Let Your Fingers Do the Walking

No wonder there is religious confusion among us! Who wouldn’t be confused about Christianity when it appears that you can believe almost anything and still be a Christian. It was so simple when it all began and there was simply the one body who followed the one faith, had the one hope, practiced the one baptism because they were led by the one Spirit, submitted to the one Lord and worshiped the one God (Eph. 4:4-6). It’s so confusing now when there are so many bodies, so many faiths, so many hopes and so many baptisms. Whatever happened to following the one Lord?

Almost every religious division creates a new name that makes that new group distinct from the old one. Take a look at the actual names found in our yellow pages and weep at all the division. Imagine the confusion of one trying to decide if the Church Without Walls on 45th Street is better than People Without Walls on Forest Hill Blvd? Or is the El Shaddai Faith Church closer to God than the Shekinah Christian Assembly?

How can one decide which “saint church” is the best? I’ve heard of Saint Peter and Saint Paul—didn’t Paul rebuke those who tried to be called by his name or by Peter’s (1 Cor. 1:10-13)? Then there is Saint John, Saint Luke, Saint David, Saint Andrew, Saint Mark, Saint Matthew, Saint Thomas—-these I’ve heard of—but who is Saint Ann, Saint Clare, Saint Herman, Saint Catherine, Saint Juliana or Saint Rita?

Other actual names just as amazing are found and some of them bring questions to my mind.  Could I find more help at the Miracle Temple on 35th Street or at the House of God Miracle Temple of Apostolic Faith, Inc. on Sapodilla Avenue? Is the Little Zion Temple better than the Mt. Zion Apostolic church? What part has the Holy Spirit played in establishing the Holy Spirit Anglican Catholic Church, the Holy Spirit Catholic church, the Holy Spirit Episcopal church—has He brought about this division?

I can’t help but wonder what would happen if the Consuming Fire Crusade Ministry were to join forces with the River of Living Water Deliverance Ministries? What if you added in the Crystal Light Ministries?

Do you see why people are confused? Do you see the mockery that is made of Jesus’ prayer for unity (John 17:20-21)? There is a solution. Let’s go back to the Bible. Let’s do Bible things in Bible ways. Let’s call Bible things by Bible names!

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