There are many today who will tell you that all you have to do is believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you will be saved. While those two things are indeed absolutely essential to being saved (Romans 10:9-10), the all-important question is, are they indeed the only two essential requirements in order to be saved like so many claim? If you are someone who believes that they are, and your eternal destination is at all important to you, then please take the time to consider each of the following statements and the Scriptures which accompany them (Acts 17:11).
Flour is not all that is essential for pancakes. Belief is not all that is essential for salvation.
· Satan believes in God, for he speaks of Him as existing (Genesis 3:1-5).
· Satan also believes God is powerful – far more powerful than he is (Job 1:6-10).
· Satan’s demonic servants believe in God as well – and tremble (James 2:19).
· Satan’s demonic servants also believe, – yes KNOW – that God is all-powerful (Mark 5:1-13).
· Satan’s demonic servants not only believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but also confessed the same on numerous occasions (Matthew 8:28-29, Luke 4:33-35, 40-41).
While confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart that Jesus is Lord are both essential to being saved, they are certainly not the only two items that are essential to salvation as these Biblical examples undeniably prove. If they were, then both Satan and his demons would be headed for heaven for all eternity – which they are not (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10). We see this same Biblical pattern of those who confessed Jesus as Lord and obviously believed in their hearts, but still were not saved simply by those two essential elements alone, in several other Scriptures as well. For example:
The highly devout and zealously religious folks listed in Matthew 7:21-23 called Jesus “Lord.” They obviously believed – look at the list of good works they did in His name! But what did Jesus say to them in vs. 23? “I never knew you; depart from Me.” Why? Because even though they had believed in and confessed Him as Lord, they still hadn’t done the other things that were just as essential to their salvation as those two were (Vss. 21, 24-27).
Saul of Tarsus, on his way into Damascus, both called Jesus “Lord,” and showed his deeply heart-felt faith/belief by his very obediently following Jesus’ instructions (Acts 9:1-8; See Hebrews, chapter 11). If those two things alone were all that were necessary in order to be saved, then at that point he would have been. However; we know he wasn’t, because even after doing those two things – plus praying hard over the course of three days without food or drink (Vss. 9-11) – he was still in his sins (Acts 22:12-16), not yet being forgiven, or hence saved.
Even though King Agrippa knew all about Jesus and believed all that the prophets had written about Him, both the Apostle Paul as well as Agrippa himself knew that those things alone did not make him a Christian (Acts 26:1-28).
Belief and confession can be likened to an engine and a transmission. It is safe to say that he who has an engine and a transmission can drive his car to his intended destination. This is because without both an engine and a transmission, the car will certainly not get him where he intends to go. However, while those two items are absolutely essential to driving his car there, they are certainly not the only two essential elements that are. Tires, framework, and fuel are all just as necessary to his intended travel and destination arrival.
Yes, belief and confession are salvation-essential just as the Bible says (Romans 10:9-10). However, there are several other just as salvation-essential items which cannot be left out, neglected, or overlooked if one is to be truly saved, instead of tragically surprised, when they come before the Lord Jesus on Judgement Day (Matthew 7:21-23).
If you are serious about the safe arrival of your eternal soul to its intended heavenly destination on that day, then please come, and see, and study, and worship with us this coming Lord’s Day. Ask questions. Get full Biblical answers!
For a free and further Bible Study on this subject, please go to and click on the study entitled: “Complete List Of Biblical Components Necessary For Salvation” in the fourth set of studies in that section. Also, for much more information and Biblical insight, please listen to the full length audio sermon from which the above article was actually taken, at:
That transformation which occurs when one becomes a Christian is so remarkable. The apostle Paul emphasized this to those new Christians in Corinth. In his second letter to that church he spoke of all he was in Judaism before becoming a follower of Jesus. No one excelled his credentials, yet he gave it all up. He reminded them of this truth and then applied this transformation to all Christians. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).
