Spiritual is Where God Is

Spiritual is Where God Is

It is a point always well worth remembering: “spirited” is not the same as “ spiritual, ” though many people do seem to get the two confused.

The spiritual moments with God are not akin to a concert or ballgame.

The spiritual moments with God are not akin to a concert or ballgame.

A football game, for instance, is often spirited, with a lot of shouting, screaming, cheering, and even laughter. Football games, however, are seldom spiritual events. Nevertheless, when it comes to worship, its notable how many people assume that if a crowd is yelling, clapping, and cheering indicates, they are a very spiritual audience. But spirited is not the same as spiritual and God is often to be found in the quiet times, the meditative times, and the reverent times.

The prophet Elijah provides two good illustrations of this. In 1 Kings 18, we read about Elijah’s “contest” against the prophets of Baal. The lone prophet of God, Elijah, squared off against 450 of the competition, who were, in turn, supported by 400 others (cf. 1 Kings 18:19). The contest was to build two altars and see which deity, Baal or Jehovah, responded with fire. The prophets of Baal had a very spirited exhibition, lasting hours. They screamed, they danced, they prayed loudly. They even cut themselves in their “worship.” But no god answered their prayers. There was nothing actually spiritual about what they were doing. (cf. 1 Kings 18:20-29)

Elijah, on the other hand, had a short, simple prayer, asking God to do a miracle to indicate that Elijah truly was a prophet. The response from God was overwhelming, with a fire that devoured sacrifice, wood, water, and even stone and dust. (cf. 1 Kings 18:36-38). Elijah’s worship wasn’t very spirited, but it was intensely spiritual, representing a legitimate connection between himself and the Divine.

Sometime after this victory over the false prophets, Elijah was fleeing from the queen, Jezebel. She was upset that Elijah, following God’s  fiery exhibition, had persuade the people to execute the false prophets. Elijah was led by God to Mount Horeb, where God indicated that Elijah was to wait for Him. As Elijah waited, there was a mighty wind that tore apart the mountain, but God was not in the wind. There was an earthquake, but God was not in the earthquake. There was a great fire, and God was not in the fire. Then finally there was a still whisper, and God, the text indicates, was in the whisper. (cf. 1 Kings 19:11-13)

The earthquake, the wind and the fire were all more “spirited” events, full of action, noise, and visual effects. But they weren’t spiritual events, for God was not there. The still small whisper was not very exciting, from a physical perspective, but it was an intensely spiritual thing, for God was there.

Jesus taught us that true worship was worship that was conducted in the Spirit, and in truth. (cf. John 4:24) To be in the truth, it is necessary to conform to the standards of God’s word, which is truth (cf. John 17:17). To be in the Spirit it is necessary that it be a spiritual exercise, involving the heart and the mind (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:15). Too many, however, think that unless a worship is spirited, it lacks spirit, and is therefore unspiritual. The problem is that people who crave excitement, mistakenly believe that when something is exciting, it therefore has spirit, and is therefore spiritual. But that’s not what Jesus was actually teaching.

Serving God is often, in fact, not exciting. Sometimes it can be downright unexciting. For instance, Jesus washed the apostle’s feet. (cf. John 13) He did this as a loving servant teaching a vitally spiritually lesson. But from the vantage point of Jesus, if one is to be honest, one must confess that there seems to be few things in this world less exciting then scrubbing 24 dirty feet, one after another. But it was what God wanted. Likewise, with the cross. There are many words that one could use to describe the suffering Jesus endured for us at the cross, where he was beaten, crucified and mocked. Exciting is not really one of the words one would normally use. But has there even been a more spiritual service offered by one man on behalf of others?

It is notable, that Jesus calls us to remember the cross, not with an exciting, “spirited” celebration, but with a moment of meditation and reflection as we consume the bread and the cup of the Communion table. (cf. Matthew 26:26-29). It, like all things truly spiritual, is a special time, not because of how excited we are, but because, in that moment, if we are truly partaking with the right spirit, God is with us, and we are with God.

Thus it is with all of Christianity, in and out of worship. Our lives are made spiritual, not by the excitement we are feeling at any given time, but rather by the presence of God.


