
Growing from Infancy to Manhood

When Pharaoh’s daughter found that baby in the basket floating in the river, she knew she had a problem. Not wanting to see that baby die, she immediately accepted the offer from Miriam, Moses’ sister, to find someone to care for the child. It is obvious that any baby left unattended will die. Think of the spiritual application of this principle.

man needs nourishment for spiritual and physical growth

Man needs nourishment for spiritual and physical growth.

A baby needs nourishment to grow. He needs more than nourishment but must always have food. The same is true of Christians. As a babe in Christ, he must heed the words of Peter. “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby” (1 Pet. 2:2).

Paul described Timothy as an adult and said that he knew of no other person who was spiritually-minded like the young preacher. Beginning in infancy, he had those who taught him the Bible (2 Tim. 3:15). The Greek word for infant is used to describe Jesus in the manger. Later, as a babe in Christ, Timothy was nurtured by Paul.

The point is this—God wants each of us to grow and grow and become those who reach maturity, completion and perfection in Christ. It will never happen in our lives without feasting on the word throughout all of our days.

A child needs nourishment to mature. If a baby never gets beyond his nourishment coming from milk, he will be malnourished and perhaps deformed. The same is true of each of us who have become Christians.

The life of Samuel shows the spiritual progression one must make. When Hannah brought the child to Eli, the Bible described what happened. “Meanwhile the child Samuel grew before the Lord” (1:21). Five verses later, we find these words, “And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favor both with the Lord and with men.” The next chapter adds, “So Samuel grew and the Lord was with him” (2:18).

Samuel became a great influence and leader in Israel, but this was because he continued to mature and become complete. The same is true of all of us. We are “babes” in Christ, then “children” in Him.

An adult needs nourishment to live. Throughout our lives, we continue to need nourishment. The same is true of us spiritually.

How long ago did you become a Christian? Have you stagnated in Biblical growth? Are you growing “. . . in the grace and knowledge of the Lord” (2 Pet. 3:18)? If you have stopped feeding yourself, you are dying. Tragically, you may not realize it. Is private Bible study, prayer and meditation part of your life? It was part of the life of David, who had a heart like God. Do you want to become a mature, complete and perfect Christian? Wherever you are spiritually, you must be nourished!

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