Personal Work is Personal

Personal Work is Personal

It is easy for us to overlook the important role personal conversation has in the conversion of the world. We long for days like that Pentecost when the response to preaching resulted in 3,000 conversions. That was not the normal happening as the church grew. We must never overlook how often lives were changed when Jesus and the apostles had one-on-one conversations with others. The world will always be saved by the preaching of the gospel, but so much of that teaching involves private studies with others.

Personal conversation

Personal conversations open the heart to personal conversions.

Jesus changed the lives of so many, but think of the fact that He personally talked with others. Is it possible that He changed more lives in personal contact than in His public teaching?

How did Nicodemus learn about Jesus? Obviously, he had heard of Him before he came at night to visit with Jesus, yet the change Jesus wanted him to make came about because of their personal conversation. That conversation changed Nicodemus. He learned about the new birth, which involves water and the Holy Spirit. We may have forgotten that the first person to hear the “Golden Text” of the Bible was this man who talked to Jesus at night! That text begins, “For God so loved the world that He gave…” Important contacts are so important!

The change in the life of short Zacchaeus did not happen as he talked to Jesus from the branches of the sycamore tree—it came about when Jesus went to his house and talked to him. There are so many who have been converted by private teaching sitting on sofas or around the kitchen tables.

There were ten lepers who met Jesus, but the one touched most was the one who was a Samaritan and who returned to thank Jesus. As he glorified God, Jesus talked to him about his faith and its place in salvation. It is so often in private teaching that one learns the true meaning of faith.

Jesus had individual conversations with Andrew and Peter (John 1:41); with Philip and Nathanael (John 1:43, 45); with John the Baptist about baptizing Jesus (Matt. 3:14-15); with the woman of Samaria (John 4:7); with the woman taken in adultery (John 8:4-11); with Matthew as he collected taxes and later in Matthew’s house (Luke 5:27-29); with the crippled man healed beside the pool, and Jesus later sought him out to teach him (John 5:13-14); and so many more!

What do we need to learn from this? It is very simple—private conversations so often change the lives of others. I urge you to pray that God will use you to privately talk to those around you, hopefully changing their lives. Is there any week better than this week to begin doing this!

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A Constant Eternal Unchanging Security

A Constant Eternal Unchanging Security

Our world is in a constant state of fear, flux, chaos and confusion. Truth, love, logic and common-sense have somehow seemingly been separated and sequestered from society in general. The good guys are now often regarded and portrayed as the bad guys; the negative is now often glorified and accepted as the positive (Isa. 5:20); and some have become so completely confused that they are no longer even able to tell the difference between being born a boy or a girl (Gen. 1:27; Matt. 19:4-5; Rom. 1:18-32)! Add to this, the currently-evolving and ever-changing and challenging new Coronavirus rules, reactions, restrictions and resolutions on a seemingly daily basis; as well as the unbelievable upheaval in the world of sports as things like our beloved national anthem, team names we have known for decades, and similar other time-honored traditions are now being undermined, uprooted, corrupted and/or obliterated right before our very eyes.

constant security

The security of God’s eternal faithfulness brings peace to the soul.

In such a crazy, shifting, and virtually sinking in quicksand world as ours, where nothing ever seems to be able to remain stable, steady, or on solid ground anymore, it is wonderful beyond words to daily enjoy the eternal security of experiencing something that neither man, sin, time, or anything else on earth can ever touch, change, affect, distort, corrupt, or destroy – ever … and that is the eternal, untouchable, and unchangeable nature and elements of none other than the living and almighty God Himself (Matt. 7:24-27; Col. 2:1-10).

You see, God does not change (Mal. 3:6). Neither does His Son Jesus Christ (Heb. 13:8). Nor does Their word, the Holy Bible (Jn. 8:31-32, 12:48, 17:17); like Them, it too, is forever and totally timeless (Ps. 119:89). It is also within those forever unchanging and unchangeable instructions, of the forever unchanging and unchangeable God, that we find everything He ever wanted for us to know about His forever unchanging and unchangeable church (Eph. 3:8-11).  His one (Eph. 4:4-6), forever unchanging and unchangeable (Jude 3), blood bought (Acts 20:28), pre-denominational (1 Cor. 1:10; Phil. 1:27), New Testament church; the one which He referred to in His word as the body, or church(es), of Christ (Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 12:12, 27;  Eph. 1:22-23, 4:4-6; Col. 1:18, 24).