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“Amados, por la gran solicitud que tenía de escribiros acerca de nuestra común salvación, me ha sido necesario escribiros exhortándoos que contendáis ardientemente por la fe que ha sido una vez dada a los santos” (Judas 3).  Ciertamente la necesidad de los días de Judas medio hermano del Señor sigue siendo la misma para nuestros días.  Si Dios no fuera santo, y si su palabra no fuera inmutable entonces no habría problema en dejar el pecado filtrarse. El Señor dijo si la sal pierde su sabor no sirve para nada más, sino para ser echada fuera y ser pisada por los hombres Mt 5:13. Algunos hermanos piensan que hay que tener gracia y misericordia con aquellos que se han equivocado y de ninguna manera estoy sugiriendo lo contrario pero de ahí a equivocarse en doctrina bíblica es una distancia abismal. Muchos se excusan con: “Es que todavía estoy estudiando el tema o, es no sabía eso o el hermano fulano lo enseña diferente”. El hermano Rick Popejoy en las conferencias de Poder en Misisipí del 2015 dijo: “Si usted no sabe que decir o aún está estudiando el tema entonces…por favor siéntete y no diga nada”. La predicación es un asunto serio, es una asunto de vida o muerte y por lo tanto sino sabe lo que va a decir siéntese, estudie y después hable, pero claro este no es el caso con los falsos maestros…ellos saben muy bien lo que están haciendo y ya han estudiado los temas y deliberadamente o arbitrariamente van a enseñar y van obrar tal como los describe Judas en su epístola. ¿Necesito ir a  hablar en privado con Billy Graham para exponer públicamente el hecho de nunca predicó bautismo para perdón de pecados y por ende falsa doctrina? Si la respuesta es No, entonces ¿que hace la diferencia con los falsos maestros dentro de la Iglesia?

¿Necesito ir a  hablar en privado con Billy Graham para exponer públicamente el hecho de nunca predicó bautismo para perdón de pecados y por ende falsa doctrina?

¿Necesito ir a hablar en privado con Billy Graham para exponer públicamente el hecho de nunca predicó bautismo para perdón de pecados y por ende falsa doctrina?

Parece ser que aquellos hermanos que están en contra de que se mencionen nombres en público y se exponga a falsos maestros, están más bien en la defensa del pecado y no en la defensa de la verdad. Que condición más triste ya que muchos tienen temor que se les descubra a  sus falsas doctrinas que han manejado a “escondidas” por años y que ahora alguien más ha hecho publica en otro lugar con otras personas.  Hay un pasaje que es la sombrilla preferida por muchos para repeler lo que la Biblia enseña y que ha sido demasiado mal-interpretado por ignorar el contexto cada vez que se cita.

 MATEO 18:15-17 

Si tu hermano peca contra ti ve y repréndele estando tu y él solos…”  este versículo 15 está dentro del contexto de problemas personales entre hermanos. La primera clave de interpretación se encuentra en las primeras frases “peca contra ti”  No está hablando de pecados públicos, ni tampoco está hablando de ofensas directa a la doctrina ya que el E.S dedicó secciones específicas para lidiar con eso, pero más bien ofensas personales. Es también clave no terminar el relato en el 17, observe por ejemplo lo que dice el 19: “Otra vez os digo” (indicando que lo anterior que había mencionado desde el 15 ligándolo así al 19) “ …que si dos de vosotros se pusieren de acuerdo en la tierra…” Pregunta: ¿A cuantas personas concierne el asunto? A dos personas solamente, es decir este asunto es un asunto personal, entre dos personas por lo tanto la solución debe de facilitarse entre las mismas dos personas antes de seguir los demás pasos.  Con el pasaje aclarado ¿que de las ofensas a la doctrina de Cristo u ofensas públicas a la doctrina de Cristo?


  “Mas os ruego, hermanos, que os fijéis en los que causan divisiones y tropiezos en contra de la doctrina que vosotros habéis aprendido, y que os apartéis de ellos.” (Ro.16:17).

Hay demasiados pasajes para ser citados, pero uno solo basta para establecer la autoridad en el asunto ya que la Biblia posee sin lugar a dudas y demanda la autoridad absoluta.   Aquí la instrucción divina en cuanto a aquellos que están practicando falsa doctrina y que se dicen llamar Iglesia de Cristo (V16), es “fijarse” esta frase bíblica significa marcarlos o identificarlos perfectamente. Luego al final del versículo no hace una sugerencia nada más, sino que la frase está en modo imperativo, es decir  es un mandamiento el apartarse de ellos. ¿En donde lee usted que hay que ir y orar por ellos? (Aunque no significa que esté mal hacerlo) ¿En donde lee usted que hay que visitarle y dialogar con ellos para llegar a un acuerdo? (Aunque tampoco este demás hacerlo entendiendo que la verdad no se negocia) El problema de muchos hermanos y es que están colocando sus propias ideas por encima de la instrucción especifica de la Biblia. El mandamiento aquí es ESPECIFICO expresado en dos verbos que denotan acción si mismos: Fijéis y apartéis después de producir todas las evidencias concretas en el asunto claro está.

