My Eyes

My Eyes

Psalm 38:10 – “My heart panteth, my strength faileth me: as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me.”

When the light is gone in the eyes, will it still burn bright in the soul?

When the light is gone in the eyes, will it still burn bright in the soul?

This day the cold outside is biting and fierce.  In my mind, I tell myself “Ha! I can handle that!” In truth, I was supposed to be out working in it today (ignoring the wind chill, it is a balmy 6 degrees).  Yet, as I sit here, my slippers and red plaid coat on, coffee in hand, in the 70 degree warmth of my apartment, chilly… I also realize I am losing my life.  No, I am not dying, but in reality, we are all on borrowed time from the day we are born.  We are shedding each day one at a time.  These melancholy days of mid-life (I am now 49) are perhaps the ones for which to be most cautious.  Will I spend them idly, fearfully, foolishly?  Most days the heart still roars like a young lion, but the body knows I am not.  It is winding down like a clock to its final tick.  It would be easy to spend each day reminiscing about more vibrant days as men often do when focusing on the teenage or college days of athletic triumphs.  Importantly, I must not daily sit still in this manner, but go and live life and fulfill the purpose of my days giving glory to God in the good works He has prepared me to do.  Still, reflection is not a forbidden thing.  This morning, I enjoyed looking through family photos of days long gone by.  The words of the Psalmist David ring true in regard to the failing light of the eyes.  I cannot see anything clearly up close anymore. The photos are blurry and the sweet faces no longer clear without the help of my glasses.  There may come a day before the final ticking of the clock that the light goes completely out.

Psalm 26:3 – “For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth.”

When your eyes no longer behold the things of this earth, what visions will you behold?  Again the words of David prove relevant.  What goodness, what joyfulness, what images of true worth will fill the palate of the mind showing the lovingkindness of God?  What activities of worth are we engaged in right now while the light in our eyes shines on and we can still move about following our own will?  It is said that the mind stores everything we have ever heard, said, or done.  The issue at the forefront: what will we fill our time with to recall in that mental gallery of life.  Will we remember the day in and day out of work or the time spent in the arms of our loved ones?  Will we remember the moments of smiling and singing in worship with our friends or level 23 of a popular video game?  When the doors are shut on physical vision, will your mind be full of the hope and promises of God or reruns of a television sitcom?  It is a good thing to live a quiet life providing for our families with the work of our hands.  Moments of relaxation and restfulness are pleasant as well.  When the darkness embraces your sight, what will bring joy and remembrance of the lovingkindness of God?  Recalling the baptism into Christ of your friends and family?  Seeing the realization of the faithfulness of God come over the faces of those once lost?  Times spent providing care for those truly needing it?  Encompassing the awe of the amazingly intricate display of the heavens above declaring the mighty power of your Heavenly Father?  There are so many bright lights of the world with which to fill our glass of memories to the brim.  There are pure, wholesome, Godly things with which we can reflect upon happily if we gather them into our life.

Proverbs 3:21-22 – “My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion:”

Though our bodies grow tired, our eyes dim, our days wind down, do not fail to finish the race put before you.  Live the honest, pure, lovely, virtuous things of life.  Spend your days with discretion not embracing worldliness which will only leave you with shame and guilt to picture in your final days.  Rather walk in wisdom, enjoy each breath, and experience the peace of God.  The aches, pains, and weakness are going to come if you are blessed to see many days.  Just don’t let them stop you from marching onward.  Thank God and keep on making memories of everything around you while the light still shines in your eyes.


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