Jesus is LOL

Think about it, Jesus is LOL

So you read the title to this article, and you wonder what “lol” means. This is probably a good time to ask your children or grandchildren, for any of them could tell you.  Internet messaging, particularly text messaging, has given birth to a new language of abbreviations. BFF is used to describe one who is your “best friend forever.” SMH is “shaking my head.” JK is “just kidding.” PLOS is “parent looking over my shoulder.” One site lists 1,378 such abbreviations.

So, what does “lol” mean, and how can that have any application to the Lord? Sometimes, when one reads what another has written and seen the humor in it, he texts “lol” indicating that he is “laughing out loud.”

Does the Bible ever say anything about God laughing?  The answer is yes, particularly in the psalms. The second psalm is Messianic and several verses in that psalm are referenced in the New Testament and applied to Jesus. In the psalm, there is a description of the nations raging against God. The kings of the earth are seen as calling an assembly to break the cords with which God has bound them. There is something about power which corrupts men and governments. When little men attain positions of authority they seek to overthrow any restraints God has placed on them.  The Jews in Isaiah’s day were condemned for this.  “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness . . . “ (Isa. 5:20). We also live in a land that seems to think that it can, by legislation, change immorality into “morality” and then all is well. How does the Lord respond to such? Look at Psalm 2 again. “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision.”  Jesus is lol at them!

Then, the psalmist describes those who were mocking the saints. Psalm 37:12-15 describes how they plotted against the just. They had drawn the sword to cast down the poor, the needy and those who are of upright conduct. How does the Lord respond to such? “The Lord laughs at him, For He sees that his day is coming.” Jesus is lol at them!

Then, there is the response the Lord gives for His people.  Psalm 52:4-6 sees the wicked as their evil words seek to defile the saints. They are telling lies about His children. The affirmation is then made that God would destroy such wicked me forever. They were to be uprooted from the land of the living. How should His children respond to such abuse by the wicked?  “The righteous also shall see and fear, And shall laugh at him, saying, ’Here is the man who did not make God his strength . . .” So, instead of being filled with rage about all that is evil, just remember that Jesus is lol. So you can lol, too. For sure you can smile!

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