Tampoco se trata de mandar al infierno a un hermano o una congregación, porque eso solo Dios lo puede y va a hacer, ni tampoco el punto es andar por ahí buscando quién está en error como en “casería de  brujas”, pero cuando una llamada “Iglesia de Cristo” por ejemplo publica abiertamente en redes sociales su inclinación a que las mujeres prediquen o dirijan cantos, la inclusión de instrumentos musicales o cualquier otro aspecto doctrinal claramente especificado en las santas escrituras, necesitan ser confrontadas o simplemente marcados públicamente sin necesidad de tener que ir directamente primero a ellos. Observe usted:

  • Tito 1:13-16. Repréndeles duramente.. Timoteo tenía que confrontar en público a estos que estaban enseñando fábulas por el bien de su audiencia y por el bien de ellos mismos. Note, Pablo no le dice; Ve en privado y ora por ellos. Ejemplo; Si alguien enseña en público que está bien usar instrumentos de música en la adoración, y vamos en privado a reprenderle, y tal hermano se arrepiente, esa doctrina quedó evidenciada en público y por lo tanto el daño a la iglesia del Señor quedó hecho. Por eso es que la confrontación debe de ser hecha en público también. !Espero que usted amado lector pueda ver bien la importancia  de mencionar nombres en público en este sencillo ejemplo!.
  • 1Tim 5:20 “A los que persisten en pecar repréndelos delante de todos…” El propósito es claro para que los demás también teman y la verdad se mantenga pura. ¡Pobre Timoteo, seguramente el fue llamado hijo del trueno por haber hecho tales reprensiones en Publico!
  • 2 Tes. 3:6,14,15: “Os ordenamos hermanos que os apartéis de todo hermano que ande desordenadamente y no conforme a la enseñanza que recibisteis de nosotros” (v6) Una orden especifica que hermanos con la bandera del amor han cambiado por ir a dialogar con el desordenado. Por cierto, instrumentos de música y mujeres sirviendo en actos de adoración no son enseñanzas que aprendimos de los apóstoles. La frase señaladlo del v14 es un acto de amor genuino, cosa que algunos hermanos no han podido entender.
  • 2 Tim 2:16-18: Pablo menciona a Himeno y Fileto nombres de hombres específicos que se habían apartado de la verdad, y no solo los menciona por nombre sino que quedaron manchados por todas las edades hasta el final de los tiempos al quedar sus nombres en récord en la santa inspiración ¿ Cree usted que Pablo debió de haber ido primero en privado y arreglar el asunto para no manchar sus nombres en Público? Si usted cree así, usted tiene un serio conflicto con el Espíritu  Santo que inspiró a Pablo.
  • 2Tim 3:8. Janes y Jambres nombres específicos de estos dos hechiceros que confrontaron a Moisés, pregunto; ¿Habló Pablo mal de dos personas que incluso estaban ya muertas hace muchos años? De ninguna manera,  si usted cree que hay que ir a confrontar en persona a los falsos maestros antes de citarles en Publico entonces, pobre de Pablo… ¡Oh! y dicho sea de paso este pasaje es contundente autoridad Bíblica a que uno no está en el deber de ir a hablar primero y en privado con un falso maestro (que se ha demostrado y las evidencias son contundentes) antes de pronunciar su nombre en público, ya que estimado lector Pablo no fue a confrontar “primero” en “privado” a dos hombres que habían muerto hace cientos de años atrás.
  • 2Tim 4:10. A Demas se le menciona  3 veces en las carta de Pablo. Aquí se le menciona como un desertor. Pablo dice que Demas le había desamparado y se había ido al mundo. ¿Si Demas le había desamparado y se había ido, Cree usted que Pablo fue a buscarlo antes de mencionar su nombre? Por la evidencia anterior y los verbos aquí “desamparado” e “ido” no lo creo.

