Rehoboam’s Advice

Rehoboam’s Advice

In 1 Kings 12, we see the beginning of the divided kingdom of Israel. Rehoboam succeeded Solomon as king and is faced with a request from God’s people. They told him that his father made their yoke heavy, and they asked for relief from these burdens. Rehoboam consulted two groups of advisers. First, he asked the elders who advised his father. They said, “If you will be a servant to these people today, and serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be your servants forever” (1 Kings 12:7). He then spoke to the young men that he had grown up with. They said to tell the people, “I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scourges!” (1 Kings 12:11). Rehoboam chose the advice of the young men, and the northern ten tribes left the kingdom to form their own.

rehoboam advice

What will the impact of advice given or received be?

In these two statements, we see two different ways for leaders to exercise power. First, one may be a servant. This is the path of humility. Second, one may dictate demands. This is the path of forced compliance. The path of humble service generates love from those we serve and produces fruitful relationships. The path of forced compliance creates an atmosphere of fear and hostility and produces division. The result of Rehoboam’s choice divided the kingdom of Israel forever, and had eternal consequences. We would do well not to follow such advice today. When we look at the life of Jesus, however, we learn that the path of humility and service is the right advice to follow. Jesus’ love and compassion demonstrated that He was the Good Shepherd. Philippians 2:5 states, “Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”


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Turned Away with One Innocent Choice

Turned Away with One Innocent Choice

The death of Solomon brought about a division to his powerful kingdom when ten of the twelve tribes of Israel refused to accept Solomon’s son as the next king. They established a new kingdom, known as Israel, with their own king. They not only turned away from the house of David but tragically turned away from God.

For two hundred years, God’s messengers, the prophets, pleaded with the new kingdom to return to God, but it never happened. They had a total of nineteen kings and not a single one of them ever served God faithfully.

When God ultimately sent the Assyrian army to destroy rebellious Israel, Hezekiah was king of the small southern kingdom known as Judah. The Assyrians first destroyed Israel and then sent this army to do the same to the southern kingdom. Hezekiah turned to God for help, who completely destroyed the Assyrian army, killing 185,000 Assyrians in one night. His great faith in God stands as one of the greatest illustrations of what God can do for those who trust Him.

However, Hezekiah later made a mistake which ultimately brought about the destruction of the Solomon’s temple and the captivity of the Jews. Just eight years after the fall of Israel, Isaiah came to Hezekiah from God, saying that he was about to die. Hezekiah, not yet forty years old, turned again to God, and his prayer changed the mind of God. Instead of dying, God added fifteen years to Hezekiah’s life.

Evidently his recovery was widely known. One kingdom, a very small insignificant one at that time, sent an envoy with letters and a gift to “celebrate” his recovery. Hezekiah foolishly showed them all of the wealth and the grandeur of his kingdom. That small kingdom was meaningless when compared to the great kingdoms of the world. Hezekiah described them to Isaiah being from “a far country.” A hundred years later, that small kingdom became powerful Babylon and destroyed Jerusalem and plundered all of its treasure.

Hezekiah did not see how showing his kingdom could ever bring ruin, but it did. Innocent choices can lead to great ruin. Teens’ choices of ungodly friends have destroyed many. “Innocent” flirtations in the office have lead to adultery. That first drink, lowering the inhibition to do wrong, has brought tragedy to many. The list is endless. As you make decisions, remember it was one “innocent” mistake which brought ruin to Jerusalem and brings ruin to many lives today.

Ask God to give you wisdom and turn to His book of wisdom to avoid “innocent” mistakes which ruin lives.

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Existe un sin número de libros escritos por Emmanuel Kant y es probable que uno de los más famosos sea “Crítica de la razón pura” de más de 400 páginas.  Este crítico analizó muchas cosas y los procesos de pensamiento en cuanto a los argumentos que proporcionaba la teología natural en su momento. Por supuesto que Kant marca un punto de partida; en un antes y un después. La filosofía por ejemplo era en otros tiempos una herramienta que ayudaba a la fe y no un arma que destruye la fe como lo es en la actualidad. De ahí  nace la tremenda necesidad y la intención más pura para la elaboración de este breve artículo. Richard Dawkins  nuestro anfitrión y su conocido libro “el espejismo de Dios” continuará siendo nuestra principal fuente de información con respecto a la posición atea de la moralidad y Emanuel Kant, ya que no deseamos mal representar a nadie y mucho menos en temas morales y espirituales de tanta relevancia.


La moralidad es el asiento principal donde descansa la evidencia que respalda la existencia de Dios.

