Poder del Cielo


Antes de que Jesús ascendiera nuevamente al cielo, el habló  a sus apóstoles sobre el poder que el Espíritu Santo proveería para ellos. “Y estando juntos, les mandó que no se fueran de Jerusalén, sino que esperasen la promesa del Padre, la cual, les dijo, oísteis de mí. Porque Juan ciertamente bautizó con agua, mas vosotros seréis bautizados con el Espíritu Santo dentro de no muchos días.” (Hechos 1:4,5). Cristo mismo fue quién les había dicho: “pero recibiréis poder, cuando haya venido sobre vosotros el Espíritu Santo, y me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea, en Samaria, y hasta lo último de la tierra.” (Hechos 1:8). Aquellos apóstoles quienes de primera mano le habían oido sabían que pronto vendría el bautismo del E.S  y poder que tomaría lugar “no muchos días después” de que el maestro lo había expresado.


Antes de que Jesús volviera al cielo, habló a sus apóstoles sobre el poder que el Espíritu Santo les proporcionaría.

¿Cuándo  sería cumplida la promesa del Espíritu? Tomaría lugar en los días de los apóstoles de Jesús “Todos fueron llenos del Espíritu Santo, y comenzaron ha hablar en nuevas lenguas como el Espíritu les daba que hablasen” (Hechos 2:4). ¿Pero, qué con aquellos que no eran apóstoles? Después de que Cristo ascendió al cielo delegó todo el trabajó en manos de sus seguidores aquellos discípulos o cristianos que no eran apóstoles, ellos después recibieron el poder de hacer milagros cuando un apóstol de Cristo les imponía las manos. Un caso claro de esto se ve en Hechos 19:5-6 donde se registra el momento en que algunos hombres fueron bautizados en el nombre del Señor Jesús, “Cuando Pablo les impuso las manos, vino el Espíritu Santo sobre ellos y hablaron en lenguas y profetizaron”. Ese mismo apóstol Pablo  más tarde le escribió a  Timoteo y le dijo: “Por lo tanto te recuerdo que avives el fuego que hay en tí por la imposición de mis manos” (2Timoteo 1:6). El don de Dios que recibió Timoteo fue un don milagroso y ¿cómo recibió ese poder milagroso? A travez de un apóstol de Jesucristo que en este caso era Pablo que estaba imponiendo las manos sobre él.

Como resultado de la predicación  de Felipe en Samaria, algunos hombres y mujeres eran bautizados después de haber recibido la palabra (Hechos 8:12). A ese punto la Biblia registra que después de haber oido acerca de estas conversiones ellos enviaron a Pedro y a Juan. ¿Porqué, Todo parece estar bien con el ministerio de Felipe en Samaria entonces ¿Porqué traer a dos apóstoles?  La respuesta se encuentra en Hechos 8:15-17 Los cuales venidos, oraron por ellos, para que recibiesen el Espíritu Santo; (Porque aun no había descendido sobre ninguno de ellos, mas solamente eran bautizados en el nombre de Jesús.)Entonces les impusieron las manos, y recibieron el Espíritu Santo.” 

Estos nuevos discípulos recibieron el Espíritu hasta después de que estos apóstoles impusieron las manos sobre ellos. Eso es realmente importante. Nadie en nuestros días puede clamar imponer las manos para la recepción del Espíritu, porque para eso se requería siempre la presencia de un apóstol y evidentemente no existe ningún apóstol de Jesucristo hoy con vida, (que haya andadlo con Jesús, que haya sido testigo de sus milagros, que haya sido comisionado o que cumpla con los requisitos de apóstol enlistados en Hechos 1). Esto es otro muy claro ejemplo de como los discípulos (que NO eran apóstoles) recibieron poder sobrenatural después de que un apóstoles impusiera las manos en ellos. Nos preguntamos: ¿Porqué Felipe, no impuso sus manos sobre ellos, si fue Felipe mismo quien los había bautizado? De acuerdo a Hechos 21:8 Felipe era un evangelista y no un apóstol. Lo que ratifica el anunciado anterior en que solamente un apóstol real de Jesucristo podía imponer manos para que la persona recibiera algún poder o don milagro.

