How Does God View Our Nation?

How Does God View Our Nation?

In Deuteronomy 7 we read where God commanded the Israelites to completely wipe out wicked nations. In verse 2 we read, “and when the LORD your God delivers them over to you, you shall conquer them and utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them nor show mercy to them.”

god nation

Is your voice a trumpet to the nation? Or are you silent?

My question for you to consider is this: If God’s chosen people were about to enter our nation, would He command them to wipe us out?

I know some like to brag and say this country was founded on Christian beliefs by men who believed in God—and there may be some truth in that. But the nation I look around and see today does not even remotely resemble one that was founded on Christian principles.


  • We are the largest producer of pornography in the world.
  • We have legalized (and some rejoice in) the killing of the unborn.
  • We have desecrated God’s institution of marriage and are now arguing over gender fluidity.
  • We have legalized the premature deaths of our elderly in many states.
  • We celebrate and give out awards to an entertainment industry that is debased.
  • We idolize sports and particular teams, while their posters and logos fill our homes.
  • We push for the legalization of drugs, while at the same time defund those who seek to uphold the law.
  • We gather around television sets with our friends to watch immoral tv programs—and laugh.
  • We use cuss words like they are the very breath we breath.
  • We seek handouts and entitlements like we are owed something—and then spend it foolishly.

Moses continued in Deuteronomy 7 by saying: “For they will turn your sons away from following Me, to serve other gods; so the anger of the LORD will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly. But thus you shall deal with them: you shall destroy their altars, and break down their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images, and burn their carved images with fire.”

God wanted His people to be holy. He wanted them to destroy any idols that might come between Him and them.

I wonder – would God have the Israelites totally wipe us out if the Exodus were happening today? Are you seeking to be holy and encouraging those around you to put God first?

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Do You Know the Lord as your Personal Savior?

Do You Know the Lord as your Personal Savior?

A common question found in our religious world is, “Do you know the Lord as your personal Savior?” It is true that Jesus is Lord and that He is the One who saves us personally, but few have thought what it means to know the Lord.

personal savior

Do you know the Lord?

When the question is asked and a negative response is made, then that person is told to repeat a prayer that is not found even one time in the Bible. It has various forms but begins with an acknowledging of one’s sinfulness and then asking Jesus to come into their hearts and save them. It is so ironic that this scenario is not found a single time in the entire Bible. The person is then told you are now saved and urged to follow Jesus.

What is found in the Bible is sinners being convicted of their sins and asking what they should do in order to be saved. Surely God put these stories in the Bible so that those who have arrived at the point of realizing they are lost and guilty of sins could find out what they must do. Read the book of Acts to see how God led men who did not know what to do to be saved to find their Savior. The contrast between the twenty-first century and the first century answer is so remarkable. God’s answer to the question of salvation has not changed. The sinner’s prayer did not come from God!

The very first time anyone was saved after Jesus shed His blood to save them was on Pentecost, recorded in Acts chapter two. The preaching on that day convicted the hearts of many that they had crucified the Son of God. Their hearts cried out, “What shall we do?” The answer is found in verse thirty-eight, and it is not the sinner’s prayer.

Paul killed many Christians before he was saved. When convicted of his sin he asked the Lord, “What do you want me to do?” (Acts 9:6). Jesus told him that he would learn the answer when he went into the city. He was lost. He knew it. He wanted to be saved. He wanted the Lord to personally save him. Read Acts 22:16 to see God’s plan of salvation. It was not, “Repeat this prayer after me.” The sinner’s prayer did not come from God.

Read the following description of how we can know that we know Him and know the Lord. “Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, ‘I know Him’ and does not keep His commandments is a liar; and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:3-4).

How can one know that Jesus is his personal Savior? It is not because he says a prayer never found in the Bible. It is because he has made Jesus his Lord and obeys Him. You can be saved. You can know that you are saved. You can know that you know you are saved. Let Jesus, not man, tell you how.

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El ateísmo está ganando popularidad en muchos de nuestros países de habla hispana. Parece ser que la mayoría de los jóvenes se están suscribiendo a él por cuestiones de moda tal como el aborto y el homosexualismo y otros… que los impulsa junto a otros factores concluir que Dios es solamente una ilusión inventada por los “viejitos” y que la cosa más racional y científica es ser ateo o suscribirse al “dios ciencia”. En esta serie de entrega de artículos, enfocaremos la atención respondiendo a esos tan aclamados “argumentos de ciencia”, cuando en realidad muchos de nuestros universitarios no tienen ni la menor idea de lo que están hablando o en lo que están creyendo. En un rebusco más concientizado el famoso biólogo Richard Dawkins parece ser uno de los mejores y más preparados candidatos para representar al gremio ateo en sus argumentos y en sus numerosos libros incluso traducidos al español. Como cristiano he preparado mi mente y permitido ponerla en neutro para que el ateísmo pudiera convencerme, pero no fue posible. Ningún ser humano con honestidad debería de comprar ideas tan vacías y representadas por hombres sin secuencia lógica que se contradicen constantemente a si mismos.

