Looong Break to Build a House

Loooong Break! to Build a House

So many folks have noticed that a new article is not being posted most days… and that this has been going on for a few months.  Yes,  I have been building a house in Southern Missouri and it has consumed a great deal of my time.  However, I am moved into the home now.  There is still a good deal of work to do, however, I should be able to begin posting articles again and resuming conducting meetings when requested to do so.

Thank you very much for your patience.  I envision only a few articles a week to be posted into August but by mid August I imagine at least an article a day will be posted.  As we get into September, the plan is to begin posting short video talks a few times a week focusing on a wide variety of topics involving scripture.

Have a great summer and thank you for your continued sharing of this site and wealth of information.

Travis Main

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