Realmente la pregunta anterior es justa, adecuada por las circunstancias en las que nos encontramos, y merece una respuesta Biblica. La Biblia y solo ella contiene todas las respuestas a nuestras interrogantes. El hermano Glenn Colley en una conferencia en PTP (Por sus siglas en inglés) dijo que para cada idea distorsionada en la imaginación del hombre, Dios tiene una respuesta  en algún lugar en la escritura. Sin duda alguna ese es el caso pero tampoco podemos ignorar lo susceptible del tema a tratar.

la cena adorar


En primera instancia es importante notar que la adoración a Dios no está limitada a cuatro paredes, definitivamente el énfasis no está  en un lugar apartado o “consagrado” para eso. Hemos escuchado a algunos mencionar la frase “santuario” o el “templo” para referirse al lugar donde la Iglesia se reúne y uno se pregunta; ¿A qué se refiere tal  hermano(a)  con esa frase?. El santuario en el A.T tenía que ver con aquel lugar que Dios había ordenado para poder cumplir con todos los ritos. Dios deseaba que el pueblo entendiera con figuras físicas la santidad que se necesita para acercarse a  él y esa verdad sería aplicable cuando se estableciera el verdadero templo de Dios; la Iglesia gloriosa de su hijo.

Con respecto a la adoración el Señor fue enfático cuando dijo:Dios es Espíritu; y los que le adoran, en espíritu y en verdad es necesario que adoren.” (Jn.4:24 RV1960). La idea de que el templo de Jehová era todo lo que importaba sin duda alguna era alejada de la realidad. Nadie puede negar que fue algo bueno, establecido por Dios pero pronto los hombres tuvieron una idea distorsionada de algo que era bueno. Un ejemplo de ello puede ser tangible al echar un vistazo a los Judíos que vivían en tiempo de Jeremías y quienes no quisieron acatar la exhortación del profeta sino que clamaban “Templo de Jehová, Templo de Jehová, Templo de Jehová es este” (Jr.7:4), cuando Jehová ya se había ido de aquel templo debido a os pecados de los cuales no quisieron arrepentirse. No es que literalmente Jehová habitaba en el templo sino una representación de su presencia.  Una figura similar encontramos en Ezequiel 10, cuando la Gloria del Señor había abandonado el templo. Otra vez la idea principal es que Dios le estaba dando la espalda a ellos hasta que ellos se arrepintieran. Es el apóstol Pablo quien en su tremendo sermón en Atenas explica que Dios no habita en templos hechos por manos de hombres (Hc.17:24).  La idea del Maestro al mencionar la adoración en espíritu para su Iglesia es relevante a la pregunta y nuestro tema en cuestión.

Por la pandemia que atravesamos en este 2020 (COVID-19), las condiciones en las que nos encontramos  y  las circunstancias que nos rodean resulta casi imposible reunirse en un lugar físico como Iglesia para adorar. Con todo aún existen algunas opciones.  Hay que recordar lo que Hebreos 10:25 enseña respecto a no dejar de congregarnos. Es critico entender este artículo bajo el contexto de Covid-19 y no más bien algo que vaya a traspasar los limites de la emergencia que estamos viviendo en el mundo ahora mismo, para simplemente dejar de reunirse.El quedarse en la casa y participar de la cena del Señor no significa que no estemos adorando como iglesia y que Dios no acepte nuestra adoración en este día domingo. ¡Gracias sean dadas a Dios por la era tecnológica en la que vivimos!. Hay quienes enseñan, partiendo de algunos textos tales como: 1Cor. 14:23; 1Cor.11:20 entre otros , donde el apóstol da a entender que para participar de la cena la Iglesia se “juntaba” y que por tal motivo si la Iglesia no está junta, entonces no se puede participar de la cena o si se hace, la misma no tiene ninguna efectividades hecho de que toda la iglesia local no está reunida como tal y en consecuencia tal esfuerzo es nulo.

Ciertamente concordamos con la idea de tomar la cena en comunión con los hermanos(aunque no se debe dejar olvidados los otros actos de adoración). Pero el “como” lo vamos hacer, es donde radica la diferencia. Usted puede estar en una video-llamada  con los hermanos y entonces usted está participando de la cena y la ofrenda y los otros 3 actos de adoración desde su casa pero al mismo tiempo con la Iglesia sin violar ningún principio de la escritura. Otra cosa muy distinta es tener la capacidad de adorar con la Iglesia de cierta comunidad y no hacerlo de forma deliberada pensando que solo un canto y una oración son suficientes mientras usted sigue conduciendo aquel domingo por la mañana mientras se dirige a la playa con su familia.

