Are you a child of Hell?

Are you a child of Hell?

One would hope not, but it’s a serious question worth asking.

Our Lord Jesus, in preaching to the Jews condemned the Jewish scribes and Pharisees, saying, “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.” (Matthew 23:13, 15; ESV)

Are your behaviors in line with that of God's desires.

Are your behaviors in line with that of God’s desires or are you a child of hell?

As Jesus surveyed the Pharisees he recognized that they were religious, and that they were zealous for that religion. They went to great lengths to promulgate their religion, but in the end, it would not matter. The religion they were teaching was only going to send them to hell.

This should make us take note. Religion, Jesus was saying, does not,in and of itself, guarantee a place in heaven. Jesus would never have agreed with the doctrine, taught by some, that all religions are getting us to the same place, just by different paths. Too many believe that it does not matter what you believe; to them, all faiths are equal in their effectiveness.

Jesus taught the road to heaven was more exclusionary than that. (cf. Matthew 7:13-14) “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” said Jesus, “No man comes to the Father apart from me.” (John 14:6)

When Jesus looked at the very religious Pharisees, He did not see people on their way to heaven. What they were doing was not sufficient for salvation. Much earlier in His earthly ministry, Jesus had warned His followers, “Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 5:20)

The Pharisees had several problems identified by Jesus, not the least of which was their rejection of Him as the anointed of God. They refused to believe that Jesus was the messiahand in that rejection, they shut themselves away from God’s grace.

A religion that points men away from Jesus is pointing men away from their only hope of salvation. (cf. Acts 4:12) If you reject Jesus, you are in effect, embracing hell.

This was not the only problem the Pharisees had. Jesus also habitually condemned the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. Though much of what they taught came from God’s word, the Pharisees refused to apply it personally to themselves. Thus, Jesus said of them, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice.” (Matthew 23:2-3; ESV)

A religion that does not actually affect one’s behavior is a worthless religion. Jesus did not want his followers to be hearers of the word without also being doers of the same. (cf. James 1:22-25) If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that believe needs to actually touch your behavior. If you know the truth, and can teach people the truth, but you yourself never obey the truth, you are not a child of heaven.

Finally, Jesus condemned the scribes and the Pharisees for adding their own opinion to the word of God. He cited Isaiah and applied it to the religious leaders of the day, stating that their worship of God was vain, because they were adding to God’s word. (cf. Matthew 15:9) God warned His people not to do this. (cf. Proverbs 30:5-6) But the Pharisees did it anyway, creating customs and titles and dogmas, and adding it all to the Law, making their teachings equal to God’s teachings.

Even so today, believers in Christ are warned not to change the Gospel. If a man does not abide in the doctrine Christ gave, but runs ahead of that doctrine, adding to it, that man has lost his relationship with God. (cf. 2 John 9) Likewise, we are told that if anyone starts changing the Gospel being preached, then what they are preaching is no longer the Gospel, and that person is accursed, or, in other words, a child of hell. (cf. Galatians 1:6-9)

Far too many feel comfortable moving beyond what God has proscribed, assuming that their own additions, adjustments and ideas will still be pleasing to God. But if our worship, our faith and our behaviors are in accordance with our own desires, rather than the desires of God, we are not on the path to the Father, but are instead following in the footsteps of the devil. And when we convert people to such a path, we are not making them children of God, we are making them children of hell.

All of this should give each of us pause, and motivate us to serious self reflection. There are many denominations, and many contradictory things being taught as doctrine in this world. But not all religion is good. Any religion which points away from Christ is naturally problematic and evil. But even if a religion claims Christ and the Bible, if it is a form religion that is willing to change God’s word, it is not a saving religion. A religion that adds to what God has taught men, inserting human wisdom into the divine text, is one that is following in the footsteps of the Pharisees, and Jesus warned us where their path was taking them.It’s a path we don’t want to be on.


