Jonah Chapter 2

Jonah Chapter 2

Jonah chapter 2 is a chapter that resonates with many people who have felt like the have hit bottom.  Perhaps it is an endless line of failure in relationships, jobs, or some earthly goal.  Maybe the issue is an addiction that got way beyond control.  The reality is that the people going through such things feel hopeless.  They feel as if they have reached the end.  This is the situation for Jonah.

Jonah Chapter 2 takes place in the belly of a great fish.  Jonah ended up in this predicament because of his disobedience to God.  His life appears to be about to end.  Thoughts certainly flying through his mind.  Jonah would be preserved in the belly of the fish for 3 days and nights – a type of Christ in the tomb.  What would you do if you were at the end?  Judas came to what he thought was the end and took his life.  Peter in denying Christ three times certainly could have felt the same.

In this peek at Jonah’s response to God’s discipline, we are introduced to humility.  When the bottom is hit, people need to be honest about how they got there.  They need to be honest about who provides real deliverance from an evil world.  When man humbles himself and seeks out the one who can truly help, there will always be hope.

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