ARGUMENTO MORAL ATEO: El ya mencionado y destacado escritor el Dr.Dawkins afirma en su libro en la pg. 261 Que Emmanuel Kant y otros de su época probaron que “no se necesitaba a Dios para ser moralmente buenos”. De ahí que el ateísmo pretende demostrar la inexistencia de Dios partiendo de la moralidad de las personas que incluso no conocen a Dios. Sin duda alguna un análisis más pausado hará evidente la intención detrás de tal afirmación  pero no puede pasar por alto el hecho de que un razonamiento como el de Dawkins podría ser tentador para mentes vulnerables, que con facilidad podrían ser arrastrados por el impetuoso rio ateo y golpeados con piedras y palos al intentar resistirse a tan impetuoso caudal. Entonces; ¿Pueden ser los ateos buenos sin  tener que creer en Dios?:

—Supongo que sin pensarlo mucho la respuesta más corta sería si… los ateos pueden ser buenos sin tener que creer en Dios, aunque admito mi tentación de querer preguntar ¿Porqué? Y pensamos en la respuesta así como cuando nosotros usamos zapatos Nike sin necesidad de conocer al inventor de la marca, pero quédese con nosotros, considere:

  1. Emmanuel Kant no es la mejor autoridad a ser citada, hay muchas cosas que escribió en su libro que contradicen la enseñanza de Pablo. Básicamente existen dos extremos: el fideismo y la filosofía de Kant. El fideismo presupone la aproximación a la existencia de Dios a través de la fe (fide en latín) solamente, y que hay que creer en Dios porque sí y solo ¡porque sí!. Mientras que la idea de Kant es que en la razón no hay lugar para la fe y todo debe de ser procesado con la razón y solo con la razón (Fenómeno y Noúmeno). Kant en su libro “Critica de la razón pura” pág.162 en el apartado 2. La exposición de la metafísica expone básicamente la idea de que no podemos conocer a Dios mediante el conocimiento que tenemos de él en este mundo. Kant contradice a Pablo que por inspiración divina escribió hace tanto tiempo en Romanos 1:20 “Porque las cosas invisibles de él, su eterno poder y deidad, se hacen claramente visibles desde la creación del mundo, siendo entendidas por medio de las cosas hechas, de modo que no tienen excusa.” (HLM énfasis añadido). 
  2. Richard Dawkins dice que no se necesita de Dios para ser bueno, mientras que podemos aceptar esa declaración “en parte” (ver numeral 3 para más explicación), como ateo prominente y hombre de ciencia falla categóricamente al no proveer motivos suficientes y sostenibles que descalifiquen la existencia de Dios como tal. Uno puede sentirse satisfecho sin ir a McDonald ‘s para comer pero no por ese simple hecho la cadena completa va a desaparecer de la faz de la tierra. Es más, pensar de esa forma raya mucho en un tono de arrogancia.
  3. La moralidad es el asiento principal donde descansa la evidencia que respalda la existencia de Dios. Un perro puede ser bueno o malo, pero lo que nos hace distintos a los animales es esta “esencia”  llamado en la Biblia “espíritu” o algunas otras veces intercambiado con el término “alma” que Dios implantó en el hombre al inicio en Gen.2:7 y permitiría nuestra semejanza a él a como fue planeado en el inicio(Gen.1:26). Por eso Juan 4:23-24 declara que Dios es “espíritu”. Esta esencia de Dios plasmada en el ser humano permite que seamos capaces de decir de manera autónoma lo que es moralmente correcto o incorrecto aún sin necesidad de conocerle personalmente. Un automóvil de marca “Ford” funciona a la maravilla aún si la persona que lo está comprando cree que no necesita conocer a Henry Ford que inventó originalmente el motor que está operando. Es en esta misma base de la ley moral estándar superior que los alemanes fueron Juzgados en  los “Juicios de Nuremberg” en 1945 tras torturar y masacrar a millones de personas inocentes y ser encontrados culpables aún cuando la ley de Alemania les da la autorización para esas horrendas práctica, ellos violaron la ley moral de Dios que está por encima de todas las leyes de los hombres.
  4. Si los ateos tuvieran razón en cuanto a la moralidad, entonces no existe ningún tipo de estándar moral definitivo. El ser humano sería materia andante que no tiene ningún objeto al existir y mucho menos al morir. ¿Porqué el ateísmo está tan interesado en hacer desaparecer el cristianismo de la faz de la tierra cuando el cristianismo tiene un estar elevado de moralidad que contribuye a la sociedad? Por el contrario, el ateísmo lo único que promueve es anarquía, aborto, homosexualismo y tantas otras prácticas que atentan la moral y que sino existe moral definitiva ni estar absoluto entonces no hay forma de frenar ni condenar ninguna de estas horrendas prácticas.

En definitiva Kant no es el mejor personaje a citar con respecto a la moralidad tal como Richard Dawkins no es la mejor autoridad probar la no existencia de Dios. La moral es de hecho uno de los mejores argumentos existentes a favor de la existencia de Dios. En una ocasión cierto profesor de filosofía dijo que él creía en la existencia de un ser supremo, que era la fuente de toda moralidad pero que no era el Dios de los Hebreos. A lo que con mucho interés y con mucho respeto me gustaría responder: Deseo conocer cuál es ese Dios.