Recuerdo, de una ocasión cuando un hermano publicó una foto con el grupo de Jóvenes de la iglesia donde el servia como ministro de Jóvenes, mientras disfrutaban de un paseo a las piscinas. Para llegar a esas piscinas ellos debían de atravesar el pueblito donde su servidor trabajaba como ministro local. Tomar la cena y volver a la piscina no es adoración, tener la oportunidad de adorar con una Iglesia local y no hacerlo por conveniencia no es adoración; tomar una video-llamada  o conectarse al mismo tiempo con otros cristianos en espíritu y en verdad y llevar a cabo los 5 actos de adoración en tiempos donde no es permitido salir y tampoco es conveniente por una pandemia mundial eso es una adoración distinta pero seguimos unidos con la hermandad con el propósito y la misma actitud.

Es fácil criticar pero es más dicil buscar soluciones. Hemos leído de hermanos que se están reuniendo en el parqueo del edificio de la Iglesia adorando desde sus automóviles, ¿Acaso no es bello ver la sabiduría de Dios en el diseño espiritual de su Iglesia y como esta adora en espíritu y en verdad, no cree usted que es precioso ver a la hermandad con el intenso deseo de reunirse?, yo creo que si y más allá de solamente criticar y echar por tierra los intentos de algunos, nosotros deberíamos de comprender con el corazón y la razón las palabras de Jesús en Juan 4:23 y pensar sino es ahora ¿entonces cuando?. “Mas la hora viene, y ahora es, cuando los verdaderos adoradores adorarán al Padre en espíritu y en verdad; porque también el Padre tales adoradores busca que le adoren”.         


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Creatures of Habit

Creatures of Habit

On Wednesday nights after Bible classes, Judie and I often go to Sonic to get corn dogs as we drive home. Last Wednesday as I waited to order, the person did not say, “Welcome to Sonic. How can I help you?” Her first words to me were, “How many corn dogs do you want with your Diet Coke?” I was startled, so I ordered a large Diet Coke and two corn dogs. When I got to the window to pay, she said, “Don’t you want a Route 44 Diet Coke (it is larger than a large) like you usually get?” It is amazing we are creatures of habit. People see us, and we often are not aware of how much they observe.

habit corn dog

Are you a creature of habit? What are your spiritual habits?

Think about these Bible characters and their customary actions in their lives. Just remember that not all habits are bad. Some of them lead to great spiritual growth. How many of these actions are part of your life?

Hannah, the mother of Samuel, had a habit. She was childless and wanted so much to have a child. The Bible describes her custom. “So it was, year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord…” (1 Sam. 1:7). There were yearly feasts for the Jews, and her custom was to go every year. We have a weekly feast. What is your custom? Is it something that is part of your life every week?

Aged Daniel had been in captivity for seventy years when his enemies laid out a plan to destroy him by getting the king to forbid any prayers other than those to the king. “Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days” (Dan. 6:10). Look closely at what is said, “As was his custom since early days.” What are your prayer habits?

Look at what Jesus customarily did. “So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as his custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day” (Luke 4:16). How much are you like the Lord?

Paul shows a great example in what he customarily did. “Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures” (Acts 17:2). What is your custom about telling others about the Lord?

How did Judas know Jesus would be in Gethsemane? “Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed, and His disciples also followed Him” (Luke 22:39). Do others know your spiritual customs?

Wise people should consider their spiritual customs! How wise are you?

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How is Your Spiritual Health?

How is Your Spiritual Health?

Over the past few weeks we have all had several very effective and efficient ways to stop the spread of something, emphasized to us again and again by those ‘in the know.’ Wear a mask, cover your mouth, go get tested if you have symptoms, avoid contact with those not in the same health condition as yourself, and self-quarantine to kill the transmission of the condition.


Are you contagious?

Sadly, these are some of the very same things that may have contributed to killing off the spread of Christianity over the years as well. Some may have failed to spread their Christianity because they constantly ‘wear a mask.’ That is to say, they pretend to be something other than what they are, depending on the crowd that they are in. The Bible term for that is hypocrisy (See Matt. 23). Others may have ‘covered their mouth’ instead of speaking up for Jesus at the slightest sign of resistance or differences (Matt. 10:27-33). Some others, while perhaps showing some positive signs or symptoms of Christianity, may have failed to constantly test themselves to see if their faith and example were truly as contagious as they ought to be (2 Cor. 2:9, 13:5; 1 Ptr. 1:3-9; Rev. 2:10). Still others may have made a practice of avoiding any significant social contact or interaction with those outside of Christ, hence being unable to spread the soul-saving gospel of Christ to them (Matt. 9:9-13; 1 Cor. 9:19-23). All of this, while last but not least, some Christians may have self-quarantined or left their Christian convictions and behavior behind whenever they went out, only letting them see the light of day on the occasional Sunday wherin they might have decided to attend worship (Cf. Matt. 23:14, 23, 25).

