We will Glorify The King of Kings

We will Glorify The King of Kings

There is a hymn that is sung, “We will Glorify,” the lyrics of which, begin as follows: “We will glorify the King of Kings, we will glorify the Lamb; we will glorify the Lord of lords, who is the great I am.”

The sentiment of the song is quite appropriate. God is truly deserving of such praise. As the scriptures say, “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.” (Revelation 4:11; NKJV) And our Savior, Jesus Christ is likewise deserving, as we read a little further, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!” (Revelation 5:12; NKJV)

King of Kings

Who is the King of your life? Do you serve Him? Do you glorify Him?

Each individual who truly believes in God as their Creator, and Jesus as the Savior of men, should do all they can to glorify them. Nor should this glory be limited to a few trite platitudes uttered upon occasion. The Psalmist expressed it thusly: “My mouth is filled with your praise, and with your glory all the day.,” (Psalm 71:8; ESV) and elsewhere, “whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

But is this what we are doing? Are we truly glorifying God?

For most in the world, the answer must be, “No!” Life is not lived to the glory of God, but to the glory of some other. All too many live so as to bring glory to themselves. When they boast, they boast about their deeds, their wisdom, their ideas, their riches, their property, and their own accomplishments. They do not have the attitude of the one who wrote, “But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” (Galatians 6:14)

Many others live for the glory of some institution or association, such as their family or their country. Consider those who may not brag about themselves all that often, but they are more than happy to tell you all the wonderful things their children, grandchildren, or other kin have done exceptional. Or consider the politician, soldier, or nationalist who is all too happy to tell you why their country is the best on earth and are eager to fight and sweat and work to make it even better.

Are we glorifying God, or are we living for another?

Again, heed the words of Scripture: “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Therein is the expectation of God for His people. He is our Creator, the mighty King, the great I am; and if we consider ourselves the people of His pasture, then He alone is worthy to receive the glory, honor and blessing due Him.

If we wish to truly honor God, then we need to give some careful thought to how to go about doing this.

Most obviously, we should spend time in worship to God, both privately and collectively with the Lord’s church. Glorifying God is intrinsically linked to the worship of God. “Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” (Psalm 29:2) Why would we claim to want to glorify God, but refuse to worship Him?

But glorifying God cannot be limited to the actions of a worship service. Again, as the Psalmist said, “my mouth is filled with your praise,” and as the apostle reminded us, our boasting, if we are to boast, should be boasts about what God through Christ has done for us. Can we be said to glorify God if we refuse to speak to others about how great God is.

Then too, Jesus taught His followers: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16; NKJV) We bring no glory to God if we claim to be His follower but our lives do not reflect positively on Him. It is through our loving deeds that others may know we are indeed true followers of Christ (cf. John 13:35) Can we be said to be glorifying God if we are living selfish lives of sin? The answer is clearly, No.

So let us be serious about glorifying God, and think seriously about who our lives are actually bringing glory to. Let us glory God in worship, in word, but most especially in deed, letting our light shine brightly in His holy name!


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Without Warning

Without Warning

Less than 72 short hours before His arrest, crucifixion, and subsequent death and burial for the sins of the world, our Lord gave crucial answers to critical questions which are vital to the understanding of anyone hoping to go heaven. One of those questions was, “What would be the sign of [His] coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matt. 24:4). Later on, in answering that question as to when “heaven and earth [would] pass away” (vs. 35), Jesus’ response was that only God knew when that would happen (vs. 36), but that when it did come, it would strike suddenly, without warning, and would therefore occur so quickly and unexpectedly that for those who had simply gone about their normal, daily, earthly lives without getting properly prepared, there would be no time left to get ready (See vss. 37-41). Both the Apostles Peter and John (who were two of those who posed the original question and heard Jesus’ response that day – Mk. 13:3ff), as well as the Apostle Paul, all similarly wrote later on of this same event’s incredible suddenness (See: 1 Ptr. 3:10-14; Rev. 3:1-3; 1 Thess. 4:16-5:10; and 1 Cor. 15:51-58).

No Warning

No Warning. No Sign. Be Prepared at all times.