While Jesus was here on earth, He promised Peter that he would open up His church/kingdom (Matt. 16:13-19). This would (and later on did) happen in Jerusalem, again, just as promised in Scripture (Acts 1:7-2:47; Isa. 2:2-3). Since that day, in 33 A.D., when the Lord established His church through the divinely-inspired and delivered message preached by the Apostle Peter, thus opening up Christ’s church for entrance into by those who would similarly accept, believe, and by faith obey the message Peter preached that day, the Lord’s church has remained the same. Despite all the thousands of man-made and named churches, teachings, and philosophies that have sprung up in the nearly two thousand years since (Mk. 7:5-13; Col. 2:6-14), Christ’s faithful church has not, does not, and will not ever change or deviate from God’s divine blueprint (2 Tim. 3:14-4:4; 2 Ptr. 1:16-21).

Faithful congregations of Christ’s church still carry and honor His name just as seen in Scripture; because He bought it with His own blood, and because there is no power in any other (Rom. 16:16; Acts 20:28; Acts 4:12). They still insist upon exactly the same requirements for the forgiveness of sins and entrance into His church as the Apostle Peter insisted upon by divine inspiration nearly two thousand years ago (Acts 2:38-41, 47). As they worship each and every first day of the week, each member still practices the singing of God’s praises without instrumental accompaniment; the breaking of bread or taking of communion; listening to a lesson directly from His word; and the joyful giving of their means as they have prospered – all, exactly as Christ’s church has continually done without change, corruption, or diversion from the divine pattern, since its establishment nearly twenty centuries ago (See: Eph. 5:17-21; Col. 3:16-17; Acts 20:7; 2 Tim. 4:1-2; 1 Cor. 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 9:6-7).

Isn’t it time for more security and stability in your life? If so, then please contact us to learn more about the Lord’s church today (Hebs. 12:22-29)!

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Sin duda alguna algo que casi todos tenemos en común es nuestro miedo a las serpientes. ¿Sabía usted que la serpiente feroz está catalogada por muchos como la más venenosa del planeta?.Una mordida de este reptil, tiene el veneno suficiente para matar un promedio de 100 hombres adultos, equivalente a unos 250.000 ratones. Habita en algunos zonas de Australia y su veneno neurotóxico termina con la vida de un hombre en menos de 45 minutos, sin embargo, se trata de una serpiente dócil y muy tímida, que rara vez ataca a un ser humano. En el plano espiritual Satanás está utilizando a lo que probablemente es una de sus mejores serpientes, muy dócil, muy tímida no va al ataque rápidamente pero su veneno es tan letal que está matando espiritualmente a cientos de Iglesias, predicadores y líderes en la Iglesia del Señor; se llama “Nueva Hermenéutica”.

“Nueva Hermenéutica”

“Nueva Hermenéutica”

El hermano Curtis  A. Cates nos ofrece quizás la definición más fácil, precisa y concreta de lo que  verdaderamente es la nueva hermenéutica, él escribe:

La nueva Hermenéutica, no es nada más ni menos que el viejo liberalismo neo-ortodoxista, que rechaza la autoridad de las santas escrituras. Es identificado como la falta de lealtad a Dios y a su palabra que constituye adulterio espiritual. Dentro de las Iglesias de Cristo es defendido y abogado por algunos maestros y predicadores llenos de “pensamientos de eruditos”, siendo entrenados en seminarios de denominaciones y leyendo libros escritos por liberales. Ellos han llegado a estar “tan bien educados” que ya no comprenden el significado de las palabras “uno”, “conocer”, “verdad”, “Iglesia”, “reino” y “regla”.  Ya no comprenden la naturaleza de las escrituras ni tiene un alto respeto por la inspiración (definida por la Biblia).(La nueva Hermenéutica por Curtis A. Cates, pág.1).

En realidad la Nueva Hermenéutica podría definirse también como una filosofía que pretende cambiar el acercamiento que uno tiene a la hora de interpretar las escrituras. Esta necesidad de cambiar la forma de cómo uno se acerca a las escrituras fue formulada principalmente por Ernst Fuchs y Gerhard Ebeling, ambos estaban construyendo sobre las bases existencialistas de Rudolf Bultmann.