Have you transformed from the old to the new?
What Was Old and Passed Away?
In Judaism, there were those who boasted in their appearance and lived for themselves (2 Cor. 5:12, 14). All that mattered to them was the fleshly honors they had attained (v. 16), but Paul said that having become a Christian none of these mattered at all.
The old guilt of sin had passed away. Under that Old Testament law, every year there was that Day of Atonement (modern Jews call it Yom Kippur) when God remembered the nation’s sins, and His displeasure was “satisfied” by the offering of animal sacrifices. It was a religion which easily created guilt for there was no real forgiveness. When one becomes a Christian God “remembers their sins no more” (Jer. 31:34).
The old system of being God’s chosen people had passed away. God have given the Old Testament, but it was only to the Jews (Rom. 3:1-2), and the rest of mankind were thereby separated from the promises and blessings of that system. Paul turned his back on all that when he learned of God’s new religion where there is no distinction between Jews and Greeks (Gal. 3:28). Under that old covenant one was born into a relationship with God (whether one wanted it or not), but in God’s new plan one makes his own choice to be born again into God’s family (John 3:3-5).
What Has Become New?
Under the New Testament all of this had changed. There is now freedom of choice. The old law was a yoke of bondage (Acts 15:10), but Jesus’ new law is easy and light (Matt. 11:30). There is now eternal forgiveness—God no longer remembers our sins because Christ has become our eternal, atoning sacrifice. There is now a new relationship with God—Jesus’ model prayer begins, “Our Father who is in heaven.” John said it this way, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God” (1 John 3:1).
What has become new? Paul’s answer is “all things have become new.” Paul gave up everything to embrace Christianity. Consider this question. What have you given up to become a follower of Jesus?
“You shall not see your brother’s ox or his sheep going astray and ignore them. You shall take them back to your brother. . . And you shall do the same with his donkey or with his garment, or with any lost thing of your brother’s, which he loses and you find; you may not ignore it” (Deuteronomy 22:1-3).
Let us look to find what is lost.
We are familiar with the concept of the lost and found. When we lose a jacket, piece of jewelry, sunglasses, or some other article, it is often placed in a common spot where people may go look for their lost item. We don’t ignore lost items because when we lose something, we want it returned to us. Does it surprise you that this concept goes all the way back to the Mosaic Law? If an Israelite saw someone’s livestock roaming free, he was to take charge of it and return it. If it wasn’t convenient to return it, he was supposed to store it until the owner came looking for it. What God specifically prohibited was ignoring the problem. They were obliged to do something about the lost.
There is a spiritual lesson in this. Today, God has many people that are lost. Jesus said that he came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). He did not ignore the problem of lost people. What do we do about it? Are we paying attention to the lost around us? Or are we ignoring the problem. God doesn’t want us to ignore the lost. Let’s resolve to do something about it and bring back to God that which is lost to Him.
Holistic medicine is all the rage in certain circles: the theory that you need to treat the whole of a person, and not just the individual parts. There is a certain kind of sense to the idea. The whole body knit together, is affected by each part and the healthiness of that part. Stub your toe, your eyes tear up and your head begins to pound.
There is One who holds all things together.
More important than physical health is spiritual health. We are reminded, “bodily exercise has some profit, but righteousness is profitable for all things, having promise both for this life and the life to come(1 Timothy 4:8).”
When it comes to spiritual health, the Bible is all in on the concept of a holistic approach.
Concerning the health of the body of Christ, the church, the Bible says that it is to grow through the working of each member of the church doing their part (cf. Ephesians 4:16). Likewise, we read, “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it(1 Corinthians 12:26).”
If we want a strong, spiritually-healthy church, then we must work on developing strong, spiritually-healthy members in that church.
The Bible has some insights into how we can each achieve this.
Solomon, writing instructions for spiritual health, advised, “My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh(Proverbs 4:20-22; NKJV).