La nueva Hermenéutica está ganando terreno en muchas congregaciones y con muchos hermanos. “Quiero escuchar solo lo positivo, quiero ver solo lo positivo y quiero hablar solo positivo” no es positivo del todo. La Biblia posee un balance en todo; Ro. 11:22 “Mira, la bondad y la severidad de Dios…” amabas caras de la moneda son siempre presentadas en las escrituras. Se mencionan infinidad de nombres desde un aspecto positivo pero también infinidad de nombres en aspectos negativos. Pero hoy algunos solamente quieren lo positivo y lo negativo ni mencionarlo. Cualquiera  que sea el caso, guste  o no, la Biblia nos ha dado mandamientos en cuanto a asuntos como estos, por última vez, lo que son ofensas claras a la doctrina de Cristo y que no son asuntos de opinión debe de ser sacado a la vista de todos y tales personas deben de ser marcados  por seguridad de la doctrina de la Iglesia de Cristo y por la preservación del único evangelio. Juan el bautista señaló pecado público de la misma manera pública y eso le costó su cabeza. Su muerte no se debió al hecho de que él era un predicador de amor y fue a orar con Herodes en privado junto con Herodías, su muerte fue causada por que no retrocedió al deber que tenía para con Dios, y si ese sigue siendo el caso hoy, y más cabezas tienen que rodar, entonces que rueden más cabezas de hombres fieles al Señor que con amor van a proceder tal como Dios lo ordena aunque esto implique ser impopular.

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The Reality of Control

The Reality of Control

My wife and I grew up and lived most of our adult lives in the great state of Maine. Maine; where winter ice coverage on lakes, as well as single storm snowfall amounts are often measured in multiple feet at a time instead of merely in inches, or worse yet, in incremental fractions thereof. Hence, it should come as no surprise – nor does it to us anymore – when the temperatures in Oklahoma where God has now placed us to serve His people get really “cold” (?) and drop into, let’s say, the 30’s or 40’s mid-“winter” J, should we occasionally hear someone jokingly blame us for “bringing the cold weather with us.” And my typical response to such is usually something like: “You’re giving us way too much credit! If you think we have that kind of power – enough to control the weather – then you have far too much faith in our abilities!”

Whether in Maine or Oklahoma, God is in control.

Whether in Maine or Oklahoma, God is in control.

In like manner – only even more preposterously if possible – perhaps you are one of those faithful Christians who has patiently sought to reach out to a lost loved one with the grace-laden gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, only to hear them not-so-jokingly, but in fact, at times, quite antagonistically retort, “Yeah, but you can make the bible say anything you want it to say.” WOW! Talk about someone having WAY too much faith in the power of another! That would take infinitely and immeasurably more power than to even be able to control the weather world-wide would! And here’s why: Psalm 119:89(ESV) says: ‘Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.’

You see, God’s word is eternal. It is more than ‘written in stone’ as we say. It is forever firmly fixed and eternally inscribed in heaven; once and forever completely and flawlessly bound, settled, and protected, far out of the reach of any flawed, sinful, messed up mortal human being to ever even begin to control or make do anything. Kings cannot corrupt it, Sheiks cannot subvert it, and Presidents cannot pervert it. Atheists cannot alleviate it, Hollywood cannot harpoon it, and so-called ‘supreme courts’ cannot rescind, rewrite, or reinvent it. It says what it says; it means what it says, and it says what it means.

So for anyone, anyone at all, to even begin to imagine in their wildest dreams, such an incredibly impossible assessment of your abilities is simply nothing short of absolutely absurd when it comes to almighty God’s eternal word, which is, once and for all time (Just like the one true and biblical faith we find in the bible – Jude 3), forever firmly fixed, established, and bound in heaven, far beyond the reach of any and all humans’ ability to change, challenge, twist, distort or influence in any way.

You see, everyone has only one of two options to choose from when it comes to the unchangeable truths inherent in, the all-authoritative, eternal, and inerrant word of almighty God:

Learn, believe, and obey what is written therein and live forever in the presence of its Author; or, reject what is written therein and be forever rejected by its Author. It’s that simple.

Now, let’s look again at what it says, shall we?

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Zephaniah: 4 Easy Steps to Hell

How To Go To Hell in Four Easy Steps:

Perhaps you are scratching your head and wondering just what this title implies. Does it suggest that a prophet of God taught people how to get to hell? Actually, it does… well, sort of! Zephaniah lived and worked during the reign of Josiah. Josiah was one of the few kings that truly turned to the Lord. He instituted sweeping, nation-wide religious reform, casting down idols and destroying the high places where people worshipped false gods. However, Josiah’s reforms, although fervent, did not effect any lasting change in the morality of the people. Zephaniah was sent by God to the nation of Judah to encourage the people to repent.

The direction to heaven or hell... Zephaniah's words tell you how.

The direction to heaven or hell… Zephaniah’s words tell you how.

In Zephaniah 3:1-2, the Prophet Zephaniah stated, “Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city! She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.”  His message is simple, “Notice what is about to happen to Nineveh and the other great nations. (Zephaniah 1:8 – 2:15) Watch God’s judgment in action and take note as to why it is happening.” In chapter 3:2, Zephaniah lists four simple steps that would lead to Jerusalem and Judah’s downfall.

