese sucedido si  sus tres hijos (Sem, Cam, Jafet) hubiesen sostenido pancartas de colores por las calles centrales de la ciudad abogando por matrimonios del mismo sexo? La raza humana hubiese muerto. En Gen 1:28 la intención de Dios para el hombre era para que poblara la tierra cuando no había ni siquiera creado a Eva para ese momento, por lo tanto el hecho de que dos personas del mismo sexo convivan juntos y que no puedan reproducirse contradice abiertamente la intención clara de Dios. La lógica se opone a estas uniones, la genética se opone, la moral renuncia ante estos casamientos, la Biblia le da la espalda y por sobre todo Dios aborrece estas relaciones. El hermano Dave Miller; talentoso predicador del evangelio en cuanto al tema menciona lo siguiente, note:
De igual manera, los apetitos y/o preferencias sexuales no tienen nada que ver con la composición genética. En cambio, son el resultado del ambiente, la experiencia, la cultura y otros factores que pueden moldear y afectar a las personas en sus decisiones. Las inclinaciones y tendencias sexuales que el homosexual dice que son “sentimientos” inherentes no son diferentes a los sentimientos e inclinaciones que un pedófilo posee en cuanto a su atracción sexual por los niños. Ni tampoco son diferentes a los sentimientos que un asesino experimenta por sus tendencias violentas. Estos “sentimientos” que experimentan son obviamente reales; pero es un error asignar a estos sentimientos una causa genética. No es aceptable, bíblicamente y moralmente, que un individuo actúe basado en tales sentimientos. Aquí está la diferencia entre la raza y la homosexualidad. Un afro-americano no puede alterar su color, pero sí puede alterar su comportamiento. Y los homosexuales también pueden hacerlo. (Dave Miller Ph.D, la homosexualidad y el racismo; apologetics press).
Tal  como lo afirma nuestro hermano el antiguo profeta dijo hace mucho tiempo que el corazón es engañoso (Jr.17:9), pero en este caso ni siquiera es el corazón sino más bien los apetitos de la carne y de la lujuria. Tanto usted como yo hemos notado que las relaciones entre personas del mismo sexo son muy inestables, ellos conviven juntos por un tiempo pero  en un muy corto periodo de tiempo son infieles el uno del otro porque se aburren y hasta llegan a acuerdos para estar con terceras personas y continuar en la misma relación ¿Porque sucede este factor? La respuesta es simple, no han sido diseñados para convivir como pareja y por lo tanto nunca serán estables.  Creo que del pasado podemos aprender importantes lecciones ha no ir en contra de Dios, pero con o sin nuestro apruebo lo que hemos estado viendo en nuestros días aumentará. Ni siquiera Dios obliga al hombre ha hacer un cambio, aunque si lo anima a realizarlo, nuestra parte también es solamente animar a obedecer a Dios, pero los cristianos tenemos bella esperanza, nosotros esperamos habitar en un lugar mucho mejor por la eternidad así que personalmente estoy convencido que la paciencia de Dios llegará a su limite tal como  llegó a su limite en los días  de Noé (Ge. 6). Espero  que usted y yo apreciado lector, estemos en el mismo lado del barco cuando eso suceda. 
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It Takes a Village . . . Maybe

It Takes a Village . . . Maybe

A few years ago, Washington reminded us of an African proverb about rearing children. Evidently, it was part of the Igbo culture in Nigeria from centuries ago. You may recall the emphasis that says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” There is some obvious truth in this concept, but there may be some inherent dangers. Let’s think about it together.

Which village is shaping you and your family?

Which village is shaping you and your family?

There is no doubt that the community in which children are reared plays a powerful role in the spiritual development of every child. The fact that some fail to understand this is seen by the opening words of Paul in 1 Cor. 15:33. “Be not deceived: Evil companionships corrupt good morals.” The fact that Paul begins with this warning about being deceived shows that this truth can be hidden from us.

The world that existed when many of our older members were young no longer exists. The culture of those days is not the culture of our day. So, what might have been a truth years ago is not necessarily a truth today. What if parents fail to realize this today? They can unconsciously give their children to the “village” where the school system is forbidden to teach morals and tie them to Jesus. The majority of the hours each day is spent in that “village.”

Then, there is the “after school village.” With both parents working, or even where there is a single parent situation, making a living means children have to spend time somewhere. I do not have a perfect solution, but wise parents should think about the impact those hours have on their own children. Sports have their place, but do we not realize the impact that the language and attitudes shown by coaches and players has on our children? To do nothing to counter this influence is to let this “village” rear our children.

Be aware of the “village” of media. Do we really want the lifestyle of actors, actresses, singers and filthy comedians to mold our children? Are we content to have our children, who know of the immoral lives of leaders in media, make those individuals their heroes and idols? The same could be said of the influence of smartphones and the internet.

There is another side to the words of Paul about the impact of ungodly friends, and that is the impact of the influence of godly friends. It is so easy to get so busy that we fail to get our children to spend as much time as possible with other children who have real values.

There are two God-given “villages” we have to help us. One of the blessings of the church is its influence as a “village” today. The other is our homes. Not just houses where the family finally gets together to sleep in the same house—but a real home—God’s “village” where He is present!

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Jesus Words Inspired, but the Apostles?

