Mothers of Successful Children

Being Mothers of Successful Children

Robert R. Taylor, Jr., in his work “Christ in the Home,” speaks of the unique role of motherhood. He says that the child whom a mother brings into the world “will in a few years take his place as a responsible individual in society.” He goes on to say that this child “has both an earthly and eternal role to fill.” Sobering thoughts for all of us. But it is the question he asks that ought to bring us to our knees; the question is, “Will the world be a better or worse because this child passes through?”

the success of mothers is not based on possessions

The success of mothers is not based on possessions.

I firmly believe that success in this life will be determined solely upon the eternal destination of the soul. If I do not go to heaven when this life is over, I lose!, and the devil wins. “ For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” ( Matthew 26:16 ). Secondly, I believe success will, in part, be based upon whether or not my children also go to heaven. Now I understand that the “ soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself” ( Ezekiel 18:20 ). However, there are some things a mother can do to improve the odds of success.

Put God First. You cannot ensure spiritual success if you do not put God first in your life! It is the basis upon which all spiritual blessings are offered ( Matthew 6:33 ). You simply cannot be the mother your children need you to be if God is not the top priority in your life. You are either with God or against God ( Matthew 12:30 ). For a fact your children are watching you and will see what is most important to you. You cannot serve both God and physical things ( Matthew 6:24 ). In other words what takes priority in your life? Whatever it is will most likely be what your children will emphasis as well.

Love Your Husband. Your children need to know that you love your husband ( Titus 2:4 ). Much of what they will seek in their own relationships will be heavily based upon what they see at home. When they see their mother disrespect and dishonor their father it will have a profound affect on their understanding of marriage and the home. Show them you love their father!

Love Your Children. It seems odd to many of us that mothers would have to be told this ( Titus 2:4 ). But the fact is that society has conditioned us to be so selfish that many young women have no idea how to be the sacrificial Christian mothers, or physically caring mothers, their children need. This means they need nurturing, discipline, and structure. This child is meant to be your BFF. You’re a loving Christian mother first and foremost!

Drag Them To Church. If the first three things we have talked about here are in place this will not be an issue. When you became a Christian you made a commitment to God and your desire to go to heaven supersedes every other aspect of your life. So you are faithful to the assembling together of the saints ( Hebrews 10:25 ). Your children grow to understand the importance of Bible Class and worship, they receive supplemental instruction in God’s Word, and they build relationships with other Christians of all ages. They will learn to love the church if you love the church!

Teach Them The Word. In the aforementioned suggestion I said that Bible Classes are supplemental. Because it is not the churches primary responsibility to raise your child in the way they should go, spiritually speaking. The instruction of Deuteronomy 6:7, 11:19 is worthy of our consideration, “ You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” The sad fact is the Israelite people failed to do this and it lead to their demise. Sadder yet is that we haven’t learned from their mistake. None of us are as diligent with this imperative as we need to be!

Pray! Pray with them. They need to see you pray, they need to hear you pray, and they need to know how to communicate with the Father of their souls! Pray for them. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous [mother] avails much” ( James 5:16 ).

No mother can guarantee the spiritual success of her children. When the end of time comes each individual will stand before God and give an answer to Him for the way they have lived, for their own individual decisions ( Romans 14:10 – 12 ). The admonition of Paul to Timothy seems appropriate here: “Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you” ( 1 Timothy 4:16 ).

Are you the kind of mother you need to be, that your children need you to be, that God wants you to be? Will the world be a better or worse because your child passes through it? Take honest stock in your relationship with God and your family. Do what you need to do and what they need you to do. Be faithful!

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