Masonic Lodge


My respect for friends and relatives who are Masons does not diminish my abhorrence for their Lodge.  It is evil because it duplicates the sin of Absalom when he “stole the hearts of the men of Israel.” (2 Samuel 15:6).  Masonry will turn a Christian’s heart away from God.  The Masonic Temple is the Temple of Baal, and at its altar many unsuspecting men vow their lives to a pagan god!

Now, to the world, Masonry claims it is not a religion, but to the Master Mason, Masonry claims it is a religion.  The Masonic Home Journal says that publications such as: the Kentucky Monitor, Morals and Dogma, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and King Solomon’s Temple all fairly represent Masonic teachings.  In addition, the Grand Secretary of most lodges feels these books to be the standard and recommended books for Masons.  In the Kentucky Monitor pg. 28, “…as Masons we are taught that no man should ever enter upon any great or important undertaking without first invoking the blessing of Deity. This is because Masonry is a religious institution…”  Again they write, “Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion.” (Morals and Dogma, p. 213)

But, Masonry claims much more than this.  They claim that: It contains all truth because they, “unfold the beauties of God’s Eternal Truth.” (Kentucky Monitor p. 11).  They claim to give light and truth.  “There you stood without our portals, on the threshold of this new Masonic life, in darkness, helpless, and ignorance. Having been wandering amid the errors and covered over with the pollutions of the outer and profane world, you came inquiringly to our doors, seeking the new birth, and asking a withdrawal of the veil which concealed the divine truth from you uninitiated sight.” (Kentucky Monitor p.26).  They claim that Masonry is from divine origin.  “…King Solomon, inspired by Deity, conceived that grand idea, which culminated in speculative Masonry, a system which, entering into abstruse investigations of the soul, reminds us of a higher and better life, and eternity beyond the grave; a profound Science that takes from the operative Art its technical terms, its implements and it rules, clothes them in symbolism and teaches the speculative Mason their spiritual use.” (Kentucky Monitor, pp. 94-95). They claim a Savior other than Jesus, that is, Hiram Abiff (1 Ki. 7:13-14).  All believed in a future life, to be attained by purification and trials; in a state of successive states of reward and punishment; and in a Mediator or Redeemer by whom the Evil Principle was to be overcome and Supreme Deity reconciled to His creatures. The belief was general that He was to be born of a virgin and suffer a painful death. The Hindus called him Krishna; the Chinese, Kiountse; the Persians, Sosiosch; the Chaldeans, Dhouvanai; the Egyptians, Horus; Plato, Love; the Scandinavians, Balder; the Christians, Jesus; Masons, Hiram.” (Kentucky Monitor, pp. xiv, xv).

Now, in addition to these things, they have their own baptism, their own fraternal supper and their own prayers (King Solomon’s Temple, Indiana Edition).  Furthermore, Masonry teaches fellowship with all religions.  “Everything in Masonry has reference to God, implies God, speaks of God, points and leads to God. Not a degree, not a symbol, not an obligation, not a lecture, not a change but finds it meaning and derives its beauty from God, the Great Architect, in whose Temple all Masons are working men. Every Lodge is erected to God and labors in His name, seeking to make His will the design upon its Trestle-Board.” (Religion of Masonry pg. 59).

Thus, I find it hard for a Mason to be a Christian, especially since the following statements are true concerning Masonry: It does not pertain to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3).  It causes one to not have God (2 John 9).  It is not authorized by Christ (Col. 3:17).   It cannot be done by faith (2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 10:17).  It is going beyond what’s written (1 Cor. 4:6).  It is not as the oracles of God (1 Pet. 4:11).  It is not according to the pattern (Heb. 8:5).  It does not pertain to the seed of the kingdom (Luke 8:11).  It is not of righteousness (Rom.1:16-17;10:1-3).  It is of “no such commandment” (Acts15:24).  It is of men (Matt.15:9;Col.2:8).  It is another gospel (Gal.1:6-9).  It is adding to the Word of God (Rev.22:18;Deut.4:2).

Now, I am aware of the fact that some in the world will reply that they don’t believe that Masonry is divine.  But, my answer is the same as before.  Even though they don’t believe it is divine, they are associating with a group that claims it to be divine.  Thus, a denial of a certain error does not free one from all responsibility in the matter.

I mean, Masons go so far as to tolerate all religious opinions and are not allowed to blame or condemn a false religion of others.  So, how can a Christian show one the error of his ways?  And, with their temples that they offer to God and their new birth, I think they have not read where it tells us that we are complete in Jesus (Col. 2:10) and that there is no Savior, but Jesus.  Masons further teach that when he is given a lambskin apron and told that no greater honor can ever be given to him, I submit that being a Christian is the greatest honor.  Thus, I find it hard for one to serve as a Mason and serve God just as I find it equally hard for one to claim to serve God as a Catholic and as a Christian.

But, should they serve in the church?  Unfortunately, many Christians have joined their number and while Christian Mason will affirm that Masonry is still not a religion and anyone who says otherwise, doesn’t know what they are talking about.  But, quoting from their own reputable leaders and authorities (Albert Mackey 33 degree, Albert Pike 33 degree and the supreme council of the 33 degree for the southern jurisdiction, they all point and say that Mason Lodge is a religion.? Therefore, as Amos pointed out, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3).?  Jesus pointed out, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters ?abroad.” (Matthew 12:30).  Therefore, according to the Scriptures, I do not see how one who is a Mason serve God faithfully in the church?

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