It Had to Be His Garment

It Had to be His Garment

Last week we focused on the faith of the woman who pushed her way through the crowd which surrounded the Savior as He traveled to heal Jairus’ twelve-year-old daughter. She had spent all she had and the only hope she had could only be found in Jesus. The instant she touched His garment her health was restored. This week we focus on the garment.

There was nothing special about the garment He wore. It was like all other garments, but this one belonged to Jesus and that changed everything. It is not true that one garment is as good as another!

Look at parallel applications of the truth that any ordinary thing associated with Jesus is elevated above all other items.

Have you ever considered how many books are printed each year? It is estimated that 2.2 million new titles are published worldwide each year. That’s not how many books are published but how many titles. If you stacked the new books being published next to each other, at the present rate of production you would have to move at ninety miles an hour just to keep up the end line. The words of Solomon are so true. “Of making many books there is no end” (Ecc. 12:12).

It depends of what standard of judgment you use, but all books have a value. It may be said that “One book is as good as another” until you included the Bible. It alone is written by the Creator of the world. One garment may be as good as another, but when you add the garment of Jesus to this number, such simply is not true. In the same way, one book may be as good as another, but when you add the Bible to this number, such simply is not true.

There are over 45,000 distinct Christian denominations in the world.  It is likely true that one of them is just about as good as another, until you add the church Jesus built to this number, then it all changes.

Jesus promised to build His church (Matt. 16:18). He never gave any mortal the right to change it (Gal. 1:8-9; Rev. 22:18-19). It was designed to be eternally unchangeable (Eph. 3:21). It began on Pentecost, and in the two millenniums since that, mortals have created 45,000 churches. Every one of these churches begun by man may be as good as any other church until you add His church to this group.

The woman knew it had to be His garment. How our world would be changed if we believed it has to be His book! How our world would be changed if we believed it has to be His church!

Take this concept and apply it to every aspect of our Christians lives: His garment; His book; His church; His way; His truth. Oh, how it would change our world. Let it change yours!

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