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Unity, Homes, and Houses

The Church’s Secret Weapon for Greater Unity

Homes today are 1,000 square feet larger than the average home in 1973. Many houses today are not “homes,” but more like showplaces, as people strive to get that perfect “Magnolia” look or have just the right beach or mountain decorations. And yet, fewer and fewer people are inviting others into their homes. Think about that–we have bigger houses with more “stuff” and yet we have fewer guests over. We don’t eat with one another in our homes–but rather we name a restaurant to meet at.

It may be a super star sized house, but is it a home?

It may be a super star sized house, but is it a home?

I don’t know if it is because we have become so worldly that we are ashamed of those nicks and scratches on our interior paint, or maybe we don’t feel comfortable with people seeing how we really live. But the result is still the same: many Christians go weeks (or more realistically, months) without having anyone in their home. As a result, we don’t really know most of our church family very well.

How can you REALLY get to know someone in a loud and busy restaurant? How can you truly open up to people if you don’t know them?

Rare is the week we don’t have people–often LOTS of people–in our home. Melinda and I gave up worrying about having a spotless home, shiny floors, and a well manicured lawn years ago (we have 4 children and a dog). That’s not to say we don’t try to keep a clean house and nice yard. We do. But the reality is we live in our home, and life happens. We actually cook in our kitchen. We have a crazy travel schedule with my job. We often drop what we are doing to assist someone who may need a meal, visit, or helping hand. And so when friends and family come over they know they are not going to get a Martha Stewart or Joanna Gaines showplace.

So why would we have people over if our life is already crazy? Maybe it is to laugh together. Or to empathize and sympathize with one another. Or to have serious talks about spiritual matters. Or to play cards and sing. Or maybe it is to just sit around a cup of coffee and just love each other.

Acts 2:46 says, “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.” I love this verse because it paints a beautiful picture. These people had something in common and they wanted to be together.

This week (like many weeks) we have had two opportunities to have late night talks with two special groups of people. In one we were exploring life, discipling, talking about the future, and discussing God’s role in what we do. The other was talking about death and the struggles one faces when a family member passes away. It’s during talks like these that our relationships truly grow and deepen. It’s during late night discussions like these or sitting around a table that our children grow and see what real Christianity looks like. It’s during those conversations that you get just a little sample of what heaven will be like when you are surrounded by your Christian family.

So why don’t we do it more often? Why aren’t we in each others homes weekly? Why aren’t we eating with one another more often? If you are currently thinking you are too busy, then Satan has lied to you and told you worldly activities are more important than Christian relationships. If you think you don’t have the energy then please take a minute and evaluate what things are taking all of your energy. Or is it that you are afraid of letting your guard down and letting people see the real you with all your warts and scars? Friends, it’s during those times gathered around your table or sprawled out on the couch that you discover other people have warts and scars too, and you come to realize they love you anyway. It’s during those times that you realize there are people on this planet who are not perfect, but they love you and honestly want to help you get to heaven–and will be there for you in the good times and bad. Stop thinking about having someone over and just do it. You’ll be glad you did!

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Seeking Peace through Self-Control

Seeking Peace through Self-Control

Have you ever done something good only to be blindsided by others questioning your motives?  On the light side, what if you purchased some low fat strawberry ice cream for your spouse knowing she really likes it. Would you promptly, perhaps angrily, receive the question, “Do you think I am fat???” What you say next is the center of our examination involving the judge Gideon.

Thinking before acting, considering the consequences.

Thinking before acting, considering the consequences.

Led by the Spirit of God, Gideon called the Abiezrites (a clan of Mannaseh) and the men from the tribes Asher, Zebulun, and Naphtali (Judges 6:34ff).  Gideon gathered these men that they might go up against the Midianites and Amalekites as the Lord had commanded.  Ultimately, all but 300 would be sent home that the power of God would be seen in the victory.  When the enemy was fleeing, Gideon called upon Naphtali, Manasseh, Asher, and Ephraim to pursue.  Ephraim in their efforts would capture the Midian princes Oreb and Zeeb.

