God Knows Your Potential

God Knows Your Potential

The first time the Bible speaks of Gideon is in Judges 6:11.  Gideon is hiding in a winepress beating out wheat so the Midianite oppressors will not find it.  An angel of the Lord appears and calls him a “Mighty man of valor”.  The Lord then tells Gideon to “Go in this might of yours and save Israel from Midian”.  Gideon appears to be oblivious to any might that he had within himself.  His work was being done in hiding!  He declared he was of the weakest clan of Israel and weakest of his own house.  When he is finally convinced to follow God’s direction, he does so at night due to fear.

God knows the potential of man.

God knows the potential of man.

Timid Gideon proceeded to break down the altar of Baal and cut down the Asherah (sacred pole).  He stood against fear and anger of his own people.  He went to battle against the Amalekites and the Midianites though outnumbered.  He conquered by the hand of God.

Many people go through life without seeing what they could be.  James 2 speaks of the vision of man.  We are not to look with partiality upon one man or another based upon their appearance.  God knows the great price of the heart hidden in man (1 Peter 3:4).  God called upon Moses who was fearful.  He strengthened Samson who made one bad decision after another.  He chose a shepherd boy to be a king!  He called Peter though He knew he would reject Christ at one point.  He chose Paul who fought against the Gospel to see Christians to their death.  God, through His Son, made new creatures of those once lost in the hopelessness of sin.  God sees beyond the eyes of carnal man.

Why does God choose the poor of the world as heirs to His Kingdom (James 2:5)?  Why does God choose the weak and not the mighty?  Why did he choose lowly Gideon?  Consider the words Jesus shared with Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness”.  God’s might demonstrates itself by taking what the world thinks of as weak or undesirable and then transforms it into victory.  Christ came as a lowly Nazarene of Galilee and became the Savior of the World.  Certainly, God could show his might through timid Gideon and make him a mighty man of valor.

Imagine what God can do with you!  You have great potential in the hands of our almighty God.

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Who is the Greatest?

Who is the Greatest?

In response to the question asked by His disciples about “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew18:1), Jesus juxtaposes the contrast seen in human nature between greatness and service in his discourse about children and the kingdom. He

You... are not the greatest.

You… are not the greatest.

taught His disciples to be humble and forgiving. Yet soon after this teaching these same men tried to forbid the approach of little children to Jesus, a rich man refuses to serve others and follow the Lord, and Peter asks what the faithful will receive (to which Jesus tells the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, teaching that all receive the same reward). Then the mother of James and John come to Jesus with her sons and asks a prominent place for them with Jesus in the kingdom. When the others hear it they are filled with outrage, jealousy, and resentment. So Jesus pulls them aside and tells them that to be great in the kingdom they must humble themselves and serve each other.

We live in an age of obscene pride, jealousy, and covetousness. Churches are divided, marriages broken, and nations warring and degenerating all due to the sin of selfishness. Do we want to be considered great in the kingdom? Or do we just want to be seen as great among the world? If the latter you already have your reward. But if the former, the greatest reward awaits you! Serve God, serve others, and ask yourself, “Am I greater than the Lord?” (Matthew 20:28).

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Sin duda alguna los términos que escogemos para hacer esta descripción son muy importantes. El inicio de la Iglesia de Cristo en un lugar no significa que sea el inicio de la Iglesia. En otras palabras, cuando la Iglesia de Cristo llega a un lugar simplemente está dando lugar a la continuidad de la Iglesia  gloriosa de Cristo del primer siglo. A las personas en la comunidad les debe de quedar muy claro y los ministros de igual manera debemos despejar dudas de que no se trata de comenzar una Iglesia nada más, de que Cristo fue quien comenzó su Iglesia (Mt.16:18) y de que nosotros solamente ayudamos a que esa Iglesia llegue a diferentes comunidades. Creo que esto es un reto enorme, cientos de personas mueren en pecado cada día mientras nosotros hacemos lo que podemos por llevarles el evangelio a tiempo. Sería insensato pensar que el inicio de una congregación en un lugar es “pan comido” aún hasta el ministro más experimentado pasará por tremendas situaciones en el proceso  y quizás sea el quién termine más golpeado y maltratado. Trabajar con seres humanos siempre será algo difícil sin embargo trabajar para el Señor será algo que siempre nos animará. Es verdad que cualquier miembro puede comenzar una congregación de la Iglesia de Cristo en cualquier lugar y que para esto no hay que pedir permiso a nadie. Es realmente triste pero en mucho países de Latinoamérica  existen “pequeños papas” quienes están supervisando todo y si algo no está de acuerdo a su manera o a su idea ese algo no es bien visto. Cierta ocasión conocimos del caso de un hermano que estaba abriendo una congregación en cierto lugar, y tal hermano es un hermano sano en la fe y es un predicador con trayectoria que está intentando trabajar, y el hermano X “aspirante para papa” dijo: ¡Oh no, tal hermano no puede abrir una obra ahí!   y cuando se le preguntó el porqué simplemente replicó: “NO, es que el no puede hacer eso”.  Estas como una gran lista de oposiciones y criticas vendrán siempre en el proyecto de abrir obras. Cada hermano fiel que esté detrás de un proyecto como esté deberá de rodearse de gente que le vaya a ayudar, que lo animé y que esté dispuesta a trabajar mano a mano con él. Este concepto es absolutamente bíblico.

