Men of Valor
There is a description of several groups within the genealogies of Israel which deserve our focused consideration. Several are recognized for posterity as being “mighty men of valor.”
While many men will live such lives as to garner no real lasting impression on subsequent generations this shouldn’t be the case with the children of God. If our time spent here on the earth is lived in such a way to bear any kind of lasting influence at all just what kind of influence will it be and just how will we be remembered?
Every generation of the Lord’s church needs those men (and women), young and old alike, who will take a stand for the truth… Mighty men of valor. What kind of influence, what legacy, what inspiration, what remembrance will our lives have when we cross over into eternity? What we do today may well determine the answer that questions.
Be strong, be patient, be loving, be deter-mined, be obedient, and be faithful!