Una cosa es el error no intencional en la interpretación por parte de algún hermano novato en las escrituras y otra muy distinta es la delibera y muy bien pensada estrategia de los propulsores de la nueva hermenéutica quienes son ministros del infierno. La educación superior unido al deseo de lo nuevo y moderno son los “escondites” perfectos para esta letal serpiente venenosa identificada espiritualmente hablando, como: “Nueva Hermenéutica”. Pablo bajo inspiración divina escribe: “Porque vendrá tiempo cuando no sufrirán la sana doctrina, sino que teniendo comezón de oír, se amontonarán maestros conforme a sus propias concupiscencias,” (2 Tim.4:3). En nuestros días hay quienes les parece más interesante escuchar a algún graduado de psicología ofrecer una cátedra de cómo los cristianos pueden controlar el estrés desde el ámbito de la psicología por ejemplo, que a un simple predicador con un montón de versículos Bíblicos. Tal como lo dijo el apóstol, ellos tienen comezón de oír algo distinto, que les estimule y satisfaga a ellos. El cristianismo de hecho no se trata de nosotros mismos sino de otros, Dios en primer lugar luego los hermanos y el prójimo. Si un nuevo método para entender la Biblia fuera necesario hoy, esto quiere decir que todos quienes han muerto en Cristo hasta hoy se han perdido eternamente y Dios nunca proveyó un medio de salvación para ellos. Para la nueva hermenéutica el Canon no fue completado , las escrituras no son ley, no existe tal cosa como patrón bíblico, el ejemplo de los cristianos primitivos no debería ser seguido por nosotros, los sentimientos e individuos son el estándar, la Biblia es un libro imperfecto que no puede ser comprendido por el hombre, la lógica por supuesto, no es correcta ni tiene lugar en campo eclesiástico y por último las escrituras deben ser interpretadas de una nueva forma.

El antídoto para esta  mortal serpiente es regresar a las santas escrituras y la lógica. La Biblia fue dada por el Padre de la lógica, y ese es Dios. Por eso es que no contiene errores (inerrante) y seguirá siendo el mapa perfecto para la salvación. No es que no se deba promover el razonamiento humano en los asuntos de fe, pero más bien el razonamiento humano correcto en partiendo de las escrituras. Repetidamente la Biblia misma exhorta a sus lectores a razonar sanamente y racionalmente en cuanto a su contenido (Isa.1:18; 1Tes.5:21; 1Jn.4:1; Hch.17:3; 18:26; 26:25). No existe más grande confusión  en el mundo religioso sobre lo que la biblia dice implícitamente por encima de lo que dice explícitamente. Por supuesto la “vieja hermenéutica” consiste principalmente en: Mandamiento, Ejemplo, inferencia necesaria y el silencio. La razón por la que estos 4 aspectos son el patrón a seguir es sencillamente es porque fueron los métodos que el Señor Jesús utilizó tantas veces en sus discursos durante su ministerio terrenal. Por citar un ejemplo de muchos que hay el maestro dice en Juan 8:58, “…antes que Abraham yo soy” más allá del análisis gramatical de la frase, matemáticamente era imposible que  Jesús fuera más viejo que Abraham y el término “yo soy” usado en presente detona el estado de existencia constante que solamente Dios mismo podía expresar. Aquí hay un proceso de inferencia necesaria… en este caso; que Jesús se estaba a sí mismo elevando como Dios y los fariseos del momento por inferencia necesaria entendieron esto ya que en el v.59 tomaron piedras para matarlo.Dios espera que haya un proceso de razonamiento en nosotros, pero este debe de ser correcto, sano y sin prejuicio.

El hermano Thomas B. Warren correctamente comenta lo siguiente: “Lo que el N.T implica es ley al hombre hoy, no porque alguien lo ha inferido en el N.T, sino porque Dios lo ha implicado dentro del N.T. ( libro “La Biblia solo produce cristianos y los únicos cristianos” pág.60 N.6).