Notice the holistic approach Solomon advises for learning spiritual wisdom. The ear, the eye and the heart must all play a part. The ear must be attentive when godly teachers are speaking. The eye must be fixed on the printed words of God’s Message to man, and the heart must treasure these words beyond measure. The importance of this total approach to learning God’s word cannot be overstated.
The psalmist declares that the righteous man, blessed by God in all that he does, meditates on God’s word day and night (Psalms 1:2-3).
Solomon has more to say about a holistic righteousness: “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you (Proverbs 4:23-24; NKJV).” Jesus echoed these exact words a thousand years later saying, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment (Matthew 12:34-36; NKJV). Else-when, Jesus reminded His followers: “those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man(Matthew 15:18; NKJV).”
You can’t be spiritually healthy if your heart is full of sin and corruption. Likewise, spiritual health requires sound speech that cannot be condemned. (cf. Titus 2:8)
Finally, Solomon addresses the importance of your feet in an all-around plan of spiritual health: “Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you. Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil.(Proverbs 4:25-27; NKJV)”
Again, we see the importance of focusing the eye properly, using the head wisely, but all so that the feet may walk the right path. Jesus said that there were only two paths. One path led to life; the other path led to destruction(cf. Matthew 7:13-14). It’s no good to claim that your heart is on the right path while your feet are busy running down the wrong path. The whole of your spiritual life needs to be working together to make sure that your feet are leading you in the right direction, at the end of which is life eternal.
I have written Part 1 of a study on the biblical meaning of 666, and afterward I wrote Part 2 which delved into the biblical meaning behind the symbolism of the two beasts mentioned in Revelation 13. This final article will focus on determining the meaning behind the symbolic number itself. Before starting it I highly advise you to read Parts 1 and 2 first, as they bring up biblical facts and principles which are needed to properly understand the true meaning behind 666.
To understand the meaning behind 666, it’s important to first understand how numbers are used in Revelation. Remember that Revelation announces itself as “signified” from the get-go (Rev. 1:1), a book filled with signs and symbolism. Thus, it must be understood that the numbers found within the book have figurative meanings and should not be taken literally.
Most of the numbers in Revelation are figuratively used as a description of something rather than as having an absolute numerical value. We can determine the proper usage of many of the numbers by studying how they were used elsewhere in the Bible. For example, a biblical study of how “12” was used symbolically throughout the Bible helps us understand that the 144,000 of Revelation 7 is not talking about a literal 144,000 people, but rather symbolically was used to describe the entire population of the redeemed from the earth.
The Christians of the first century A.D. probably had a better understanding of these numbers than we do some 2,000 years later. Today, many Americans who follow politics can see a comic strip on the editorial page of any newspaper depicting a donkey and an elephant in a boxing match and immediately know that the picture symbolizes the political war between the Democratic Party and Republican Party. Yet, imagine if God grants us another two thousand years and some archaeologist comes along and discovers that same cartoon. Without doing research into what the donkey and the elephant commonly symbolized in 20th-21st century America, any deductions he would make about the picture would undoubtedly be erroneous, especially if he took it literally. In like manner, we would be wise to research how the people of John’s day looked at numbers.
In those ancient times, language was primitive and the vocabulary was not nearly as extensive as it is today. Thus, one word or term sometimes had many diverse meanings. Under these types of conditions, men naturally came to use numbers like we use words today. As a result, numbers came to have a certain descriptive meaning just as words do. We do this today to a certain extent in our language. For example, how many tend to associate the number 13 with being unlucky?
How did they look at 666? Breaking it down even more, how did they look at the number “6” back then?
To answer this, let’s first recognize that 6 falls short of 7. It’s 7 minus 1. Why is this significant?