“But By Every Word of God”

A few weeks ago in a sermon, I spoke about the Bible doctrine of inspiration.  In that lesson we discussed how some people will accept some of the Bible as inspired, but not all of it.  One sub-category of this group is individuals who say they believe the words of Jesus but not the words of the apostles.  This idea sounds good to some, and it has appeal to those who are seeking to eliminate the Apostle Paul’s teachings especially in areas such as roles of women in the church and certain sexual sins.

Were the apostles words inspired or not?

Were the apostles words inspired or not?

However, if we simply go by the teachings of Jesus, we will find that this belief cannot hold true.  In John 16:13, Jesus Himself had this to say about the teaching of the apostles: “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.”  In other words, the things that the apostles taught were from the same Holy Spirit that Jesus had in His life.  The Holy Spirit brought the teaching that Jesus wanted the apostles to have, and led them into “all truth.”  The apostles also were able to lay hands on others to give them the ability to prophecy (Acts 8:14-17).

We conclude that to reject the apostles is to reject the Holy Spirit, and to reject the Holy Spirit is to reject Jesus Himself.  We cannot simply pick and choose which words we want to accept and which words we don’t want to accept because we will end up rejecting Jesus altogether.  Let us resolve to love all of God’s word, not just the parts that we like.  God bless you, and I love you.

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Sober and in Control

Sober and in Control

There are two different Greek words which are typically rendered by the English word, “sober,” or a variation thereof. The first of these, “nepho,” refers to an actual abstinence from intoxicants. It is in passages such as 1 Peter 5:8, 2 Timothy 4:5 and 1 Thessalonians 5:6. Those who sometimes argue that the Bible does not speak against the use of alcohol as a beverage would do well to consider this Greek word and what it means.

Are you sober minded?  Are you in control?

Are you sober minded? Are you in control?

But the other Greek word translated as “sober,” is the word, “sophron.” “Sophron” does not refer to the absence of intoxicating substances, but instead denotes the presence of a distinct soundness of thought. While the first word, “nepho,” warns against those substances which remove our ability to think, the second word, “sophron” refers to the self-control and self-discipline which enables us to think properly.

Consider for instance this passage of Scripture: “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment,each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.” (Romans 12:3; ESV)

Also, we read, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age.” (Titus 2:12; NKJV) The ESV substitutes the word “self-controlled” for “sober,” in this verse. The Grace of God actively teaches us that we should bring our thoughts under control, and be sober in our thinking.

This disciplining of the mind is a rather important thing. Just before the admonition we cited from Romans 12:3, the Bible also says, “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2a; NKJV) God does not just want the right actions in His children, He also desires the right kind of thinking.

From the two passages cited above, let us make quick two points about the sober-judgment God wants from men, and the qualities we need to develop to properly exhibit such sobriety of thought.

Firstly, we note from the passage from Romans, that a sober minded judgment is humble. A man is not “to think of himself more highly than he ought.” When we ignore this edict and unreasonably elevate our own opinion of ourselves beyond where it should be, our judgment is faulty, our reasoning unsound, and the conclusions and behavior that follows will be of a similar unsound nature.

A lack of humility is a serious thing. A man who is not humble lacks the love God desires in us, for love is not puffed up and proud (cf. 1 Corinthians 13:4). Nor can we be saved in that pride, for the Scriptures teach that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (cf. James 4:6)

In pride a man sets himself against God and makes of God an enemy. He derides the Law of God, seeing it as either only for others, or even inferior to his own positions and philosophies. He seeks to have others agree with him, rather than bending his own will to that of the Almighty. It is in pride that a man seeks to dominate others to his own will, rather than loving them as equals and seeking to be their servant, as God desires.

“The rich and the poor have this in common: The Lord made them both.” (Proverbs 22:2) And, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) When we forget these practical ideas, and start elevating ourselves over others, seeking equality or superiority with God, forgetting that we are but the clay and He alone is the potter, we have left the realm of good sense and sobriety and have moved into foolish and harmful thinking.

A second point to make about sober-thinking, derived from Titus 2:12, is this: it requires curbing our impulses. Specifically, it requires that we turn away from ungodliness and worldly lust. A man cannot embrace sin and at the same time embrace soundness of thought. Sin is destructive and harmful, its wages is death, and all who succumb to it will perish eternally, deprived of a place in glory (cf. Romans 3:16-17, 6:23; John 8:21, 24) Thus did Jesus warn that unless men repented, they would perish (cf. Luke 13:3, 5).

There is a reason that the Bible so closely connects wisdom with righteousness. As we learn wisdom, we learn righteousness, and it is in wisdom that we practice righteousness. (cf. Proverbs 4:11) “Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.” (James 3:13; ESV)

Conversely then, sin is contrary to wisdom and sound thinking. We cannot be said to be thinking soberly if we are at the same time engaged in sin. If we give in to all our carnal desires, renouncing the righteous behavior of God, we have left the path of wisdom and salvation, and are trodding the sure and easy path that leads to destruction. (cf. Matthew 7:13-14) How much smarter is the man who instead renounces the things of this world and submits himself to the commands of the Lord? (cf. Matthew 7:24-27) Such a man is exhibiting both great wisdom and sound judgment.

The point of all of this is to say: God wants self-control and sobriety in our thoughts. Such thinking is an important part of the Christian faith. It is evidence of the grace of God at work in or lives. As Paul told Timothy, God has given us a Spirit of “power and love and self-control.” If we desire to be pleasing to God, walking the path of Christ, in humility and righteousness, we must learn to think soberly about ourselves, the consequences of sin, and the great gift of Salvation that God has given us in Christ.

by Jonathan McAnulty

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