Las Iglesias de Cristo de nuestra época se enfrentan al veneno sigiloso de la nueva hermenéutica. Igual que Pablo y el evangelio enfrentando a los filósofos atenienses quienes en sentido intelectual estaban abrazados con los epicúreos y otras corrientes, cuya dedicación estaba enfocada en decir o escuchar “algo nuevo” (Hch. 17:21). Nosotros tenemos la obligación de presentar con libro, capítulo y versículo todo el consejo de Dios aún teniendo en nuestra contra academias, universidades o institutos en donde lo que hoy enseñan como verdad, mañana podría ser falso y lo falso podría ser verdad. El veneno de la nueva hermenéutica es tan letal que podría rápidamente hacer dudar a un ancianado serio y un predicador sano sobre la verdad absoluta y estimularlos a una nueva etapa como fue la Iglesia de Cristo en Richand Hills, donde es tan fácil ver el veneno de la nueva hermenéutica en la incorporación de instrumentos musicales en la adoración, cena del Señor los sábados y hasta las mujeres predicando. Todo podría comenzar con una simple reunión de damas y terminar igual que esta congregación en Texas. El peligro es real y no podemos simplemente hacernos los “disimulados” ante el constante crecimiento del movimiento feminista que está tomando lugar frente a nuestros ojos en nuestras propias congregaciones disfrazado adjetivos tales como ideas “teológicas profundas” o llamarle “Teología avanzada” para que la ofrenda ya no sea un mandamiento sino una sugerencia puesto que no hay pasaje explícito. El nuevo estilo de predicación está siendo implementado  para que apele a los sentimientos y menosprecie la razón, que no mencione nunca las palabras: “infierno, condenación o castigo eterno”. El peligro de la Nueva hermenéutica crece cuando las acreditaciones académicas de una persona están por encima de la verdad, cuando la hermandad se “enamora” de los títulos tales como: “licenciado, doctor, master, reverendo, eminencia, instructor” antes que “siervos de Cristo”. Es necesario aclarar que no hay nada de malo en esos títulos afuera, en el mundo, pero en la Iglesia del Señor, Cristo es la cabeza él ocupa toda la preeminencia y su palabra es la única autoridad absoluta sea usted un doctor o un campesino sin educación, el estándar es el mismo y ¡Gloria a Dios por eso!

La solución sigue siendo la misma desde hace casi dos mil años; regresar a la Biblia y conformarse al patrón establecido, eliminando los deseos de relevancia y novedad buscando alcanzar más bien la fidelidad y espiritualidad al patrón ya dado. Amado lector por favor recuerde lo que tanto enseñamos a nuestros niños; ¡Con las serpientes y con su veneno no se juega!. 


Cates, Curtis. La nueva Hermenéutica (Cates Publication;Memphis TN), Pág.1.

Warren, Thomas. La Biblia solo produce cristianos y los únicos cristianos (National Christian

Press; Jonesboro AK). Pág.60 Enunciado Nu.6.

Sitio Web:


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In Psalm 24:1 we have the basic principle that God owns everything and everybody: “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.” The apostle Paul quotes this Psalm in 1 Corinthians 10:26, 28 further emphasizing the truth. We sometimes act as if things truly belong to us when they really don’t, and we can get uptight about our “stuff” when someone else encroaches upon it. Many times along with this attitude of ownership, we assign intrinsic value to the stuff that we have. This creates a double error that compounds our problems relative to ownership. It creates sinful jealousy, and leads to greediness, stinginess, and possessiveness.


Yours? or God’s?

This attitude can also be transferred onto people. We may begin to think that we own people in our lives, and that they should do as we tell them to do. Perhaps it is easiest to consider our children in this way since they are supposed to obey their parents. Many times, they are willing to do exactly what we tell them to do, and that may reinforce the assumption that we own them. This attitude can create problems with children when they grow up and want to exercise freedom and independence. Many family conflicts can occur because of parents not wanting to “let go.” How much better is it to consider that they belong to God, and that God will use them for His purposes.

This same attitude—that I own another person—may be held toward a spouse. Often it is used to justify our desire to control them. “They belong to me, therefore, they should do what I say.” Both men and women may act like this although it will present in different ways. Again, considering that God owns our spouse will help us to treat them as a person of God, not as our tool to satisfy our own selfish desires.