Jesus thus continued on in Matthew 24:42-44:Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” “Be ready!” That was clearly the clarion cry of the Christ and the crucial life and death conclusion which He would continue to drive home throughout the remainder of chapter 24 and all of chapter 25: “Be ready!”

“Be ready!” according to the Scriptures! “Be ready!” in the eyes of God! “Be ready!” before it’s too late! Get prepared, be prepared, stay prepared, and BE READY at all times – because you do not know the time of His return! Nor do you know when your momentary earthly life, which is but a vapor (Jms. 4:13-14), will come to an end – as we have been so relentlessly reminded by recent news stories regarding such sudden, fatal, and unexpected tragedies. Therefore, we must all, “Be ready!” Thus resounded one of the last, major, life and death messages of the Messiah!

You see, getting ready, being ready, staying ready, and helping others to get and stay ready and prepared for His return is one of the major reasons why the Lord’s church exists (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 8:5-12). That is why we do not waste our precious Bible study and worship time (Eph. 5:8-17) with such vain, useless, and soul-destroying frivolities as man-made doctrines, philosophies, entertainment, or other worldly pursuits (Mk. 7:5-13; Col. 2:8; 1 Jn. 2:15-17). Instead, we spend our Bible study time… well, studying the Bible! Studying the “black and white,” “book, chapter, and verse,” divinely-inspired word, will, and truth of the living God (2 Ptr. 1:20-21; Jn. 17:17), which is able to prepare and make us complete to stand before Him (2 Tim. 3:16-4:4). This is why we continually study (1 Tim. 2:15), abide in (Jn. 8:31-32), grow in (2 Ptr. 1:2-11), and obey it (Jn. 14:15-21). Similarly, we refuse to waste our precious worship time with anything less than absolute Biblical adherence to exactly how God said He wanted to be worshipped in His word, thus seeking to be only the kind of worshippers which He is clearly, continually, and exclusively seeking (Jn. 4:23-24).

The reason that such an all-out effort at informed preparation is so infinitely important, is because the Bible clearly depicts the eternal tragedy of even some very highly and devout religious people; devout religious people who had called Jesus “Lord,” done incredible things in His name, and who obviously believed with all their heart and soul that they were saved, but alas, were not. They truly appear to have believed they were fully ready – and in their own hearts and minds surely they were, one hundred percent – but in God’s eyes, they obviously were not; for although they had done some good things, they had not done God’s will (See Matt. 7:21-23).

We don’t want to be them, nor forced to share in their eternal departure from the Lord (2 Thess. 1:7-10). Hence, we plan to be getting further, better, and more Biblically prepared this coming Lord’s Day (Rev. 1:10), in the Lord’s church (Rom. 16:16), so that when He, our Lord returns, we, His people (Acts 11:26; Gal. 3:26-27) will be ready.

What about you? Are you ready? Not in your own eyes, but in His? According to His word (Jn. 14:15-23)? If not – or if there’s any question whatsoever – then please come join us and let’s all get more Biblically prepared and truly ready for the Lord’s return together this coming Sunday, shall we?


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God Knows Fathers

God Knows Fathers

It is easy for us think of our omniscient God in a general sense. God knows the actual weight of the earth and measured the entire universe with the span of His hand (Isa. 40:12). We know that the heavens show this wisdom and glory to all men. However, sometimes it is not easy to think about what God knows about us individually. Let’s take time to look at what God knows about fathers, but each of us can make our own application to our lives even if we are not fathers.

Father God

Who owns your life? Who is father to your children?

God knows so much about fathers. He knew about Abraham as a father. “For I have known him in order that he may command his children and his household after him that the keep the way of the Lord” (Gen. 18:19). In His wisdom, God could see Isaac and Jacob having been taught by Abraham and their responsibility to God. Fathers, have you ever considered that God knows how you are teaching your children?

God gave Isaac to Abraham even at his old age. Abraham could look at Isaac and know that this son was truly a gift from God. God “owned” Isaac first and that is why he was a gift from God. This truth extends far beyond this father and reaches down to all fathers, even to those who are reading this right this moment.