Today even you, like the people of Jerusalem, can complete these four simple steps and have your place reserved – for all eternity in “the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone…” (Rev. 21:8).

  1. “Obey not the voice.” Ignore the commandments of God. Don’t read or study the Bible. Skip worship. Be lazy.
  2. “Receive Not Correction.” Develop a prideful attitude. Don’t let others tell you that you are wrong. Get mad when they try to correct you. Tell them: “That’s just your interpretation.” Or, stick your fingers in your ears and yell “Nah, Nah, Nah, NahNah!
  3. “Trust Not In The Lord.” Develop a lack of faith and trust in God.  Exemplify this attitude by your worship of materialism. Trust in the “Almighty Dollar.” Spend the Lord’s money on the Lottery. Call Dr. Laura for help, forget about the Bible – it is irrelevant to modern man.
  4. “Draw Not Near To God.” Place no value in fellowship with the Lord.  In fact, run as far from Him as you can. Be an atheist. Be an agnostic. Become apathetic.

How To Go To Heaven in Four Easy Steps:

Interestingly, the “Prophet Zep’s Four Easy Steps” work both directions. We can take “Zep’s Four Easy Steps: How to Get to Hell,” and apply them in reverse and from them we can determine…

Today even you can follow these four simple steps and have your name written – for all eternity in the book of life. “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.” (Rev. 3:5)

  1. “Obey the Voice.” Obey God and His Son Jesus Christ. Heb.5:8-9 “Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him…”We learn to obey God as we learn of His Word. 2 Tim. 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
  2. “Receive Correction.” As we read, study and understand God’s Word we come to know what obedience to God’s Word requires. The Word teaches us what we are to obey. 2 Tim. 3:16-17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” Solomon had this to say with regards to receiving correction, Prov. 3:11-12 “…despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:  For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.”
  3. “Trust in God.” We cannot trust in ourselves or we will fall. The prophet said in Jeremiah 10:23 “O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.” Solomon said in Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” When we hear and heed God’s Word and we receive and apply His correction we demonstrate our trust in Him.
  4. “Draw Near to God.” When we place our complete trust in God and submit ourselves to His Will, we draw ourselves near to Him and He to us. James 4:7-8 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded….”

Unfortunately, Judah succumbed to the same fate as those other nations. Jeremiah, a contemporary of Zephaniah, showed that Israel had already completed the first two of the Prophet Zep’s Four Easy Steps: How to Get to Hell. Jeremiah 7:28 “But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.” The Lord had previously commanded them to follow the Prophet Zep’s Four Easy Steps: How to Get to Heaven. Jeremiah 7:23 “But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.”

Will you not do as God commanded Israel – obey His voice, receive His correction, trust in and draw near to Him?

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All Authority

All Authority

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

Matthew 28:18

All of mankind is subject to the authority of Christ.

All of mankind is subject to the authority of Christ.

This was the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy made centuries earlier (Dan. 7:13-14), and was the basis for Peter’s statement made days later on Pentecost:  “Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified” (Acts 2:36).  Paul, Peter, and the writer of Hebrews also proclaimed the ultimate authority of Christ.  Listen…

For God has put all things in subjection under his feet.  (1 Cor. 15:27a)

That he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.  And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.  (Eph. 1:20-23)

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.  (Phil. 2:9-10)

And you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.  (Col. 2:10)

Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him.  (1 Pet. 3:21-22)

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things… (Heb. 1:1-2)

You made him for a little while lower than the angels; you have crowned him with glory and honor, putting everything in subjection under his feet.  Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control… (Heb. 2:7-8a)

Isn’t it interesting how so many who claim to follow Christ choose to unrepentantly disobey him and rebel against his commands and teachings?

For example, most of the professed followers of Christ in Christendom deny that one has to be baptized in order to be saved…even though that was a command Jesus gave right after declaring he had all authority (Matt. 28:18-19), and even though Peter declared in the above quote both that baptism saves and that Jesus had authorities and powers subject to him (1 Pet. 3:21-22).

What did Jesus say?

Why do you call me “Lord, Lord,” and not do what I tell you?  (Luke 6:46)

Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.  On that day many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?”  And then will I declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.”  (Matt. 7:21-23)

Isn’t it interesting how we want Jesus to be our Savior…and we CALL him our Lord…but we like to pick and choose which of his commands to obey?  Regardless of what we say to ourselves to fool ourselves, Jesus IS Lord.  He HAS all authority.  If we go to heaven, it will be both by his grace and because we penitently obey ALL of what he has told us to do.

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