he beginning of the Church of Christ in a place does not mean that it is the beginning of the Church.

The beginning of the Church of Christ in a place does not mean that it is the beginning of the Church.

Si usted recuerda a Nehemías en la reconstrucción de los muros de Jerusalén experimento algo similar. Tobias y Sambalat se burlaban de ellos mientras intentaban reconstruir ruinas, pero el Señor estaba con Nehemías y su gente. En los primeros Capítulos de este interesante libro leemos que había una gran cantidad de personas queriendo ayudarle sin embargo no se hallaron en los registros y por lo tanto fueron rechazados ya que no eran Judíos puros. Este sin lugar a dudas es uno de los errores más comunes por parte de los ministros al comenzar una obra, el aceptar gente, problemática viniendo de otras congregaciones y el llenarse de todo tipo de hermanos que van buscando algo así como “ciudades de refugio”  al fin y al cabo pasa la factura. Esta situación es un tanto complicada y difícil ya realmente no hay un argumento lo suficientemente potente para devolverlos a su congregación pero si hay algunos principios que pueden ser usados. La hermanad debe de comprender que al abrir una nueva obra en un lugar no es para que ellos vayan a “tantiar” piscina y que si les gusta el agua se quedan ahí, ellos deben de comprender que los esfuerzos físicos, económicos, espirituales no es para crear una opción más en el menú donde como en McDonals ellos pueden ordenar a su gusto y antojo  ¡NO! Los esfuerzos al abrir congregación en un lugar es para alcanzar al perdido, es porque al igual que el Señor Jesús en Lucas 15 estamos preocupados por aquella oveja perdidas y no por las 99 que están dentro. Deben de comprender que ellos están contratados por el Señor en este hospital espiritual  cuando dijo “ Id y predicad el evangelio a todo criatura” (Mr. 16:15), no más bien que son parte un club. Hermanos que no traigan esta mentalidad y que no vengan con la intención de colaborar, serán un problema más en vez de ser parte de la solución, ¡Cuidado con estos hermanos!.

Por otro lado quisiera describir algunas de las dificultades más comunes al abrir congregación en un lugar para luego concluir con solamente un texto que soluciona todos y cada uno de estos puntos. Comencemos:

