Log Cabin Lesson

Log Cabin Lesson

In Wyoming, a number of homes were log cabins.  Naturally, my mind set itself to having one.  Folks gave me varying accounts of the good and bad of cabin living.  When we moved to Ohio, we purchased a property with a log cabin on it already.  God had blessed my family not only with a dream realized, but a lesson to learn in the process.

There are lessons to learn everywhere...

There are lessons to learn everywhere…

My cabin had an insect issue.  I sprayed for bugs to the best of my knowledge and then called in some folks who claimed to be exterminators.  They came to the property with clip boards and a sign on their truck to substantiate their claim of being exterminators.  When the finished their inspection, they told me I had carpenter ants.  They also told me to put traps up everywhere because they were certain I had mice, though they found no sign.  They then informed me they would return in a week to rid the cabin of the ants.

Right away I put out traps for mice in my cabin (12 of them).  In a week’s time, I did not catch a single mouse.  I also contacted a second exterminator.  They too arrived with clip boards, uniforms, and a vehicle with a sign.  This group of exterminators was far more thorough.  They demonstrated where the other exterminators were mistaken with their claims.  I did not have carpenter ants… I had boring beetles.  Not only were their claims accurate, but they matched the evidence presented in the cabin (no mention of mice either).

There is a Biblical lesson to be learned in my beetled cabin.  Despite a supposed expert’s claim of truth, his appearance, or his credentials, truth should always be verified.  There are many false teachers out there who make statements that will not stand the test of the trial of scripture which is truth.

 John 17:17Sanctify them in the truth: thy word is truth.

 The Bereans strove to examine the veracity of Paul’s teachings:

Acts 17:11Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so.

John warns Christians to “try the spirits” (False teachers) to see if they are proclaiming truth or not.

I John 4:1 – Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

For certain, as my cabin would have suffered destruction by being treated improperly, man will suffer destruction for dealing with his spiritual pests improperly.

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