It seems this event would end in praises to God and kind words for Gideon.  Instead, Ephraim voiced anger at Gideon for not calling them when the battle was first initiated.  Did they believe Gideon was motivated by a desire for glory?  Was jealousy the motivation Ephraim demonstrated anger toward Gideon?  Judges 8:1 shares that Ephraim took the actions of Gideon as a personal offence and “they accused him fiercely.”.

Gideon could have responded angrily to Ephraim.  He could have said things he would have regretted.  The situation could have been escalated.  Often times, man chooses the wrong words (James 3:5-6).  Instead, Gideon diminishes his accomplishments and praises Ephraim’s.  He declares what he and his clan had done was not even comparable to Ephraim capturing Oreb and Zeeb.  These words bring about peace.  Ephraim’s anger subsides.  Gideon demonstrated self-control.

The apostle Peter provides direction for our lives akin to that of Gideon: “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.” (1 Peter 3:10-11)  In our interactions, we always have a choice as to what our action and words will be.  We can seek peace through-self control or we can unleash a storm through rashness.

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Son, Remember

Son, Remember

“And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame’” (Lk. 16:23-24).

Remember the old paths.  Remember, the sure way. Cling to God.

Remember the old paths. Remember, the sure way. Cling to God.

It is likely that when you read these words you can recall the details of the entire story. However, these words were far more than a captivating story when they were spoken and heard by that rich man. This is not a parable of an imaginary man who never lived. Jesus said, “There was a certain rich man.”

Death brought changes to the rich man. He now knew that gold has no value in hell. He knew that those who make gold the focus of their lives will someday recognize this truth, but it will be too late. The rich man’s dwelling, his clothing, all the excesses of living and his riches brought to him had no advantage.

Death brought changes to the beggar Lazarus. He no longer was hungry. He no longer was begging for crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table. He no longer had sores, nor dogs to lick them. Instantaneously, it all changed. He was changed from being an unwanted member of earthly society and had become the honored guest of heavenly beings who escorted him to the other side. Death changed almost everything around these two men and us.

One thing which did not change was the remembrance of one’s earthly life before death. In two brief words Abraham brought profound truth to the forefront. The two words were, “Son, remember.” The rich man remembered and recognized Lazarus. He recalled the crumbs which fell from his table and were evidently never given to Lazarus. He remembered his five brothers and their ungodliness and begged that something might be done to bring about their salvation.

Now, think of how all this impacts your life. How will you feel when you remember that you never did anything to help the least in the kingdom? How will you feel about your selfishly spending almost all you were prospered on your own pleasures when the church struggled to make its proposed budget? How will you feel when you recall the sermons you heard pleading with you to get involved in His work and to grow spiritually? Wasted money, wasted time and wasted opportunities will be part of the agony in the torment of fire.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Think of what great memories the rich man could have had if he had changed his behavior. On the other side you will remember. The real question is whether the memories will bring regret or joy!

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Go and Tell the Disciples

Go and Tell the Disciples

The last chapter of the book of Matthew is all about a mission. A mission to tell people the Good News of the resurrected Savior. The two women at the empty tomb of Jesus are told to “go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead” (v. 7). Verse 8 tells us that they ran to tell the disciples and Jesus met them in the way. Jesus then tells them to go and tell his brethren to meet him in Galilee. In contrast the soldiers are compelled to lie about the risen Jesus and what they had seen. Finally, Jesus meets with his disciples and issues the final charge to go and “make disciples” of all nations,” baptizing them,” and to “teach them” to observe all He had commanded.

The Gospel is not a Secret.  Let us Go and Tell.

The Gospel is not a Secret. Let us Go and Tell.

When we go, teach, and do his will, he meets us in the way and never leaves our side. When we go and make disciples they will become the children of God and receive the forgiveness of sins. When we go teaching we encourage a faithful walk that leads to everlasting life. When we go. If we go! Go, my friends, and be faithful!

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