No One Offered a Better Option

The town of Gloucester, Massachusetts, is reeling with the revelation of “pregnancy pact” among high school girls. This fishing village of 30,000, where the usual annual number of high school pregnancies was four, found itself dealing with 17 unwed mothers this year.  As the story developed, it was learned that these young ladies, none of whom were over 16 years old, devised a plan to become mothers and support each other in the rearing of their children.

Such an event should cause all of America to reflect on the moral decay that is in our world. A quick check on the internet revealed at least eight movies in the last year dealing with unwed pregnancy. Far too many of them actually glorify the fact that wonderful relationships and love can be found in such situations. When a nation is being “entertained” by immorality it should not be amazed when sin is reflected in life.

Read the following review of one of these movies to see how far we have moved away from God. “This movie has a great deal of crude humor, including vulgar and explicit sexual references and situations, including nude lap dances and pornography. . . .There are references to adultery and characters who do not know each other get drunk and have unprotected sex.”

Another site is conducting a poll where readers can vote on “who is the sexiest, pregnant, unwed celebrity right now?” There are many candidates—just have a look at the tabloids the next time you at the supermarket!

One truly tragic aspect of the events in Gloucester is found in a report which mentioned that the school policy was to not provide contraceptives to students. One young lady, a junior and a classmate of those who were pregnant, said, “No one’s offered them a better option.”

I believe someone has offered a better option and has shown His real concern by giving His son as a sacrifice for sin. That other option is found in His words, “Flee fornication. . . keep thyself pure . . . a chaste virgin . . . marriage is honorable among all, and the bed is undefiled . . . flee youthful lusts . . . fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” A wonderful, loving Father has given another way. This way is not found in arbitrary laws which are totally disconnected from life in our day. They are loving precepts for every age designed to keep us from ruining our lives.

It is not just a better option—it is the only option!

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