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Pandemics, Quarantine, and the Bible

Pandemics, Quarantines, and the Bible

Some months it feels like the protocols change weekly. Go to the hospital. Don’t go to the hospital. Don’t wear masks. Wear masks. Quarantine. Don’t quarantine. Shut down businesses. Open up businesses. Listen to the CDC and WHO, they are health professionals. Don’t listen to the CDC and WHO, they are politicizing this whole thing. Sometimes it feels like this virus has turned us into a dog chasing its tail—going one direction for a while, and then swiftly going the other.

pandemic bible

The Bible dealt with disease wisely.

What most individuals do not realize is that the majority of solid information we are getting actually originated from the Bible. Prescriptions like hand washing and quarantining can be traced back to the Old Testament—written long before we even knew that bacteria and viruses existed.

A Bit of History

We look at things like hand-washing today as basic. But it certainly has not always been that way. Consider for a moment the tragic case of Dr. Ignaz Semmelweiss. This Austrian obstetrician was deeply troubled. His passion was delivering healthy babies. But many of the women who came to see him were dying. In fact, one out of six women in delivery beds ended up in the morgue. Every morning Semmelweiss was faced with the daunting task of performing autopsies on all the pregnant women who had died the day before.

“Labor Fever” was killing women in Europe by the thousands. Their bodies would be cut open only to reveal bodies full of pus. Imagine doctors having their hands inside infected corpses and then walking upstairs to perform pelvic exams on healthy pregnant women without truly washing their hands.

Semmelweiss had one of those “light bulb” moments one after in May 1847. On that occasion, he stopped the students from performing exams and instructed them to immediately wash their hands. In fact, he asked them to wash in heavily chlorinated water. His theory was correct. Three months later the death rate had fallen from 18% of his patients to just 1%. He then instituted that the students should wash between patients—something that seems very basic today. The death rate continued to fall.

However, instead of celebrating his success, the students and other physicians began to complain. They didn’t want to wash that often. They complained that the frequency in washing was chapping their hands. Eventually, Semmelweiss’ boss had him demoted and even fired. They threw out the wash pans—and the death rates shot back up. One would think that upon seeing death rates spike back up the physicians would realize their error. However, their pride and arrogance was too strong and so women continued to die.

The Bible Had Already Prescribed It

While Semmelweiss’s advice seems trivial today, realize it would be a couple more decades before men like Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, and Robert Koch put into place what would become known formerly as the Germ Theory for Disease. People did not realize that bacteria and viruses could cause disease and death.

And yet, thousands of years earlier we find God’s Word giving medical advice that we would not understand for hundreds of years to come. Look at Numbers 19:17-19, “‘And for an unclean person they shall take some of the ashes of the heifer burnt for purification from sin, and [e]running water shall be put on them in a vessel. A clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water, sprinkle it on the tent, on all the vessels, on the persons who were there, or on the one who touched a bone, the slain, the dead, or a grave. The clean person shall sprinkle the unclean on the third day and on the seventh day; and on the seventh day he shall purify himself, wash his clothes, and bathe in water; and at evening he shall be clean.” While we might be tempted to write this off as just an Old Testament ritual, look more closely at what God prescribed:

Hand Washing—While Semmelweiss was correct in asking his students to wash their hands, they would often use a common bowl of standing water (see None of These Diseases, S.I. McMillen, 2005, pg. 25). The coronavirus has left no doubt about how to wash hands. In fact, many individuals have songs they sing to time how long their hands have been under running water. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) gives five steps to hand washing. The first step is putting your hands under running water to rinse off any germs that might be present. Notice the Bible talks about running water and being sprinkled/showered from a hyssop.

Notice also the Bible gives a recipe for an antibacterial soap. Lye is extracted from the ashes. Hyssop we know today has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It contains the antiseptic thymol. Notice also the Bible prescribes washing clothes and bathing. So years before Semmelweiss made his discovery, and long before the world knew what the Coronavirus was, God’s Word had already given instructions on washing your hands.

Quarantining—The Smith Papyrus was written back around the time of Moses by Egyptian physicians. In it, there was a prescription for protection against epidemics. According to S.I. McMillen, “It was to be chanted while a person had two vulture feathers held over him.” It says it part:

… O Seizer-of-the-Great-One, son of Sekhmet, mightiest of the mighty, son of the Disease-Demon…flooder of the streams; when thou voyagest in the Celestial Ocean, when thou sailest in the morning barque, thou hast saved me from every sickness. (See None of These Diseases, 2005, p. 14).