  1. Los Tobias y Sambalat: Esos siempre aparecerán en su panorama. Como Nehemías simplemente ore por ellos y realmente ignore sus gritos contra usted. Recuerde usted está edificando muros para Dios y el diablo no se quedará de brazos cruzados tan fácilmente.
  2. Sus Energías: Abrir obra demanda de un trabajo fuerte. Tal vez se encuentre usted, realizando todos los actos de adoración, limpiando local, cocinando el pan para la cena, abriendo el local, cerrando etc… seguramente no hay escape a todo esto pero asegurece  tener días libres. Apaga el teléfono y disfrute de un día en familia, saque tiempo para hacer ejercicio o para relajarse con frecuencia. Aunque a los hermanos nos les guste y aunque hayan muchos extremistas que se opongan preferimos eso a un ministro quemado en un mes o una semana.
  3. Económicas: Esta es muy famosa. ¿Como rentar un local para la iglesia si solamente hay un miembro?. Confíe en el Señor y recuerde que la Iglesia del Señor se reunía en las casas en Hechos 2:46; Ro. 16:5. Nunca se desenfoque, el local es importante pero la gente que compone la Iglesia es mucho más importante, sin importar el lugar en que se reúnan.
  4. Su membrecia: Las personas quienes vayan llegando obviamente son niños espirituales, el Señor les está asediando a su Iglesia y eso es grandioso, pero ahora toca enseñarles y esto no es un proceso de ir un día a la semana y tener un estudio con ellos, sino que es un proceso de maduración, quizás sus miembros se vean aún apoyando prácticas sectarias sin embargo con paciencia y doctrina vamos ayudándoles a cambiar (2Tim.4:1-2). Se va estresar, desesperar, y hasta desanimar, pero recuerde usted un día también fue un niño en la fe y le tomó tiempo también aprender los rudimentos de la doctrina de Cristo.
  5. Bautismos: El numero de bautismos es importante pero puede llegar a ser un factor contrario. Después de algún tiempo es probable que usted vea su trabajo como estancado al no ver bautismo tomar lugar mientras que usted ha seguido trabajando constantemente. Tal vez el sostenimiento suyo se vea en peligro ya que hay muchos patrocinadores que miden el éxito de una congregación por el numero de bautismos. Yo sé por ejemplo que el trabajo en Africa se pueden bautizar 3000 en un año sin embargo 2 o 3 permanecen fieles para el próximo año. Que el número de bautismos no sea un factor contrario para usted, olvide los Números y dedique su ministerio a predicar la palabra (2Tim. 4:2), siembre la semilla del reino que el Señor es quién dará el crecimiento (1 Co. 3:6-8).

Al final de todas estas dificultades y más que habrán de venir, tenga presente lo que Pablo escribió en Filipenses 4:13 “Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece”.En el contexto de este capítulo Pablo estaba en la cárcel y anteriormente había descrito muchos de sus tribulaciones. En el 14 les dice a estos hermanos que ellos habían hecho bien en haber participado con él en la tribulación. Por lo tanto este pasaje tan popular tiene mucho más fuerza, cuando leemos el v.14 porque Pablo todo lo podía en Cristo que lo fortalecía. Estar en Cristo  de acuerdo a lo que él describió en Efesios es estar en su Iglesia Ef. 1:3-4; 22-23. El Señor no solo estaba con Pablo sino que le había fortalecido a travez de los hermanos en Filipos. ¡Que bendición tan grande es el Ser parte de la Iglesia de Cristo!. Cuando estos problemas vengan a su ministerio, recuerde que usted no está solo que por ahí hay una que otra iglesia de los Filipenses que va a ser partícipe y que le va a animar en el Señor. Necesitamos más congregaciones de la Iglesia de Cristo en nuestras comunidades, somos el último salvavidas, y por lo tanta la responsabilidad es grande, la labor es apremiante pero la paga es inimaginable.


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The Book of Life

The Book of Life

There’s an old song called, “I Know my Name is There” written by D.S. Warner in 1893.  The first stanza of the song goes: “My name is in the book of Life, / Oh, bless the name of Jesus; / I rise above all doubt and strife, / And read my title clear.”  The chorus of the song says, “I know, I know, / My name is there; / I know, I know, / My name is written there.”

Don't blot out that name.

Don’t blot out that name.

The first reference to this book is in Exodus 32 after the Israelites sin of making a golden calf.  Moses intercedes: “Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold.  Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin–; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written” (Exodus 32:31-32).  God replied: “Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book” (Exodus 32:33).  Some are written in God’s book and some will be blotted out of God’s book.  The New Testament mentions the Book of Life in Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 15, 21:27, and 22:19.

Everyone’s name is written in the book of life at some point, because we all come into the world without sin as innocent children.  When sin enters our life, our name is blotted out.  That isn’t the end, though, because we can have our name written again into the Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 21:27).  Revelation 3:5 says, “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.”  God bless you, and I love you.

