Jonah Chapter 1

Jonah Chapter 1

Jonah chapter 1 is a book that I have used many times to describe salvation.  It starts out with a proclaimed follower of God, the prophet Jonah.  He is disobedient to God.  How many people in this world claim God but do not obey?  Luke 6:46 – “Why do you call me Lord and not do the things I say?”  This book starts in the same manner.  A denial of Christ by behavior.Jonah fish

As Jonah chapter 1 progresses God provides earthly consequences for Jonah’s sinful actions of running from what was commanded.  Jonah was supposed to be headed to Nineveh, but was headed purposefully in the wrong direction.  God would raise the winds and sea in preventing Jonah’s will from being successful and in the process ensuring His own Will would be accomplished.

Upon the ship Jonah traveled, there would be preaching, hearing, calling upon the Lord, obedience, sacrifice, and salvation.  Jonah is a type of Christ and this chapter is just the beginning.  God ends up sending a great fish to swallow Jonah as the writing ends.  However, there are three more chapters of this book to cover and the next few lessons of Locusts and Wild Honey will cover exactly that.

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