Existen muchas personas en la actualidad que piensan estar recibiendo o trasmitiendo poderes sobrenaturales, sin embargo todo eso no es más que sugestión a las personas. Todo esos dones y manifestaciones milagros tuvieron un propósito firme y específico; confirmar al mensajero y el mensaje. Si la autoridad de los apóstoles se hubiera irrespetado a como se intentó hacer en Hechos 5 con Ananías y Safira, la Iglesia del Señor hubiese colapsado en tan solo el inicio. Todo esto(dones milagros y poder sobrenatural) fue necesario, pero, muerto el ultimó apóstol, con él también murió la imposición de las manos a  otros. Los seguidores de Cristo obtuvieron el poder de hacer milagros después de su ascensión al cielo UNICAMENTE  a travez de los apóstoles. Nosotros hoy tenemos el poder del evangelio a travez de la Biblia (2Tim 3:16-17) que fue escrita por varios de estos santos hombres de Dios. La palabra de Dios sigue teniendo el poder sobrenatural de salvar almas y guiarlas al cielo, pero tales “manifestaciones milagrosas” ya no se encuentran presentes en ningún hombre o mujer bajo la faz de esta tierra. Cualquiera que clame tenerlos, simplemente es un falso o falsa.

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The Measure for Which You are Judged

The Measure for Which You are Judged

What exactly did Jesus mean, when He said: “Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven… For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you” (Luke 6:37-38)?


What is your standard of judgment?

Bill McCaughan, in the April, May, June, 2019 issue of Power For Today (© 2019 by 20th Century Christian Foundation) answers the question this way: “For me, this is one of the most disturbing statements Jesus ever made. Why? Because it says to me that if I do judge, I will be judged – by my own set of rules. If I do condemn, I will be condemned – by my own set of criteria. If I hold a grudge and fail to forgive – I won’t be forgiven, because I said – by my own actions – that I didn’t want forgiveness.” He is absolutely correct!

Every time we fail to give someone the benefit of the doubt; each time we hang onto all the hurtful little comments someone might’ve made (whether they intended them to be hurtful or not); every time we fail to let go of a wrong suffered (whether real or imagined, actual or only personally perceived in our own minds) we are giving God the exact standard by which we are telling Him we want to be judged. In other words, we are demanding of Him that on Judgment Day, He not give us any benefit of the doubt for anything. We are demanding that God hang onto and judge us for every hurtful little comment we may have ever made to anyone over the course of our life on earth – even if it was purely innocent and unintentional on our part! We are leaving God with no option whatsoever but to judge us just as harshly for every time we ever wronged anyone – or even if anyone ever perceived in their own hearts that we had somehow wronged them – even when we hadn’t! What a terribly scary thought to add to an already terrifying day! And yet, it is true (Matt. 6:12-15, 18:21-35; Lk. 6:37-38).

What is the answer then? As brother McCaughan concludes: “Love each other! Love covers a multitude of sins, of hurts, of perceived wrongs (1 Corinthians 13 [See also 1 Ptr. 4:8]). It covers them up – pulls the tarp right over them so they can’t see the light of day; so they can’t remind us to be upset or resentful… If a Jewish zealot (Simon) could love a Roman tax collector (Matthew), I, too, can love that person who bruised my ego. I can because Jesus and His love can fill me.”

What measure do you want God to use on you? You tell Him every day by the measure you use on others (See Ro. 2:17-24). This is why we must learn to forgive the offender, let go of the hurt we’ve been holding onto, and just live a life of love like we are commanded and empowered by God to do (Eph. 4:31-5:2; Col. 3:8-15), letting Him take care of everything else in the end (Ro. 12:14-21; Hebs. 10:28-31).

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The Folly of Life Without God

The Folly of Life Without God

“Thus says the Lord: ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength,whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness,in an uninhabited salt land’” (Jeremiah 17:5-6).


What do you trust in?

My grandfather worked as a truck driver emptying salt water from oil tanks in west Texas. The water was hauled off and disposed so that the land would not be destroyed. One time, we drove through an area of land that looked like it had been bleached. I asked, “What happened here?” The reply: “A salt water spill.” Sometimes the salt water would leak out of the oil tanks. It left a barren patch of dirt on which nothing would grow killing everything.