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Believe, Billy, and Baptism

Believe, Billy, and Baptism

In a Friday, March 16th, 2018 (yes, ironically the date happens to be 3:16) news story written by Steve Jordahl (OneNewsNow.com), he reported a recent statement made by Pastor Michael Walrond, who has grown the “First Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem from 350 members to over 10,000 in the last 14 years.” The article, entitled “’Insanity’ to believe Jesus is the only way, says pastor” (See: https://www.onenewsnow.com/church/2018/03/16/insanity-to-believe-jesus-is-the-only-way-says-pastor?) chronicles Walrond’s comments, wherein he stated:

‘There was a time where you could see people in the pulpit say, “If you don’t believe in Jesus, you [are] going to hell.” That’s insanity in many ways because that is not what Jesus even believed.’ Pastor Walrond indicated he doesn’t want to exclude anyone: ‘The key is, do you believe in God? And whatever your path is to God, I celebrate that – personally. I celebrate that.’ [See video of comments]

Now understandably, in light of passages such as John 8:24, 14:6, and many, many other biblical texts, Walrond’s comments have caused him – and very rightfully so I might add – to come under much and heavy fire from even his own man-made and never seen in Scripture denomination. Charges such as “misleading his congregation,” “[he] is a misleader,” “He’s a false teacher,” He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” and others can be seen in the above cited article. The following, even more stern warning can also be seen contained therein:

Christian apologist Dr. Alex McFarland has a more personal warning for Walrond. “Before Pastor Walrond says that the gospel – quote – ‘is insanity,’ let me remind him of the words of the only man who ever walked on water and rose from the dead, Jesus Christ: Jesus said in John 8:24 – listen to this – If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” Walrond’s comments, captured in a short video clip and posted on Facebook, were greeted with scattered applause in the congregation.

But besides the obvious, here’s the far, far more colossal and immensely larger problem, with his denomination’s supposed problem with him and his comments. We all know that we are to believe in and become one in Christ Jesus through the divinely-inspired truths His handpicked apostles and messengers gave us (John 16:12-15, 17:6-22; 2 Timothy 3:12-4:4; 2 Peter 1:16-2:3). Included within those eternally-settled and forever firmly fixed in heaven truths (Psalm 119:89), is the fact that, according to God, there is only “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5). In other words, the same that is true of Jesus – that is, that He is the one and only Lord and way to heaven – is also true of the one faith and one baptism as well. That is to say, that according to God, in the same way that Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord, Savior, and way to heaven, that there is also: only one faith – the one that was “once for all delivered to the saints” before the end of the first century (Jude 3) – and only one and only baptism – the one baptism which every  lost sinner MUST undergo or else they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (John 3:3-5); the one baptism which is specifically FOR the forgiveness of one’s sins and not something done after they have supposedly already been forgiven by some other man-made and never seen in Scripture means (Acts 2:38); the one baptism which the almighty God of heaven defines in His divinely-inspired word as the exact, precise, and specific point wherein a lost soul calls on the Name of the Lord and has their sins washed away (Acts 22:16); the one baptism which puts us “into Christ” (Romans 6:3-4) and makes us sons and daughters of God and members of His one, New Testament, pre-denominational church or body, through our faith in God and His power (Galatians 3:26-29; Colossians 2:8-13; Acts 2:47; Ephesians 1:22 + 23; Romans 16:16); and hence, the one baptism which God says SAVES US (1 Peter 3:21).

Believe in Billy? Believe in Pastor? Or believe in the Bible?

Believe in Billy? Believe in Pastor? Or believe in the Bible?

So, going back to Ephesians 4:5: Why is it that when one of their own claims that there is more than “one Lord” or way to God, that they get all upset and call Him a false teacher and etc., but when one of their own, in the very same and exact way, repeatedly rejects and denies the rest of that very same text and sentence, by claiming, proclaiming, writing, preaching and teaching for more than half a century that there is more than one, or a different faith than the one seen in the word of God; and that there is more than one, or a different baptism acceptable to God than the one for the aforementioned biblical reasons, that that false teacher is lauded and applauded with such inhuman accolades as being “the greatest preacher of the gospel since the apostles,” how he “walked with Moses, Abraham, and the Apostles,” and how he could now “give St. Peter a rest and hold open the gates of heaven… he was that revered,” as well as many other sickeningly similar sentiments (See: https://www.onenewsnow.com/church/2018/02/21/power-in-humility-billy-grahams-legacy)? A bit of history if I might…

June 1st, 2000, was the opening evening of the third and final Billy Graham Crusade in Nashville, Tennessee. That evening, preaching students from the Memphis School of Preaching, as well as brother Garland Elkins who coordinated the effort, along with a few other folks, helped to distribute thousands of teaching brochures on the sidewalks leading to the stadium. The tract that they distributed that evening was one written by brothers Garland Elkins and James McGill, entitled, “Baptism: The Bible and Billy Graham.” The contents of that tract are reprinted with permission below:

As Billy Graham closes his sermons, he often tells his hearers that there are three things they must do:

(1) Repent

      Graham then gives a good definition of repentance. This requirement is biblical. On the day the church began almost two thousand years ago, when the apostles preached the first gospel sermon, thousands in their hearing “were pricked in their heart.” They asked Peter and the other apostles what they should do.

