Living Like Your Dying

Living Like Your Dying?

In 2004 country music star Tim McGraw released the single “Live Like You Were Dying.” The song was written by Craig Wiseman and Tim Nichols and details a discussion between two men after the one had found out that he had a terminal illness. The question was, “How’s it hit you when you get that kind of news? Man whatcha do?” The answer amongst all the details was, “Some day, I hope you get the chance, to live like you were dyin’.”

This past week I was asked, “What would you do if you knew that you had only one day left to live?” Discussing that question with two other Christians we decided that we wouldn’t really do anything any different than what we do already. There wouldn’t be enough time to go skydiving, Rocky Mountain climbing, or to ride a bull. But as Christians we would just keep doing what we were doing. But the more I thought about that the more I thought it wasn’t really accurate.

What I would do would be to do MORE of what I already do and do it more fervently, passionately, and with more urgency.

I would…

  • Tell Those In My Life What They Mean To Me.
  • Tell Everyone I Came Into Contact With About Christ.
  • Tell The Church And My Family To Be Obedient And Faithful.
  • Tell God I Was Sorry For My Sins.
  • Thank God For The Blessings Of This Life
  • Thank God For His Son.

Unfortunately most people, including Christians, live as though they will never die. Yet, Psalm 89:48 says, “What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave?” We are all going to die and then we will face God in Judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

Most folks don’t know the moment of their death. We far to often, as mere mortal creatures, step into eternity without preparation. But we do not have to! What we need to realize is this…

These realizations will change our lives and alter our eternal destiny. So live each day like you were dying. You may only have one left!

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