One Simple Life Changing Decision

One Simple Life Changing Decision

Eve looked at that beautiful, forbidden fruit and made a decision. There was no way she could begin to visualize how that one decision would change the history of the world. The choice made that day has impacted the lives of every one of the billions and billions of people who have lived on this earth. It impacts the lives of each of us.

Decisions impact others.

Decisions impact others.

There are other examples in the Bible of innocent choices which changed the course of the rest of the lives of those who made them. When Jacob decided to send Joseph, wearing his coat of many colors, to check on his brothers it seemed like such a minor matter. Yet, it was the last time the patriarch would see his son for almost four decades. One simple decision which changed the lives of Jacob and his descendants for thousands of years.

In the last few months, two of the members at Palm Beach Lakes have made simple decisions which have changed their lives. Drastically changed their lives. Eternally changed their lives.

Months ago, David Sproule challenged every member to commit themselves to being present every time the doors of the church were opened this year. One couple made that choice. David and Casey Bound made that choice. At that time, David was not a member of the church. It is remarkable what happened. The teaching and preaching of the word of God penetrates the hearts of those who listen to God speaking to them. Faith comes from hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17), and the word of God implanted in David Bound’s heart began to grow and grow. Two weeks ago, David obeyed the gospel. His life was changed. Casey’s life was changed. The life of their newly born child was changed. These lives were changed drastically. From one innocent decision—to attend worship three times each week.

Three weeks ago, I was talking with another member at Palm Beach Lakes. I had baptized him into Christ at least thirty years ago. His work interfered with his ability to come regularly. His spiritual growth stagnated. He was a member here, but not an active one. His work situation has changed, and he recently made a decision to start attending more. Last week, we talked again, and he said that this decision had changed him. He was so much happier and was now closer to God than he had ever been. He said, “It has changed me. My heart is so different.”

Think about these two men who have been changed. Is your faith as strong as you want it to be? Are you where you really want to be? Faith comes from hearing God’s word, and stronger faith comes from hearing God’s word more. Is there an innocent decision you should make? Think about it!

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