Let us all make sure going forward, that when it comes to spreading the life-giving, soul-saving, grace-laden gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that we make it a constant and concentrated practice to NEVER: ‘wear a mask,’ ‘cover our mouth,’ ‘fail to test,’ ‘avoid contact’ (practice ‘spiritual distancing’), or ‘quarantine’ (leave behind) our Christian convictions and behavior wherever we go. Jesus’ last words before leaving for heaven? (If I may paraphrase): ‘Christianity; go spread it to everyone’ – See Matt. 28:18-20!

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Stay Out of the Darkness

Stay Out of the Darkness

It is no secret; lights shine the brightest on the darkest of backgrounds. That’s why diamonds are often displayed on black velvet backdrops. High-intensity lighting is then directed at them, which they in turn reflect to the world around them. We, as God’s people, are described in a spiritually similar manner (Matt. 5:14-16; Phil. 2:14-16). Jesus Christ, the Light of the world (Jn. 8:12, 9:5), has shone His love and grace upon and saved us, so that we in turn, can then reflect and shine His light of hope and help into the dark world around us. And let’s face it folks; the world is in a very dark place these days. Even we, as God’s chosen and elect but still human children can sometimes lose a little bit of our hope, shine, and luster, becoming anxious in these testing and trying times. And if that’s the case with us, can you even begin to imagine the despair, darkness, and devastating hopelessness of those without God and His word at this time (Eph. 2:12)?

darkness hand

Don’t be pushed into darkness, come out into the light.

That’s where we as God’s children, need desperately to come in. Brethren, NOW is the time… THE time to share with your friends, neighbors, social media contacts and everyone else you know, the everlasting help and hope that you have in Christ Jesus. I believe that more people than usual, will be more open than usual, to the hope of the gospel, due to the current crisis (Rom. 8:28). In just the past few days, I have been put in touch with two local folks seeking information through our House-to-House mail-out. I plan to send out resources to both of them later on today, including a Searching For Truth DVD to one, as well as a first Bible Correspondence Course to the other. On top of that, there is an adult family member of one of our very faithful family units here in the congregation where I am privileged to serve, who – thanks to seeds planted in the past that seem to be coming to fruition – is now seeking more answers to their Bible questions – particularly regarding being baptized into Christ – and with whom I am blessed by God to have a Bible study scheduled for later on today. Please pray for all three of these efforts.

When our first-century brethren were scattered and could no longer assemble as a congregation of the Lord’s church in Jerusalem due to the deadly danger there, what did they do? They preached the word everywhere they went (Acts 8:1-4). What happened? “A great number believed and turned to the Lord,” “And a great many people were added to the Lord” (See: Acts 11:19-24).

Brethren, our world today is completely consumed in Coronavirus darkness and desperately needing and looking for the Light we have been given. So don’t horde and hide it; have at and high-beam it! Our 2020 vision is still as clear as ever – to seek and to save the lost (Lk. 19:10; Matt. 28:18-20) – despite even this incredible darkness (Psa. 139:11-12)! God bless!

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Easter Sunday Resurrection

Easter Sunday Resurrection

Easter Sunday is a fine time to remember the resurrection of Jesus, as is every day of the year. Those who seek to remember Jesus only on Easter Sunday do not really remember Him, because Jesus wants us to remember Him every day. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:15, “and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.” You can’t do that just on Easter Sunday.

easter sunday

Do you remember Him as often as He has asked you to do so?

There are many other things that Jesus wants us to do that can’t be done just on Easter Sunday. Jesus wants us to remember his death, burial, and resurrection in the Lord’s Supper every first day of the week (1 Corinthians 11:25, Acts 20:7). You can’t do that just on Easter Sunday. Jesus wants us to take up our cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). You can’t do that just on Easter Sunday. Jesus wants us to pray every day (Matthew 6:11). You can’t do that just on Easter Sunday. Jesus wants us to teach others about Him every day (Acts 5:42). You can’t do that just on Easter Sunday. Jesus wants us to be a living sacrifice (Romans 12:2). You can’t do that just on Easter Sunday.

You may be starting to get the impression that Easter Sunday doesn’t mean very much at all to Jesus. You are right; it doesn’t. Jesus does not care about your formal observance of Easter Sunday if your heart is not given to Him. Jesus said, “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me” (Matthew 15:8). Jesus knows where your heart truly is. Do you?

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