Jesus and the Father in the Book of John

What word comes to your mind when you think of the writings of John? I suppose that the first word which comes to mind is that the disciple whom Jesus loved speaks so much about love. He does. He uses the word love, in its various forms, almost sixty times as he writes about the life of Jesus. The remarkable thing is that there is a far greater emphasis in this book. He uses the word father 132 times, and in all but eleven passages he uses the word to refer to  Deity!

In this fourth gospel John records the words of Jesus. Jesus used the phrase “My Father” 34 times. He not only thought of God as a father, but He thought of Him personally. There is a profound difference in thinking of God as a father, and viewing Him as “my” father!

Jesus knew that His Father was one who loves. After describing Himself as the good Shepherd, Jesus said, “Therefore My Father loves Me . . .” (John 10:17). This was the nature of the Father! God is love and Jesus lived His life cognizant of the fact that our Father is one who loves!

Jesus knew that His Father is one who gives. When he taught the Jews about true manna He said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven” (John 6:32). When our Master lived on this earth He was comforted knowing that His personal Father is one who gives! Would to God that we all lived every day remembering this trait of the nature of God.

Jesus knew that His Father was one who had a house of many mansions. Who does not think of His words when we face death? “Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions . . .” (John 14:1-2). What difference does it make about our dwelling places on this earth when we have a Father’s amazing house awaiting us!

Jesus knew His Father in a way no other one has ever known Him. He is a righteous Father (John 17:25) and a holy Father (John 17:11). He is one who seeks men to worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). He is a Father who works in the lives of men (John 5:17) and one who should be honored (John 8:49).

So how do you know your Father? The way we view God determines how we serve Him. How do you see the God you serve? The right way to think of God is to think of Him as Jesus did. He saw Jesus as a Father. More importantly, He saw Him as a personal Father. Don’t ever forget, we have the same Father!

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