Is One as Good as Another?

There is an attitude in our society toward religion that they are all pretty much the same. Once this concept is embraced, the door is open for each of us to make choices which best suit our own lifestyles. This really makes it easy, but it may be too easy!

The concept that “one is about as good as another” just does not make sense. Is one wife just as good as another? Is one school just as good as another? Is one boss just as good as another? Is one residence just as good as another? Is one parent just as good as another? Is one doctor just as good as another? Hardly anyone uses this “one is as good as another” in making life choices.

What about religious books? Is the Koran just as good as the Bible? Is the Book of Mormon just as good as the Bible? Are books written by fallible men just as good as the Bible? Are the edicts which come from church councils just as good as the Bible?

What about life styles and the partners we choose? Are “one night stands” just as good as marriage? Are “same sex marriages” just as good as marriage? Are those “living together but not married” arrangements just as good as marriage? Is polygamy just as good as marriage?

As you think more deeply about this, you sense an element of truth that “one is as good as another,” until you consider that this all changes when there is divine intervention. One book might be as good as another book as long as you leave the Bible out of it! When the Bible becomes part of the consideration, one is not as good as another.

One “marriage” arrangement might be as good as another, until you consider the divine arrangement for marriage. As long as one leaves holy matrimony out of consideration, one way might be equal to another and this allows personal choices. Yet, when God’s arrangement is included, one is not as good as another.

The same is true of churches. Jesus established a divine church and purchased it with His blood. It teaches His morality. It worships in His divinely given ways. There are humanly designed churches and one of these is just as good as another. But when His church enters the picture, one is not as good as another. As the Bible is a divine book and marriage is of divine origin, so the church itself is divine.

Because of this, we are not at liberty to ignore His revelation about any spiritual matter! His thoughts and His ways are higher than our thoughts (Isa. 55:8-9). My thoughts and yours are equal, but His thoughts are all that matter!

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