Once Bathed, Always Bathed

In the religious world there are many manmade
philosophies, ideals, practices and doctrines.  The
word “doctrine” basically means “a belief that is
taught.”  According to the Bible there is only one true
doctrine (the gospel of Christ, and it is of divine origin
– Gal. 1:6-12); all else is man-made and is therefore
false doctrine.

One such man-made teaching is the “once saved,
always saved” doctrine.  Proponents of this doctrine
tell us that once a person comes to salvation in
Christ, it is impossible to fall away and be lost.  Yet
God tells us that if a righteous man turns away from
his righteousness he will die in his sins (Ezek. 18:24,
26).  Additionally, the Hebrew writer describes those
in a saved condition falling away and being lost (Heb.

Simply put, if a man takes a bath he is cleansed from
the filth of his body.  But if that same man rolls in mud
he is in need of being cleansed again – for it is
impossible to be “once bathed, always bathed.”  How
clean are you?

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