Locusts and Wild Honey Introduction

Locusts and Wild Honey Introduction

Below is the first video posted at  It is a simple introductory, then a reading from Genesis 1, followed by a few remarks.  Locusts and Wild Honey will be a program that I will be developing for the site as time moves forward.  The exact direction of it is still being developed.

In addition to this video, a program called “It’s Not Politics, It’s Bible” will be added as well.  This theme will focus on modern day happenings as they directly relate to how Christians are affected or should respond based upon what God’s Word has to say about it.  Often the phrase “silence of the scriptures” is heard when discussing the Bible.  However, the Bible really isn’t silent about anything.  Within the written mind of God we can find all we need for life and Godliness.

For now, accept this small test video as a down payment to what I hope will be a helfpul addition to this site and all of our lives.

God Bless,

Travis Main

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