Bible Study Attendance

Bible Study Attendance

We are all familiar with Jesus’ parable of the sower as recorded in the gospels (Matt. 13:18-23; Mk. 4:13-20; Lk. 8:11-15). In teaching that lesson, Jesus taught that although the seed – the word of God – was the same in each case, the soil on the other hand, He broke down into four different categories of acceptance and production. I would like to use His divinely-inspired model in reference to Bible Study attendance in this article.

Where is your treasure?

Where is your treasure?

First off, why is it that so many members, who actually have the health to do so and could come to Bible Study, so often and consistently choose not to? Are they really so naïve, uninformed, and/or self-deceived as to think that God will accept their excuses (Lk. 9:57-62; Matt. 7:21-23)? Excuses which they would never dare give their earthly bosses (Mal. 1:6-14) for being late or missing work on a regular basis – while still expecting to keep their position that is? Do they not understand that all of God’s children are commanded to diligently and incessantly study in order to present themselves approved to God (2 Tim. 2:15)? Do they not see the vital necessity of making consistent and in-depth Bible study the top priority for any and all who want to be guaranteed of entering heaven (2 Ptr. 1:2-11)?

The answers to some of these questions are quite obvious. Apparently some do think that their excuses – family ties, lack of time, being tired, and etc – will be the ones which God will somehow accept; this, despite what scripture says (Hebs. 10:19-38, 12:12-29). Others may choose to stay at home while the black and white truth of God’s word is being taught, simply because they disagree with and/or just don’t want to accept what it says (2 Tim. 4:1-5). They have made up their minds as to what they want to believe – and what they have to believe in order to seek to justify their own sinful pursuits or conclusions – and they just do not want to hear anything that is going to correct or cause them to have to put forth the effort to rethink or repent of their personally-held perspectives and biblically-contradictory errors (Rom. 3:4). Never forget the eternally-sound wisdom of the divinely-inspired truth which King Solomon penned and put forth for us in Proverbs 18:1-2: “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment (*or sound wisdom). A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing His own opinion.

A second category of people when it comes to Bible Study attendance would be those who actually do manage to attend with some semblance of consistency for at least a little while, but yet their heart is not truly in it. Being so very often distracted, and even at times consumed, with other, more worldly influences and events going on in their own lives, they never really allow the truth that is being taught to sink fully down into their troubled souls and produce the kind of life-changing repentance that would be obvious to all on the outside if they did. Hence, many, having no true root depth, will eventually, progressively, start missing more and more Bible study time with the church, until they just simply drift or slip away completely (Hebs. 2:1-4). This, while others of the same mindset might stay in attendance for years, but yet never really progress in their knowledge, understanding, and obedience, much beyond what most of those who allowed their bodies to follow where their hearts and minds had already gone did.

A third grouping of people when it comes to public Bible Study attendance, might be those who attend not necessarily to learn anything new or expand their own Bible knowledge, but to make sure that everyone else there – the teacher included – absolutely conforms to their previously-arrived at conclusions – whether correct or not. They certainly don’t appear to want to put in the hours and hours of time and effort it takes to study, prepare, and teach a Biblically-accurate Bible class, but on the other hand, they seem to have no problem seeking to correct or admonish anyone who has.

Fourthly and finally though, just like in the parable of the sower, we come to the faithful Bible students; the forward-thinking learners; the penitent fruit producers. These are those who can’t wait for, nor would they let much of anything else get in their way of getting to, the public Bible study of the church. These are some of the private, personal, and most consistent Bible students (Deut. 6:1-8). Bible study is a top priority to them. And it thus shines through brightly in their public Bible Study attendance as well. They know that it is just such studies of God’s word which brings them ever-closer to the Lord their God, as they become ever more like Him through the daily renewing of their mind (Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 3:17-18; Col. 3:1-17). They understand, accept, and live and believe with all of their heart, that it is only those who “hunger and thirst after righteousness,” that will be filled according to His promise (Matt. 5:6). And they wouldn’t miss that for the world. …I mean, who would, right?

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Sheep Without a Shepherd

Sheep Without a Shepherd

By and large, Americans know so little about sheep, yet the Bible is filled with references to shepherds and their flocks. My nearly ten years of living in New Zealand allowed me to be around them. When I went to New Zealand, there were three million people living in that beautiful land and there were eighty million sheep!

Sheep are hopeless without a leader.

Sheep are hopeless without a leader.