As the Jews were being taken to Babylon, God reminded them of their neglect of their children in a remarkable way. “Moreover you took your sons and your daughters, whom you bore to Me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured.  Were your acts of harlotry a small matter, that you have slain My children and offered them up to them by causing them to pass through the fire?” (Ezek. 16:20-21). They took their sons and daughters and burned them as infant sacrifices to pagan gods. Read these verses again. It was not their children—God says that those children were His children. Fathers, your children are God’s gift to you, but they, in reality, are His children given to you.

God knew Abraham and that He would instruct his children. Have you considered that God knows you just as well? Does God know you and knows you will not instruct your children? The Jews were not simply neutral in failing to teach God’s children He had given to them, they actively taught their children, His children, to do wrong. Fathers, your failure to actively teach your children may actually be teaching them by your example to not put God first in their lives!

Fathers, God put one verse in the Bible especially for you. “Fathers…bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). Remember they are not your children, God says, “They are Mine!”

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Church of God or Church of Christ

Church of God or Church of Christ

Why does Paul address the church as “the church of God” rather than “the church of Christ”?  (1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Cor. 1:1)  In these passages he is speaking to all the saints.  Aren’t the saints the church of Christ?

Christ IS God (John 1:1, 14).  Therefore, the terms “church of Christ” and “church of God” mean the same thing.  The church which belongs to Christ belongs to God.

Church of God

Matthew 16:18 makes it clear that God would build His Church.

The term “church of Christ” is not the only biblical name given to the New Testament church (cf. 1 Cor. 1:2; Acts 9:2; Heb. 12:23; 1 Thess. 1:1; etc.)

The term “saints” comes from the Greek word hagios, which literally means “most holy thing” or “one sanctified.”  One is sanctified through baptism into the church of Christ (1 Cor. 6:11; 12:13; cf. Eph. 1:22-23).  Therefore saints make up the church/assembly/ekklesia of Christ, the church of God, the Lord’s church.

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Coming out of Romans Chapter 11 and into chapter 12 is the idea that through God all men can be united.  He has made all.  He has had mercy upon all.  He hasn’t set one man to be of a greater worth than another.  Therefore, when we come to Christ, we transform!   The old man of sin dies and born in his place is someone no longer clothed in jealousy, pride, and selfishness.  Christians are transformed people serving mankind in good works and glorifying God.  This is the atmosphere that Romans 12:13-21 discusses.


Setting it all aside to become something new.

Often when the concept of change is discussed beyond self, the first place mentioned that it must be apparent is at home.  The home of the Christian is the Church.  Love for our brothers and sisters strengthens the Church.  These are not simply people with whom we worship God and then walk away until our paths cross again.  These are people who are relying upon us to help encourage them, comfort them, prop them up in times of struggle, and keep them from sin (I Thessalonians 5:14, Galatians 6:10, James 5:19-20).  We are one another’s accountability partners.  We need to draw close to one another.  What are the physical and spiritual needs of our Christian family?  It may be announced that so-and-so is ill or traveling or has a death in the family, but do you know when they are struggling to pay the bills, have work at home they are unable to accomplish, hurt inside because they feel their faith is weakening, or they feel empty and alone?  There are a plethora of needs brothers and sisters have and we cannot help them unless we invite them into our lives with kindness and hospitality.  We cannot develop a friendship unless we are willing to be friends.  This is the presentation of verses 13 and 15.  A living sacrifice reaches out, seeks out, what good he or she may do, and then engages.  It may mean we are doing something as holding a hand while tears are shed, but this can be huge for those in need.

Some Jews / Pharisees / Judaisers felt as if they were better than the non-Jew Christian.  They had established their own righteousness, traditions added to the Word of God supposing to make them even more pure, but rather drawing them further from God.  Certainly non-Jewish Christians struggled with pride and ego at times as well (Luke 18:9-14, I Corinthians 11:17-22, James 2:1-9) As a Christian living today, perhaps you have heard something like the following: “Oh, you only worship in the morning on the first day of the week? We worship x times on Sunday and x more times during the week!  (How pious we are)!” “MR. XYZ with all his credentials is our preacher, we wouldn’t accept less.” “We are a KJV only congregation.” “I am a Trustee, I determine what we will do.” “That Elder is President of 123 Corporation.”  There are a plethora of comments which could demonstrate the arrogance some people cling to supposedly lifting their worth above other Christians.  This was an issue in the first century and it is an issue today.  Thus, we are able to identify with the instruction given in vs. 16.  All of us have fallen short of the glory of God due to sin (Romans 3:23, Romans 3:9).  All mankind must put themselves at the feet of their savior and accept his reign over their lives to be saved.  Superiority over any brother due to race, sex, social status, or other means is simply a dangerous illusion from which we must simply flee.  We all must submit to God and serve one another (James 4:7).