Natural Selection

Natural Selection.

            De los argumentos que pudiéramos otorgarles a los ateos más fuertes y que daremos análisis en este espacio será la maravillosa “selección natural”.  A los ateos les encanta encaminarnos en la filosofía de Tomás de Aquino, pero en realidad va mucho más allá.  Observaremos el argumento que tanto enoja a Richard Dawnkins y que de acuerdo con él la selección natural tiene la mejor explicación de cómo llegamos aquí.


ARGUMENTO DE LA IMPROBABILIDAD: La probabilidad de vida originada en la tierra no es mayor que la posibilidad de que un huracán, girando sobre un desagüe, tuviera la suerte de ensamblar un Boeing 747 ¿Qué posibilidad existe de que esto se lleve a cabo? Sin lugar a duda observamos organismos mucho más complejos que un avión partiendo incluso de la mente humana que está detrás del diseño, ensamblaje y funcionamiento de un Boeing 747. ¿Cómo es posible que tal diseño inteligente y tan complejo como el ADN humano pueda simplemente surgir de la nada? Es muy poco probable por no decir…imposible.

            Como el ejemplo del avión hay muchos…solo basta observar algunos animales interesantes como el escarabajo bombardero y los químicos internos que se fusionan para formar una defensa poderosa, el diseño inteligente en ellos exige una mente inteligente…demanda un Diseñador, tal como un cuadro pintado tan bellamente demanda la autoría de un pintor. Ante tan poderoso proceso lógico Dawkings en su libro: el espejismo de Dios provee “el mas brillante argumento ateo” la selección natural. 


LA SELECCIÓN NATURAL DE RICHARD DAWKINGS:  La “varita mágica” del Señor Dawkings para “bajar al Boeing 747” es la selección natural de Charles Darwin, explicando así que a través de un proceso complejo de años y evolución. Elegantemente Wikipedia coincide con la explicación de Dawkings en su libro y dice lo siguiente: 

“La selección natural fue propuesta por Darwin como medio para explicar la evolución biológica. Esta explicación parte de tres premisas; la primera de ellas es que el rasgo sujeto a selección debe ser heredable. La segunda sostiene que debe existir variabilidad del rasgo entre los individuos de una población. La tercera premisa aduce que la variabilidad del rasgo debe dar lugar a diferencias en la supervivencia o éxito reproductor, haciendo que algunas características de nueva aparición se puedan extender en la población. La acumulación de estos cambios a lo largo de las generaciones produciría todos los fenómenos evolutivos.”

Varios conflictos se asoman con el Señor Dawkings a quien respetamos mucho como persona pero aquí la evidencia de; error de pensamiento, en lo que es su mejor argumento para derribar al Boeing 747 de la improbabilidad:

1.     Darwin dice en su primera premisa que la selección debe de ser “heredable”. ¿Heredable de quién?, debe de haber un “sujeto” inicial para que haya una línea de herencia por lo que la explicación de Darwin  junto con las otras dos premisas no responde al origen de la vida en primera instancia, sino más bien a una explicación después de que tienes vida. A menos que la palabra herencia tenga un significado completamente distinto al que comúnmente conocemos.

2.     Ya que el Señor Dawkings está suscrito a Darwin y procede a declarar que es “la única solución conocida” (Espejismo de Dios pg.132). Darwing propuso que en el proceso evolutivo de las especies solo el más fuerte sobrevive. Al estar suscrito a Darwin y aplicarlo a los seres humanos Richard Dawkings tendría que darse la mano y felicitar a Adolfo Hitler por la exterminación de más de 6 millones de Judíos pues Hitler pensaba que la raza Alemana era superior y el resto debía ser eliminados, particularmente “esos débiles Judíos” esto; documentado en la historia como hechos reales de la sobreviviente Olga Lengyel en su libro “Los hornos de Hitler” quien narra su horror en  “la llamada lista y las selecciones de la Gestapo” (Pág.97). El ateísmo no solo es vació contradictorio sino nefasto y brutal. Si lo piensas nuevamente y si todos fueramos ateos y consistentes con el principio Darwiniano, entonces habría que mandar a matar a todos los feos, pobres; hombres, mujeres y niños que no superan las expectativas.