I remember driving to conduct a Bible study at a residence on one of the large sheep farms (in New Zealand they were called sheep stations), and found the road blocked by a vast flock of sheep. Some of the stations in New Zealand had flocks that had over 15,000 sheep on them. There were not this many on the one where we were headed to teach the gospel, but it did not take us long to discover how “dumb” sheep are. There was no leader among them as we attempted to drive through them, so they aimlessly meandered around but never moved off the road to give us a path. Sheep will follow a shepherd and his dogs, but they are hopeless without a leader.

In Mark chapter six, Jesus saw a similar disarray, but it was not with sheep. “And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things” (Mark 6:34). Neither sheep nor people do well without a shepherd. They are hopelessly lost without someone to guide them.

There were shepherds in the Old Testament who needed to care for God’s flock (Israel). The problem was that they received the honor of being shepherds, but they never actually did the work of a shepherd. “You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with wool, you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock. The weak you have not strengthened nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought when was lost, but with force and cruelty you have ruled them, so they were scattered because there was no shepherd” (Ezek. 34:2-4). God looked down and saw exactly what Jesus saw in Mark six. His sheep, His people were scattered because there were no shepherds

What better illustration could there be about the importance of the work of elders in the church today? What a joy it is to see shepherds in our day who truly care for the sheep. They not only care for the ninety-nine sheep who are doing well, but they especially focus their attention on that one sheep who has wandered away. Without shepherds, Christians struggle, for we need godly men to lead us. Thank God for those men who have hearts of compassion for those of us who are part of His flock!

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En otras oportunidades hemos abarcado muy puntualmente, la autoridad de los ancianos, los beneficios de los mismos en una congregación local y hasta el peligro de que los varones tomen el rol de ancianos en una congregación. ¿Pero entonces, que se hace cuando no hay ancianos?. La respuesta está contenida en las páginas de las sagradas escrituras. También debo decir que dentro la cultura centroamericana esto es algo bastante común en las congregaciones de la Iglesia de Cristo aún en aquellas más numerosas. El hermano J.W. McGarver muy acertadamente comenta lo siguiente:

¿El N.T prescribe una forma de gobierno para la Iglesia? El protestantismo comúnmente ha respondido a esta pregunta en negativo; y respondiendo de esta manera han procedido a instalar la forma de gobierno que mejor les parezca y que más les convenga. Nosotros creemos que antes de avanzar tan lejos, ellos deben de considerar la pregunta más fundamental en este caso: ¿Autoriza el N.T algún gobierno en la Iglesia? Si  lo hace, entonces, cualquier forma de gobierno en la Iglesia es una usurpación”. (Un tratado sobre los ancianos J.W McGarvey pg.8, 1962)

¿Pero entonces, que se hace cuando no hay ancianos?.

¿Pero entonces, que se hace cuando no hay ancianos?.

Las palabras del hermano McGarvey son absolutamente acertadas en cuanto al tema que nos compete. Quizás lo que a continuación se vaya a mencionar no sea y no vaya a ser nada popular, pero La Biblia sí autoriza una forma de Gobierno en la Iglesia. Como lo mencionó nuestro hermano, cualquier otra forma de Gobierno (Ya sea predicador, hombre con más experiencia, o varones) constituye una Usurpación. A la conclusión de este enunciado el hermano finaliza diciendo: “ Lo que Dios ha instituido por si solo, por si solo y solo El podrá abolirlo”.

Podrán existir muchas explicaciones de hermanos del como; se debe trabajar cuando no hay ancianos pero en la realidad tales hermanos al imponer sus opiniones sin ningún respaldo bíblico están dejando nulo la instrucción que Dios ha dado y eso es demasiado peligroso. En ausencia de ancianos:

  1. LA IGLESIA, es quien definitivamente juega un rol transcendental. Efesios 1:22 dice: “y sometió todas las cosas bajo sus pies, y lo dio por cabeza sobre todas las cosas a la iglesia”. Aunque en el versículo anterior nos esté demostrando la prominencia de la Iglesia sobre principados, y poderíos, también nos está mostrando el lugar que Dios le da a la Iglesia. La Iglesia no son estimado lector tres varones, ni un grupo de ellos. La Iglesia es el grupo de los santos redimidos por el cordero (Is.62:12). Ningún hermano comprometido con la verdad se para al frente a hablar “en representación de la Iglesia”, ella ha de decidir por si misma. Decir que; “la Iglesia le ha dado la autoridad” es inconcebible, ridículo, fuera de lugar y pecaminoso (Ojo, no nos estamos refiriendo a dar un anuncio para la Iglesia, alguien tiene que hacerlo, sino más bien tomar en decisiones que no se han consultado con toda la Iglesia y que por lo tanto la Iglesia no ha tomado). La última vez que leí Mateo 28:18-20 toda la autoridad la tenía Jesús. Ahora a la Iglesia se le ha dado autoridad, autoridad que no puede delegar a nadie más. Esto es igual que delegar el rol que tengo (como varón) para predicar a una hermana…simplemente usted no pude hacer eso. La Iglesia  para nuestro Señor Jesús  no posee representantes, somos miembros, con diferentes funciones y El es la cabeza (Ef.1:22-23). En ausencia de ancianos la Iglesia en general debe tener un rol transcendental en la toma de desiciones que son de opinión (Contratar a un predicador nuevo, que hacer con la ofrenda, almuerzos congregaciones, color del edificio etc.).
  2. El EVANGELISTA, Quien no tiene (no debería) de tener un rol de “pastor” pentecostal, pero que si lleva una carga pesada sobre sus hombros. El predicador local no debe tomar desiciones él mismo, en asuntos de opinión ni menos en asuntos doctrinales. Conocemos el caso (a manera de ejemplo) de un hermano que no administra la ofrenda, pero si es El quién decide en que se va a usar, a que hermano se le va a ayudar de la ofrenda y a cual no. Esta figura de pastor denominacional es sin lugar a dudas ¡pecado!.  En ausencia de ancianos el evangelista local es quien tiene la responsabilidad de corregir lo que está deficiente (Tito 1:5) esta deficiencia mencionada en el texto incluye el no tener ancianos, pero es él quien tiene esta responsabilidad. En el texto de Tito, Pablo escribe que por esa causa (ancianos) lo había dejado en Creta para que corrigiese y estableciera ancianos. Pregunta: ¿Acaso no había hermanos fieles en Creta? ¿Acaso no había varones en Creta? En Tito 1:10-12 observamos algunas dificultades que existía en la ciudad de Creta y no hay duda que estas afectaban a la Iglesia que estaba allí.  Cuando hay muchas personas tratando de resolver un problema simplemente han creado otro, y Dios sabe eso. El evangelista local es quien tiene no la autoridad (la autoridad la tienen las escrituras) sino la responsabilidad de corregir lo deficiente.
  3. LOS VARONES. El hermano Wayne Jackson escribe al respecto:

“¿Como deberían de conducirse las reuniones de negocios de la Iglesia en ausencia de ancianos?

  1. Todas las leyes están determinadas por las escrituras; ningún ser humano, tiene un voto o decisión en esta área. 
  2. Los asuntos de opinión o de conveniencia, deben de ser discutidos y decididos por alguien en la congregación, si la congregación no tiene ancianos.
  3. Ninguna persona (Diotrefes, 3 Jn.9, o el sistema moderno pastoral), ancianos-no calificados, “lideres”, comité de finanzas, o grupo de varones, deberían de funcionar como el cuerpo o la entidad que toma las decisiones por la Iglesia.
  4. Las muejeres no deben de fungir como autoridad en la toma de desiciones.
  5. Las reuniones de negocios de la Iglesia deberían ser conducidas en un formato de orden, de respeto mutuo y de organización, más que de acusaciones. 

Las reuniones de negocio entonces deberían de llevarse a cabo por los varones maduros de la congregación. “

(Wayne Jackson, Christian courier; Como deberían de manejarse las reuniones de negocio de la Iglesia).

Probablemente este sea el punto donde muchos de nuestros hermanos han perdido el camino. Lo más lógico es que en ausencia de ancianos los varones son los que celebren las reuniones de negocios…si, pero esto es en cuanto a las reuniones no en cuanto a tomar decisiones por la Iglesia. Los varones han de discutir, de valorar pros y contras, de advertir quizás pero la Iglesia es la que toma la decisión al final. Los varones son una llanta de repuesto por mientras el evangelista trabaja desde la enseñanza hasta la visitación y preparación de ancianos. Me temo por mucho que hemos ido a Europa ida y vuelva con la llanta de respuesta pensando que así está bien y que no necesitamos la verdadera llanta. Estimado lector…¡esto es grave! De repente y Dios se bajo de nuestro vehículo hace mucho tiempo sin darnos cuenta.

En este país (Costa Rica) se requiere una junta directiva para conceder los permisos necesarios para funcionar legalmente (Presidente, fiscal, vocal etc.)  donde incluso se requiere participación de las mujeres. Lo que es de sorprender es que algunas Iglesias que están usando este requerimiento legal como organización de la Iglesia. Hechos 14:23 “Constituyeron ancianos”, fuera de esto, cualquier forma de gobierno es usurpación, y una burla a lo que Dios ha establecido.