The concept presented in verses 14 and 17-19 center on the friction that sometimes arises between men.  This may be conflict between brothers in the Church or it can be trouble outside of the body of Christ.  It can be persecution from those who stand against God or it can be frustrations between neighbors or coworkers.  The point is no matter with whom we come into contact, we have a responsibility to be kind and not cause the relationship to deteriorate even further.  We should neither seek to instigate conflict, extend it, or cause harm to others for what we perceive is injustice committed on their part.  This is God’s realm and He knows the hearts of men.  It certainly has been my personal and observed experience that when we seek to retaliate we often end up in no better position than when we began.  Furthermore, any hope of influence for the cause of Christ which we once might have had upon those whom we have come into conflict is likely snuffed out.  Consider the great influence wielded by Joseph under Pharoah.  He could have destroyed his family when they came for help, struggling with the famine in the land.  Where would Israel have been then?  Consider Daniel under Nebuchadnezzar?  He could have lashed out because Babylon had destroyed his homeland and the people he loved.  He could have been angry over having been turned into a eunuch.  However, he served Nebuchadnezzer and others providing a profound example as a faithful follower of God.  Consider Paul and Silas thrown into Jail for sharing the Gospel.  They could have ran from imprisonment abandoning the Philippian jailor when their bonds were unfastened.  Yet, their Christian behavior demonstrated throughout the ordeal brought the Jailor and his household to Christ.  The Bible provides multiple examples of how to live at peace with men.  There is no exception for hardships, persecution, or discomfort that may be experienced.  Retaliation, taking judgment into our own hands, should not be an option we ponder.

Taken together verses 13 through 19 discuss the way we ought to treat mankind properly.  We should be humble servants in all cases desiring peace and allowing wrongs to be judged by the hand of God.  This is all driven by a heart aware of God’s grace and mercy that wants to glorify God. This context is somehow forgotten in the attitude/understanding some hold when they cite verse 20:

“if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”

Some view this as a way to “get back” at those by whom they have been wronged in perception or reality.  “Be sugary sweet to them and they will just feel guilty and small”.  Such an understanding of this verse is contrary to what the entire text has been trying to convey.  It would be promoting a vindictive heart and cruel behavior rather than a heart of Christian love and holy hands.  Verse 20 relates to a custom of one’s neighbor who has allowed his home fire to burn out.  The hearth is the center of the home for cooking and heat.  In such a situation where the fire is extinguished, the neighbor would travel to other homes in search of coals for the fire.  When he was able to procure some coals, he would carry them home upon his head stored in a clay vessel.  At that point, he would be able to rekindle the fire of his dwelling to the joy of his household.  Thus, someone who would heap coals upon an individual’s head was doing him a service.  They were being kind and showing a loving heart.  This understanding is in harmony with the text of Romans 12.  It fits in proper succession with providing food and drink to one who is in need, even if, they are your enemy. It also agrees with Proverbs 25:21-22 which is parallel to this passage save that the proverbs passage ends expressing that such behavior is rewarded by God.  If this behavior was one of retribution it certainly would not be rewarded by God.

The final verse of this passage (21) continues the understanding of the transformation a man makes when he gives himself to Christ.  As a living sacrifice, his example of love, hospitality, encouragement, and peace do not allow evil to conquer, but rather cause good to flourish.  An interesting coincidence is that verses 23-24 which follow those mentioned in the Proverbs 25, speak of the friction caused by a contentious wife.  How is the evil in such a situation overcome?  I Peter: 3:1 Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives,” Notice, the idea of proper behavior has the power to win over non-believers, turning them from evil to the goodness of God.



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