Making Preparations for the Approaching Battle

Don’t wait for the crisis to arrive and then determine what you will do! One area where so many fail is that while they know there may be problems, they make little preparation before they arrive. Every Christian should be wise enough to see some of what lies ahead and be ready.

Think about Jesus’ preparation for the temptation by Satan. Our adversary sought to destroy Him by using what John describes as “all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life” (1 John 2:15-17).  Have you considered where you might be had Jesus succumbed to the temptation? When Satan sought the soul of the Man who had fasted for forty days, suppose He had yielded to His fleshly desires. Suppose He had been overcome when His eyes saw all the kingdoms of the world. Suppose He had given in to the allurement of prideful boasting and leaped off the temple.

Yet, He was ready! Because in His earthly state He was like each of us in every way (Heb. 2:14), God did not just miraculously give Him those “It is written” verses. He had to acquire them in the same way we do. He was ready!

Think about the trials you can see before you. I am well aware that we cannot see them all, but are we making preparation for those we do know are coming? In our immoral world we all are faced with opportunities for sexual immorality. Are there character traits you need to be developing now, in order to deal with those times? Teenage Joseph did not have to decide what to do when Potiphar’s wife approached him. His character was such that when the occasion arose he fled! He was ready!

Think about the allurement of material possessions. I am amazed how corruptible “stuff” captures our lives and robs us of our eternal souls. Craving to live like those in Palm Beach is nothing compared to living eternally!

Let me suggest that you arm yourself with the sword of the Spirit, and write on your heart those verses, like Jesus did, which enable you to deal with temptations as they arrive. Let those words dwell in your heart and mold your character. Let them become the shield of faith by which you can deflect every fiery dart of the Devil (Eph 6:16). Failure to do this leaves you a ready prey for the enemy. Get yourself ready. A great battle lies ahead and preparation must be made!

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