Our Relationship with the Father

Our Relationship with the Father

I and the Father are one. – John 10:30

Jesus could say that about his relationship with his Father in heaven.  Can we?

One? Same thought. Same action.  Same love.

One? Same thought. Same action. Same love.

They are one in what they love.  They love humanity.  They love souls.  That’s why they are willing to do whatever they can to save souls (Rom. 5:6-11).  Can we say the same?  Do we have the same love for souls that our Father in heaven and his Son have?  Are we and our Father one?

They are one in what they hate.  They hate sin.  They hate evil.  They want nothing to do with darkness.  Can we say the same (Eph. 5:11)?  Do we have the same hate for sinful, evil darkness that our Father in heaven and his Son have?  Are we and the Father one?

They are one in purpose.  They did what it took to save man from hell due to their love for souls and hate of evil (John 3:16).  Can we say the same?  Do we have the same purpose in life, to bring the gospel to the whole creation (Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16), that our Father in heaven and his Son have?  Are we and the Father one?

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