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38).

(2) Believe

Graham stresses that this faith means total trust in Jesus – not just a mere intellectual act of mental asset. Again, Billy Graham is Biblical in saying belief is necessary. Jesus said, in giving what is often called the Great Commission:

“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…” (Mark 16:16)

(3) Live For Jesus

      There are many New Testament Scriptures that command this. See, for example, Second Peter 1:5-11.

      Billy Graham has consistently named these three things that every accountable person must do to be saved. He has preached this message to countless millions in crusades, over radio, on television, in newspaper articles, and in books, for more than half a century. Among his numerous best-selling books, Billy Graham wrote one entitled How To Be Born Again.

      Graham is exactly right in saying all three of the commands must be obeyed. (1) Repent, (2) Believe, and (3) Live for Jesus. (We may wonder why he places repentance before faith. In the recorded instances of conversion from the time the church began, in the New Testament Book of Acts, it was faith that came first and that motivated and led to the additional acts of obedience.)

But There Are More Than Just Three Steps In God’s Plan Of Salvation.

      To leave out even one step changes the gospel. It changes the plan of salvation just as surely as adding an unauthorized act would change God’s plan. Compare Galatians 1:6-10.

Suppose we are giving someone directions to a certain destination. And suppose there are four turns he must make. We must tell him correctly about all four turns. If we neglect to mention any turn – just one turn – then that person would not get to his destination.

For half a century Billy Graham has consistently failed to include baptism when he tells those seeking salvation what they must do to be saved! Billy Graham has been reading from the Scriptures and using passages from the Bible in his preaching for more than fifty years. Now, the most puzzling question ever:

How Could Billy Graham Have Failed To See In The Bible The Command To Be Baptized For The Remission Of Sins?

Billy Graham readily sees the command to believe in Mark 16:16: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…” He clearly sees the commandment to repent in Acts 2:38: “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins…”

Yet somehow, incredible as it seems, he has never seen Jesus’ command to be baptized to “be saved” (Mark 16:16) or the command to “be baptized… for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38).

Seemingly, all through the years, Billy Graham has looked at these Bible verses as though they read… “He that believeth — shall be saved” (Mark 16:16) and “Repent — every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38).

How could Billy Graham have failed to see Jesus’ words “and is baptized” in Mark 16:16? How could Billy Graham have overlooked Peter’s words “and be baptized” in Acts 2:38?

An Old Question

      This is not a new question. About fifty years ago, during the Billy Graham month-long Crusade in Nashville at the Vanderbilt University football stadium, someone asked a member of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association team this question directly:

“Why does Billy Graham not include the command to be baptized in his preaching?”

The short and very unsatisfactory answer was: “Because it is a controversial subject.”

A further insight into this strange phenomenon came to light a few years later with the publication of Leslie L. Spear’s book The True Religion and Religion of Others. When that book was published, one chapter attracted immediate attention, and created intense interest: Chapter 2 – an exchange of letters between the author and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in Minneapolis.

The first letter, dated January 12, 1963, was written by Leslie L. Spear from Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in response to a Billy Graham My Answer column that had just appeared in the Knoxville Journal. An inquirer had asked Billy Graham: “Please give me a simple answer to ‘What must I do to be saved?’” Billy Graham completely failed to mention baptism in his reply!

In Leslie Spear’s letter to Billy Graham, he quoted the words of Jesus: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…” (Mark 16:16). Spear says that Graham might have included that Scripture as part of an appropriate answer to the question.

Spear then quotes the words of Paul the apostle in Galatians 3:27: “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” At this point in his letter, Leslie Spear puts his first direct question to Billy Graham:

“Mr. Graham, why didn’t you give Paul’s answer to the question? You could have told where it was found, so the person could have read it for himself.”