Amigo lector, el Dios de la Biblia se ha mostrado a través de las cosas que podemos ver y comprender y nos ha explicado mucho de lo que no podemos apreciar con ojos terrenales. Es el mismo Dios que sigue amando con amor eterno a los ateos y que al morir muchos de ellos han comenzado a creer en Jesús, la Biblia y el Dios de los Hebreos. Más allá de suscribirse a la filosofía de Kant o mantener una fe ciega sin evidencias, cada uno de nosotros debería más bien ser fiel a las sagradas escrituras pues ahí y solo ahí está revelado el camino a la vida eterna (Jn.17:17).          

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How Does God View Our Nation?

How Does God View Our Nation?

In Deuteronomy 7 we read where God commanded the Israelites to completely wipe out wicked nations. In verse 2 we read, “and when the LORD your God delivers them over to you, you shall conquer them and utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them nor show mercy to them.”

god nation

Is your voice a trumpet to the nation? Or are you silent?

My question for you to consider is this: If God’s chosen people were about to enter our nation, would He command them to wipe us out?

I know some like to brag and say this country was founded on Christian beliefs by men who believed in God—and there may be some truth in that. But the nation I look around and see today does not even remotely resemble one that was founded on Christian principles.


  • We are the largest producer of pornography in the world.
  • We have legalized (and some rejoice in) the killing of the unborn.
  • We have desecrated God’s institution of marriage and are now arguing over gender fluidity.
  • We have legalized the premature deaths of our elderly in many states.
  • We celebrate and give out awards to an entertainment industry that is debased.
  • We idolize sports and particular teams, while their posters and logos fill our homes.
  • We push for the legalization of drugs, while at the same time defund those who seek to uphold the law.
  • We gather around television sets with our friends to watch immoral tv programs—and laugh.
  • We use cuss words like they are the very breath we breath.
  • We seek handouts and entitlements like we are owed something—and then spend it foolishly.

Moses continued in Deuteronomy 7 by saying: “For they will turn your sons away from following Me, to serve other gods; so the anger of the LORD will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly. But thus you shall deal with them: you shall destroy their altars, and break down their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images, and burn their carved images with fire.”

God wanted His people to be holy. He wanted them to destroy any idols that might come between Him and them.

I wonder – would God have the Israelites totally wipe us out if the Exodus were happening today? Are you seeking to be holy and encouraging those around you to put God first?

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Do You Know the Lord as your Personal Savior?

Do You Know the Lord as your Personal Savior?

A common question found in our religious world is, “Do you know the Lord as your personal Savior?” It is true that Jesus is Lord and that He is the One who saves us personally, but few have thought what it means to know the Lord.

personal savior

Do you know the Lord?

When the question is asked and a negative response is made, then that person is told to repeat a prayer that is not found even one time in the Bible. It has various forms but begins with an acknowledging of one’s sinfulness and then asking Jesus to come into their hearts and save them. It is so ironic that this scenario is not found a single time in the entire Bible. The person is then told you are now saved and urged to follow Jesus.

What is found in the Bible is sinners being convicted of their sins and asking what they should do in order to be saved. Surely God put these stories in the Bible so that those who have arrived at the point of realizing they are lost and guilty of sins could find out what they must do. Read the book of Acts to see how God led men who did not know what to do to be saved to find their Savior. The contrast between the twenty-first century and the first century answer is so remarkable. God’s answer to the question of salvation has not changed. The sinner’s prayer did not come from God!

The very first time anyone was saved after Jesus shed His blood to save them was on Pentecost, recorded in Acts chapter two. The preaching on that day convicted the hearts of many that they had crucified the Son of God. Their hearts cried out, “What shall we do?” The answer is found in verse thirty-eight, and it is not the sinner’s prayer.

Paul killed many Christians before he was saved. When convicted of his sin he asked the Lord, “What do you want me to do?” (Acts 9:6). Jesus told him that he would learn the answer when he went into the city. He was lost. He knew it. He wanted to be saved. He wanted the Lord to personally save him. Read Acts 22:16 to see God’s plan of salvation. It was not, “Repeat this prayer after me.” The sinner’s prayer did not come from God.

Read the following description of how we can know that we know Him and know the Lord. “Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, ‘I know Him’ and does not keep His commandments is a liar; and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:3-4).

How can one know that Jesus is his personal Savior? It is not because he says a prayer never found in the Bible. It is because he has made Jesus his Lord and obeys Him. You can be saved. You can know that you are saved. You can know that you know you are saved. Let Jesus, not man, tell you how.

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