Needless to say, this Egyptian recipe did not always work. In Leviticus 13 we find God’s prescription against those who are sick. “But if the bright spot is white on the skin of his body, and does not appear to be deeper than the skin, and its hair has not turned white, then the priest shall isolate the one who has the sore seven days. And the priest shall examine him on the seventh day; and indeed if the sore appears to be as it was, and the sore has not spread on the skin, then the priest shall isolate him another seven days.” (Leviticus 13:4-5). We know today that leprosy is a long-term infection caused by Mycobaterium leprae. It is mentioned frequently in God’s Word. Leviticus 13, gives the laws concerning leprosy. In the New Testament, we read of an occasion where Jesus healed an individual suffering from this dreaded disease (Matthew 8:1-3).

Notice there were no vulture feathers or chants. Those who were found to be sick were isolated. Notice the end of that chapter records,“Now the leper on whom the sore is, his clothes shall be torn and his head bare; and he shall cover his mustache, and cry, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’  He shall be unclean. All the days he has the sore he shall be unclean. He is unclean, and he shall  dwell alone; his dwelling shall be outside the camp” (Leviticus 13:45-46, emp. added).

In the late 1700s Norway was struggling with a leprosy epidemic of unprecedented magnitude. Entire families and communities found themselves suffering from a slow and mutilating death. However, by the early 1800s the epidemic was under control. What had happened to stem the spread of this contagious disease? The people had finally listened to religious leaders who were pointing out the Biblical prescription of quarantine. In Leviticus 13 Moses gave the prescription of how to identify leprosy and commanded that those infected be isolated. It would not be until 1873, when Dr. Armauer Hansen identified red bacteria as the causative agent for leprosy. It was discovered that millions of these bacteria could live in the nose of someone suffering from leprosy and could be passed to a healthy relative through a single sneeze. But long before this discovery, God’s Word had already given advice regarding bacteria and the necessity of a medical quarantine (see also Numbers 5:1-4).

In the Old Testament, it was leprosy. In the 1300s, it was the Black Death, an epidemic of the bubonic plague. Today, it is coronavirus. Different organisms—but very similar prescription. Isolate and quarantine. The word quarantine, was derived from the Italian words quaranta giorni which mean 40 days. In the 14th century people who were coming into coastal cities in Italy were quarantined 40 days (often on ships) to make sure they did not have Yellow Fever.

At the same time Semmelweis was trying to clean up labor and delivery floors in Vienna, Edwin Chadwick was trying to prevent cholera and “Black Plague” from sweeping across England. Chadwick recognized many sewers were not draining and were actually cesspools of filth. He realized to prevent cholera from invading these cesspools needed to be drained and fixed. He also discovered that the working sewers were discharging sewage into the Thames River upstream from where their drinking water was collected. Parliament recognized that poor neighborhoods were normally struck first with these diseases. It was in these poor neighborhoods that often dozens of individuals were sharing the same living quarters without any means to get rid of human waste. Parliament believed maybe if they fed the poor the problem would go away—but Chadwick urged “sewers, not sandwiches!”

Consider what God’s Word says regarding human waste:

Also you shall have a place outside the camp, where you may go out; and you shall have an implement among your equipment, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and turn and cover your refuse. For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you (Deuteronomy 23:12-14).

Moses instructed the Israelites always to bury human waste products. Today, of course, with centuries of experience behind us, this is a common sanitary hygienic practice, although in most places we bury it in our sewer or septic systems. But the common course of action in Moses’ day, and for centuries to follow, was to dump waste products in any convenient place. History has recorded the folly of this kind of action.

One interesting side note, notice in the Bible God called on those who were sick to be quarantined. Today, we find officials and politicians encouraging everyone to quarantine. One might ask why healthy individuals would be quarantined and are we now going to do this for every sickness that spreads through the human population like the seasonal flu or H1N1?

One would think that Semmelweiss and Chadwick would have been hailed as medical saviors—and yet they were laughed at and ignored. Semmelweiss ended up dying in a mental institution after having a breakdown brought about from individuals ridiculing his hand-washing theory. It would only be years later that the wisdom of these two men was fully understood. Likewise, for nearly two thousand years the Bible has been trying to save men—providing a means for redemption, and yet sadly people often laugh and ignore the wisdom therein. Again, time will prove the folly of ignoring the Truths therein.

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