      On April 17, 1963, Leslie Spear received a reply from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. It was signed by John D. Lundenburg, Spiritual Counselor. At last, there was to be an answer to this puzzling question! But the part of the answer that responds directly to the question is brief:

Salvation is not dependent upon a person having been baptized…

There it is! When people have been steeped in centuries of religious prejudice, they can somehow read right through all the Scriptures that teach clearly that obedience in baptism is necessary for salvation.

The doctrine that salvation can occur before and without baptism for the remission of sins has been preached millions of times since it first began to be taught in Europe five centuries ago.

That doctrine has been repeated so many times that even otherwise able men like Billy Graham have been saturated with it. They were taught the doctrine just as if it were true – even Biblical! Yet, to say that obedience in baptism is not necessary for salvation is just as false as it was when men like John Calvin invented and propagated the doctrine in the 1500’s.

The Result

      Think of the multiplied millions who have heard and accepted Billy Graham’s teaching. Every one of these souls will one day stand before God in the Great Day of Judgment. They will not be able to account for why they were not baptized for the forgiveness of their sins – except to say, honestly, “Billy Graham didn’t tell me I had to do that!”

      And Billy Graham will face God in judgment, too, as all people – great and small – must do. What will he answer if God asks, “Billy, why did you never tell all these millions that they must be baptized to be saved?”

“…be baptized, and wash away thy sins…”

~Acts 22:16

“…baptism doth also now save us…”

~First Peter 3:21

As one final footnote to this false, fatal, and fallacious doctrine of salvation occurring before and without baptism, and the fact that it is still taught and defended by Graham’s followers and association, a post at www.billygraham.org seeking to address the question, “Is baptism essential for salvation?” is answered thus:

“To one who has received Christ, baptism is a necessary and meaningful experience… You may know that we urge immediate and extensive Bible study for each convert. As the Scripture is reviewed, the place of baptism will surely be discovered. If baptism were a requirement for salvation, we would certainly say that. But you couldn’t support that, knowing, for example, that the thief on the cross had no opportunity for baptism or church membership.”

And as we know, this response shows a total and undeniable lack of biblical knowledge, understanding, or acknowledgment of the fact, that of course the thief on the cross didn’t have to be baptized to be saved, because He lived and died under the Old Covenant! This Grahamatic answer utterly and completely fails to take into account and apply such vital passages as Galatians 4:1-7 and Hebrews 9:15-17 to the overall New Testament salvation ‘portrait’ that God ‘paints’ for us in the sacred text! So of course it’s going to be an erroneous answer; because those furnishing it fail to take into account all of the relevant verses on the subject, or their context and connection to said topic! They sincerely believe that they’re giving folks the full picture, but without their having put all the ‘pieces of the puzzle’ properly in place to begin with! Hence the ‘holes’ in their answer! Such ‘scripture-plucking’ failure to rightly divide the word of God always leads to such error, confusion, and eventually, if not corrected, spiritual death and destruction. Of course the thief on the cross did not need to be baptized in order to be saved, and had no opportunity for church membership – BECAUSE THE NEW COVENANT/TESTAMENT HADN’T COME INTO EFFECT YET, AND THE LORD’S ONE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH HADN’T BEEN ESTABLISHED YET! That crowning achievement of God’s plan (Ephesians 3:8-12) would come about and into existence some fifty days later, and only after the thief’s death – on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2:1-47 (which see).

The bottom line for our denominational friends and their leadership in relation to Ephesians 4:4-6 is simply this: Is there more than one Lord, and one faith, and one baptism acceptable to God? Or; is there only ONE Lord and way to heaven – the one and only Lord Jesus Christ which we read about in the New Testament; ONE faith and way to God – the one and only faith which we read about in the New Testament; ONE baptism which God honors as outlined in the aforementioned scriptures – the one and only baptism which we read about after the Lord’s church was established in Acts 2 of the New Testament; and of course, ONE church (or body – Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:3) that belongs to Jesus Christ – the one and only church which we see established and in existence as we read through the New Testament, congregations of which the apostles worked and worshipped in and as were called by His name and His alone (Romans 16:16; Acts 4:12)? Because whichever way it is, applies to each and every one of the seven terms contained in the text of Ephesians 4:4-6. So… which way is it?

For further explanation on audio see: https://soundcloud.com/user-640047687/737-3-4-18-pm-strangers-aliens-forever-part-two

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