Back then, “7” was the number that symbolized perfection, purity, and completeness. The Word of God was called “pure” while being compared to “silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times” (Ps. 12:6). God rested on the seventh day, which was after he had completed the creation of the world and universe (Gen. 2:1-2). Jesus commanded that forgiveness was to be done “seventy times seven” times (Matt. 18:21-22), which was his way of saying that we are to completely and perfectly forgive each other.
6 falls short of 7. With this in mind, let me ask you something.
When was man created? Answer: on the sixth day (Gen. 1:26-31).
Look at this passage from Proverbs:
“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him.”
Proverbs 6:16
Does God hate only six sins, only seven sins? No, he’s using the numbers symbolically here. He’s purposefully associating the number 6 with sin and the number 7 with completeness to signify how he completely hates all sin.
What does all this show us? The Christians of John’s day, the original readers of Revelation, would have considered the number 6 to be evil, to be associated with sin, to be associated with man. When they encountered this number, they would associate evil with whatever that number was represented with.
That’s why John says that 666 is “the number of a man” (Rev. 13:18). Yet, let’s get even more specific. In the original Greek, it doesn’t say “the number of A man.” It actually says, “the number of man,” as in mankind. Arithmos (number) anthropos (man). The Greek word anthropos literally defines humanity, not a specific male person.
Therefore, 666 is the number of mankind, humanity. Why? Because 6 was symbolic of man. It was biblically symbolic of the sin and evil of man.
It’s very important that we remember this, because it changes the whole way people interpret 666. People read in their English Bibles that 666 is the number of “A man,” and so they begin trying to figure out WHICH man it is. Is it Nero? Is it another Roman emperor? Is it Napoleon? Is it Hitler? Is it bin Laden?
But that’s not what the verse was actually saying. The verse was actually saying that 666 was the number that symbolized mankind in general. It symbolized humanity and the evil of humanity.
Do you see how this changes the entire way one goes about interpreting the verse? No longer are we looking for a specific person, but now we see that God is figuratively talking about all of humanity when he mentions 666.
When the early Christians first read Revelation 13:18, they would have seen that number 6, the number they associated with evil, used three times. 666. Why is 6 used 3 times in this verse?
Revelation 13:18 calls 666 the number of man, true. Yet, it’s also called the number of the beast…but this number is not used to identify the beast. Verses 11-17 already identified the beast rising out of the earth as false religious governmental powers. We saw that in Part 2.
No, rather than identify the beast, 666 is used just like most of the other symbolic numbers in Revelation…in a descriptive manner. It’s used to describe the beast, to give certain information about this beast. Kind of like how we use the number 13 today to describe or associate it with someone or something which is unlucky or superstitious.
Thus, it’s our task to understand what information is being given by associating this beast with the number 666. What about the beast is 666 describing? What about mankind in general is 666 describing?
The way for us to figure it out is to examine how the number 6 is used in other passages of Revelation and apply that meaning to Revelation 13:18. That’s why verse 18 says, “…let the one who has understanding calculate (or count) the number of the beast…” The “understanding” we must have is an understanding of the rest of Revelation, which is what we will use to determine the meaning of the number of the beast.
No wonder the first part of verse 18 says, “This calls for wisdom”…
This is why it’s important for us to figure out why the descriptive, symbolic number “6” is used 3 times in verse 18 to form the number “666.” Even though Revelation 13:18 is the only place in the entire book where we find the number “666,” the number “6” is used in other places in Revelation.
In fact, it’s interesting to note that the number “6” is used three other times in the book. The first time “6” is used is when the sixth seal is opened (Rev. 6:12-17). To sum up what this passage is talking about, this is a reference to the end of all things, Judgment Day, when Christ comes again. At the second coming of Christ, all physical things on this earth will be destroyed. Those who have not obeyed God will seek in vain to hide from him in any way possible to avoid his wrath.
The second time “6” is used is when the sixth trumpet is blown (Rev. 9:13-21). This passage symbolically describes the terrible situation people who are not spiritual and who do not worship God will find themselves in when Christ comes again. All things which claim to be spiritual but in reality follow the doctrines of men (false prophets, false religions like those represented by the beast rising up out of the earth) will be destroyed.