Jeremiah’s description of a person who trusts in mankind alone reminds me of these barren patches of land. The ultimate abode of a person who only trusts in the wisdom of man is isolation, loneliness, depression, and an empty life. It is when we trust in God first that life becomes a rich panorama of colorful seasons filled with fruit and gladness. God makes real fellowship with others possible. He is the basis upon which we have successful relationships with others. Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40). Let us be diligent to love God and to love our neighbor to reap the abundant life (John 10:10).

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Is it Wrong to Call Someone Good?

Is it Wrong to Call Someone Good?

Jesus said, “Why do you call me good?  No one is good except God alone” (Mark 10:18).

Therefore, should Christians refrain from calling anyone “good,” as in “So-and-so is a good person”?

The Greek word translated in English as “good” in Jesus’ conversation with the rich young ruler is agathos, which is defined as “of good constitution or nature,” “useful, salutary,” “good, pleasant, agreeable, joyful, happy,” “excellent, distinguished,” and “upright, honourable.”

Jesus used this same Greek word when he talked of how his Father made his sun to rise on the evil “and on the good” (Matt. 5:45).  He used it when he said, “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things” (Matt. 12:35).  He used it in a parable when he talked of servants who “gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good” (Matt. 22:10), and in another parable when he told of the master who said to his servant, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:21, 23).


Are you good? Is someone else good? Is that allowed?

In like manner, Luke was inspired by the Holy Spirit of God (2 Pet. 1:19-21) to use this same Greek word to describe Joseph and Barnabas (Luke 23:50; Acts 11:24).  Paul also was inspired to use this same word when he wrote, “…though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die” (Rom. 5:7).

Therefore, it’s clear from how “good” is used repeatedly throughout Scripture to describe imperfect human beings that it is not sinful or erroneous to refer to certain of our fellow man as “good.”  So why did Jesus say to the rich young ruler, “Why do you call me good?  No one is good except God alone” (Mark 10:18)?

First, remember that God is the ultimate epitome of goodness due to his sinless perfection and boundless love, patience, grace, and compassion.  While we imperfect human beings can justifiably and biblically be called “good” in certain ways and by various degrees as shown above, none of us can ever attain the degree of goodness possessed by Jehovah due to our sin (Rom. 3:23).

Secondly, Jesus IS God (John 1:1, 14; 10:30; 17:11, 22; 14:9; Phil. 2:6; 2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1:15, 19).  This fact was brought up repeatedly by him during his preaching and by the miracles he wrought throughout his earthly ministry (cf. Mark 2:5-12).  Because of this, it is clear that when the rich young ruler initially addressed him as “Good Teacher” (Mark 10:17), Jesus immediately saw another opportunity to proclaim himself as Deity.  Thus, he replied, “Why do you call me good?  No one is good except God alone” (v. 18), a subtle but definite hint to the ruler, anyone else who was listening, and to us as readers today that the ruler was addressing Deity when he spoke to Jesus.

Thus, one should take “No one is good except God alone” not as an indictment of sin by Christ against referring to anyone other than God as “good.”  If that was the case, Christ himself as well as his inspired apostles and prophets would have violated his own edict by referring both generally and specifically to imperfect human beings as “good.”  Rather, one should interpret Jesus’ statement to the rich young ruler primarily as an implication of his Deity and secondarily as an indication that our own goodness can never compare to the goodness of God.

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Christian Nobles

Christian Nobles

Meekness does not mean weakness. Humility does not mean timidity. As Christians we need to remember that we have been adopted into a (the) royal family. We are children of the King. We are nobles!

nobles king

Are you living a life of nobility?

Every Christian should live in such a way that their nobility is evident to the entire world. Timothy was “well reported of by the brethren” (Acts 16:2). In Philippi Paul and Silas conducted themselves with nobility. The Bereans “were more noble” then those in Thessalonica. And Paul stood proudly upon Mars’ Hill and proclaimed to the Athenians the one true and living God.

Are we living lives of nobility? Are we conducting ourselves as children of the King? How do we live noble lives? Believe on the Lord Jesus (Acts 16:31) and on His word (Acts 16:32). Study the word (Acts 17:11) and stand boldly for the truth. Be good stewards of our lives and our blessings. Love the Lord, the kingdom, our neighbors, and our enemies. Teach others. Worship and fellow-ship. Be faithful and proud as a noble Christian!

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