3.     Richard Dawkings en su debate con el cardenal George Pell disponible en YouTube del 1 Octubre de 2014 al minuto 58 dice explícitamente: “Yo no viviría bajo los principios de Darwin”. Puede enseñar, debatir, adoctrinar personas al ateísmo con los principios de Darwin pero él mismo no estaría dispuesto a vivir bajo ellos, contradiciendo así mismo ya que en su libro el espejismo de Dios y la referencia antes mencionada exclama que el principio Darwiniano es la única explicación que existe… el cristianismo por su parte enseña, predica y proclama los principios de Jesús y antes de hacerlo tales individuos estamos dispuestos primero a vivir bajo tales principios… ¿Hablaremos entonces de ciencia, de racionalidad, de ser coherentes?

4.     ¿Porqué confiar en Darwin cuando su teoría del más fuerte es la que sobrevive ha sido desmentida?. Un biólogo de la universidad de Kansas (Luke Strotz) en su estudio a los perezosos afirma que su metabolismo es más lento, aún así viven más tiempo que otras especies que son “mas fuertes” que ellos. Este científico le llamó a esto: “ la teoría de la supervivencia de el más vago”. Básicamente tira al suelo el principio de Darwin, ya que aquellos animales que guardan sus energías tienen más chance de vivir lapsos de tiempos más prolongados. Un Globo pinchado con un alfiler… si mi vida dependiera de ese globo yo no estaría seguro de confiar en él. 


La palabra de Dios provee en una sola frase el origen de todo. “En el principio creó Dios…” (Gn.1:1) esa palabra “creó” en Hebreo es “vará” significa traer a existencia algo, dar origen partiendo de la nada, es iniciar… Al observar el diseño inteligente en la creación es inevitable pensar en un creador. Ahora si alguien aprecia más y le da crédito a la creación ignorando por completo al autor…algo está mal con esa persona. Romanos 1 Explica que de las cosas invisibles Dios hizo cosas visibles por su eterno poder y bondad. Eso tiene mucho más sentido que el ateísmo. Dios y el Cristianismo pueden ser puestos a prueba en cualquier momento, es más Dios desea que lo hagamos porque la evidencia de su existencia es abrumadora. Amado lector, pídale a un ateo que ponga su mente en neutro por un momento que analice la parte teísta y pueda observar cual es su reacción. Seguiremos analizando más de los “mejores argumentos ateos” para contradecir la existencia de Dios en otra ocasión. A nuestros lectores jóvenes particularmente todo lo que solicitamos es disposición para ser neutro y pesar la evidencia… hasta entonces Que Dios les bendiga.



Dawkings, Richard. (2006). El espejismo de Dios. (132). Madrid. Espasa.

Lengyel, Olga. (2014)Los Hornos de Hitler.(p.97). CDM. México. Booket.

Tecnoxplora. Madrid. 01.09.2018



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Happy New Day

Happy New Day!

“Happy New … DAY…?”That’s right! “Happy New DAY!” That is the first thought that every Christian ought to strive to:wake up with every morning; make their own personal theme for the entire day; and share with everyone they meet throughout each new day – no matter what day,week, time, or year it happens to be – because we know without a doubt, that our Lord’s mercy and compassion upon us never wavers, fluctuates, or fails to be “new every morning” (Lam. 3:22-23). His great love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness is the only reason we are not consumed by His wrath,and therefore enjoy continual hope (See: Lam. 3:21-26) – no matter what morning it is, or how the day’s earthly news may seek to beset or up set us.

Thank the Lord of all for each day He blesses us with.

We know from God’s word that each and every new day is nothing short of a fantastic, one-of-a-kind, never to come again, God-given gift to heartily celebrate and appreciate; Psalm 118:24 stating that “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” We also rejoice in the fact that throughout each and every new day, new moment, and new situation that we are given by our God to experience, that “The Lord is righteous in her midst, He will do no unrighteousness. Every morning He brings His justice to light; He never fails…” (Zeph. 3:5).It was David who similarly confirmed, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits…” (Psa. 68:19), subsequently stating elsewhere: “So I will sing praise to your name forever, that I may daily perform my vows” (Psa. 61:8). Yes, it is obvious that God’s Old Testament faithful understood the infinite value of the priceless gift of each new day.

We also, as God’s New Testament children, people, kingdom, and priests (1 Ptr. 2:9-10), should arise to “stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord” (1 Chron. 23:30) just the same as His Old Testament priests and servants the Levites did (See: 1 Chron. 23:27-30). Only we should do so on a much deeper level, as we have been given a much better covenant with God,through the shed blood of Jesus our Lord(Hebs. 7:18-8:13).

Our faithful first-century brethren also experienced the infinite value, happiness, and appreciation of each new God-given day as they broke bread from house to house, and ate their meals together “with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people,” to the extent that the Lord was able to add “to the church daily” those who saw their daily happiness thus wanted to be saved too (Acts 2:46-47). “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ” (Acts 5:42);“So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily” (Acts 16:5). Our first-century brethren loved and showed their heart-felt appreciation to God for His great love and forgiveness on a daily basis. They did so by searching the Scriptures daily (Acts 17:11); reasoning from the Scriptures with those not yet Christians daily (Acts 17:17, 19:9); and exhorting one another as Christians on a daily basis as well, so that their brethren would not lose heart and give up and in to sin (Acts 3:13). And they did all of this despite the absolutely life and death physical, political, and persecutorial distractions of their day.