The third time “6” is used is when the sixth plague is poured out (Rev. 16:12-16). This passage symbolically describes how God will gather together all who have not been obedient to him on the day Christ comes again, Judgment Day. This gathering will be a time of unimaginable sorrow for these people.
So we see that each of the three times “6” is used in Revelation, it symbolically talks about the terrible destruction that will come upon the enemies of God on Judgment Day.
What does this tell us?
“666” is the number 6 used 3 times. Elsewhere in Revelation, the number 6 was used 3 different times: the sixth seal, the sixth trumpet, and the sixth bowl of plagues. Each of these cases figuratively describes how the enemies of God will be destroyed on Judgment Day when Christ comes again.
That tells us what 666 means. It is the number of the beast (Rev. 13:18). Specifically, the verse say that the one who has wisdom and understanding is to “count” or “calculate” the number of the beast which is 666.
The word “count” or “calculate” means in the original Greek to add up, to find out the end sum, the end result, the end equation, the final vote, the final tally. Jesus uses this same word when he tells us to “count the cost” (Luke 14:28), the only other time this Greek word is used in the New Testament.
What will ultimately happen to those governments who persecute Christians and those false religions who use government to persecute Christians?
What will happen to them when “their number’s up,” as it were?
God’s basically telling us that when we look ahead — count up, calculate — to see what will be the end result, the final equation, the ultimate destiny of the beasts of Revelation 13, we will see that at the end of all things…
…on Judgment Day, the day which each of these three “6’s” describes in Revelation, the day described by the sixth seal, the sixth trumpet, and the sixth bowl of plagues…
…what will happen to these persecutors of Christianity symbolized by the beasts is the same thing that will happen to all evil, sinful mankind in general.
What is the ultimate destiny of evil mankind?
They and the beasts will be completely destroyed at Christ’s second coming.
The physical and spiritual power and influence of these beasts will come to an end. Those governments who persecute Christianity both with and without the help of false religions will be destroyed. There will be no powers in existence except God’s.
“Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all enemies under his feet.”
1 Corinthians 15:24-25
On that day, the only people who will have any spiritual hope will be faithful Christians, those who have trusted in Christ rather than the beast.
On that day, what will happen to the first beast, governments who are hostile to Christianity? What will happen to the false prophet, the second beast which symbolizes false religions proclaiming to be godly but who use government to persecute true Christianity?
“And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.”
Revelation 19:20
“and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”
Revelation 20:10
Remember, though, that 666 is not only the number of the final destiny of the beast. It is also the number of the final destiny of sinful man.
666 — the Judgment Day described by the sixth seal, sixth trumpet, and sixth bowl of plagues — will be the counted, calculated, added up, end result and final tally of any man or woman, any member of mankind, any human being who puts his trust in something other than God.
“And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”
Revelation 20:15
“But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
Revelation 21:8
Back in Part 1, I introduced this study by talking about how people are scared of 666.
Well, the unrighteous and ungodly among us should be scared of 666, because it is the symbolic description of the judgment of wrath and destruction which awaits them.
What’s sad is that the unrighteous are not scared of this number for that reason. Most of them are not scared of the number at all due to being atheists, agnostics, or people of religions that do not claim to follow Christ. The unrighteous who ARE scared of 666 are scared of it for the wrong reasons, due to believing the lies that say the number describes Hillary Clinton, barcodes, credit cards, or microchips.
666 is a warning which must be heeded, not ignored or misconstrued.
Christians, you and I do not need to be afraid of this number, nor should we be afraid of it. Instead, 666 should give US encouragement and hope because it is a symbolic promise from God that our enemies, those who persecute us and malign us because of our faith and loyalty to Christ, will not win in the end. They will lose.
WE will win, and we will win because we stand with God.