Como palabras de conclusión déjeme mencionar que en ausencia de ancianos  “no nada más hacemos lo que nos venga en gana”. Algunos hermanos solamente asumen que por no haber ancianos hay que hacer esto y lo otro y que Dios nos está dando la libertad de hacerlo simplemente porque hay que rellenar el puesto y porque lo hacemos con buenas intenciones. Recuerde usted en el A.T lo que pasó con Uza. Que él sea su mejor ejemplo en que las buenas intenciones no van a detener a Dios de condenar, un acto de violación a la instrucción escrita. Pablo escribe en Ef.4:11 “Y él mismo constituyó a unos, apóstoles; a otros, profetas; a otros, evangelistas; a otros, pastores y maestros,”. Sacando de la lista apóstoles y profetas que ya han cesado, la instrucción de  Dios para nuestros días es; evangelistas (o predicadores), pastores (en plural, sabiendo que los ancianos funcionan en conjunto con los diáconos) y maestros.  No existe nada más en el versículo. Le guste a usted o no, esté de acuerdo con el artículo o no lo esté,  predique usted lo contrario en conferencias, publicaciones, reuniones o lo que sea, nada cambiará la verdad absoluta de este pasaje. Cuando no hay ancianos, la Biblia debería ser la única más alta fuente de autoridad a seguir. Cuando haya ancianos, la Biblia debería seguir siendo esa única autoridad absoluta. ¡Dios le bendiga!.


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God Gave Us Eternal Life…

God Gave Us Eternal Life…

And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Let us share the good news of eternal life.

Let us share the good news of eternal life.

1 John 5:11-12

Christians, why should we be ashamed of this testimony?  Eternal life is ours, the gift of God freely given!  (Rom. 6:23)  Why should we be ashamed of the gospel?  (Rom. 1:16)  To live forever in peace with God in heaven, when in reality we deserve the opposite (Rom. 6:23; Rev. 21:8; Eph. 2:8; Tit. 2:11).  Our gratitude for this glorious gift should have us shouting his praises from the rooftops!  (1 Pet. 2:9)

So again, why SHOULDN’T we testify of God’s love and grace?  And why be afraid to say that the path to salvation is found in only one place, in one Man (John 14:6)?  Why not tell of our allegiance to Jesus Christ?  In him is life (John 1:4), and one resides in him only through repentance of sins and baptism (Gal. 3:26-27; Rom. 6:1-5).  Want to have the Son of God?  Obey his command found in Mark 16:16.  Obey his commands, period (Luke 6:46; John 14:21-23).

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Who is the King of Your Life?

Who is the King of Your Life?

In the time of the Judges, God raised Gideon to deliver Israel. Gideon gave God the Glory when he conquered the princes of Midian: Oreb and Zeeb.  He declared it would be by the power of  God that the Midian kings Zebah and Zalmunna would fall as well (Judges 8).  Gideon realized it was not by his own hand or the hand of man this was achieved.  Only through the might of God, King of Israel and Creator of all, was this accomplished.

The faithful of God recognize that there is only one King of their life.

The faithful of God recognize that there is only one King of their life.

God told Moses Israel would someday seek an earthly king over themselves like the nations (Deuteronomy 17).  The first king appointed by the judge Samuel was Saul (I Samuel 10).  However, before Saul and following the victories of Gideon, Israel asked Gideon and his sons after him to be their king.  His response: “…I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you: the LORD shall rule over you.” (Judges 8:23).  Gideon may not have been a perfect man, but he humbled himself to the power of God.

Men have been trying to elevate themselves since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). Adam and Eve ate thinking they would be like gods in doing so.  Their decision introduced death to mankind.  Later, mankind tried to elevate himself by building a tower high into the skies.  God changed their languages and scattered them throughout the earth (Genesis 11).  During the captivity of Israel, Nebuchadnezzar attempted to take the might of God upon himself declaring he had built the nation of Babylon by His own power; God caused him to go about as oxen eating grass (Daniel 4).  Herod attempted to take the glory due to God and Jehovah caused him to be eaten of worms (Acts 12).

Matthew 5:3 declares: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”  The phrase “poor in spirit” describes the humility we see in Gideon and the humility man needs to exhibit to be pleasing to God.  Gideon did not attempt to put himself in the place of God. He did not seek the recognition of men.  He simply fulfilled his role as a servant of God and was content with God being King of his life.

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