So… over the next few days, if anyone wishes you a “Happy New Year,” return their greeting with a “Happy New Day” … and then tell them how to continually have one each and every day for the rest of their earthly lives in Christ Jesus our Lord (Prov. 16:20, 28:14, 29:18)!






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As a vital prelude to the below article, the following understanding is absolutely critical. To all of those of you who either: #1) Have a compromised immune system, or some other, legitimate, health-related issue/issues which causes you to avoid travel and exposure to other places of public contact (such as work, the grocery store, and etc.); #2). Have been exposed to or in close contact with someone who has tested positive for the Coronavirus; and/or, #3). Fall into the most “high-risk” category of our society due to either age or some other contingent; then thank you for your being loving and willing enough to make whatever personal sacrifices are necessary in order for you to choose to stay home for worship instead of coming to the building and placing yourself – as well as your brethren – in far greater physical health danger. If any of the above criteria describe you, then the following article is definitely NOT, about you!!!

From what I have heard and discussed with others, there is a very real, very strong, and apparently-growing concern among many elders, preachers, and other leaders and members of the Lord’s church, concerning the actual number of fatalities both connected to, and caused by, the Coronavirus. You see, there is something even more deadly and sinister than just simply the number of physical deaths the Coronavirus has and will most likely continue to cause. And that is the potential number of spiritual deaths that it will also most likely cause (or at the very least, deeply contribute to); the actual number of eternal lives that will be lost, at least in part, due to the COVID19 outbreak.


Are you compromised?

How on earth can the Coronavirus cause, or even highly contribute to, the loss of many Christians’ eternal lives you may ask? Easy. Here’s how: Physically speaking, the virus has been proven to pose a far more serious threat to, and have a far more deadly impact on, those who already have a deeply compromised immune system or some other serious physical health issue. The exact same thing is also true when it comes to the spiritual realm.

Spiritually speaking, any Christian who might have already, in years past, allowed Satan to step in and substantially weaken their faith; who might already be suffering from their own self-inflicted series of compromised convictions, lukewarm attendance habits, or lazy, lackadaisical, “take-it-or-leave-it” type attitudes towards the Lord and His church, may very well find in the Coronavirus, the very excuse they have so long been looking for in order to now, finally and completely disconnect and distance themselves from both the work, the worship, the fellowship, and subsequently, the wonderful and eternal future destination of the Lord’s church. “After all,” some of such spiritually-weakened and ultimately vulnerable brethren may reason, “who needs to get up, get ready, and go to worship on a Sunday morning, when it is so much easier to just sit at home, stay on the couch, still in my P.J.’s – all the while being able to avoid any and all of those with whom I might disagree or maybe even in some cases don’t like all that much anyway – and just simply have services piped into my living room via Zoom, Facebook, or YouTube?” One problem, as always, is that the longer one chooses to needlessly practice any such illegitimate “spiritual-distancing,” the easier it is to not only continue to do so, but to more easily justify their absence as time goes by as well. And every step further one goes down that road, the harder it gets, and the more effort it takes, to turn around and ever return home (Heb. 6:4-6).

The time for every Christian to decide what to do will not be once this thing is finally under control. By then it will be far too late and the damage will have already been done. Let’s face it; Satan is far too smart and wants each Christian’s soul back far too much to wait until then to start tempting us to stay away and even more strongly justify our absence from the Lord, His church, and His work. Do not be deceived; he’s already hard at work, incrementally seeking to test your faith, and tempt your fate. If you wait to start fighting his hostile takeover attempt of your soul until the battle is actually already over and he’s already won, then you will have lost far more than you can ever know – until judgement day comes. The time to decide to stand strong and firm in the faith, the word, and the work and fellowship of the Lord’s church, is now, today, and each and every new day to follow (2 Cor. 6:1-2; Hebs. 3:12-4:12).

Yes, todays’ livestreamed lessons can be – and are – an absolute “life-saver” to those with legitimate health issues and concerns; to those who have been exposed to the Coronavirus and lovingly do not wish to contaminate anyone else; and to those who are in the most high-risk categories of our culture. However; to those whose spiritual health has already suffered and/or been duly compromised and decimated by years of less than complete and undying devotion and dedication to the Lord, His word, and His church, this same, electronic, livestreaming lesson blessing can easily be turned by Satan into the exact, opposite, and deadly reverse: an eternal life-decimating and devouring curse. Please, determine today, not to ever let him deceive you, and/or to allow that to become you. God bless.



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