Information Age

Information Age

We live in a wonderful information age. An age of such advanced technology that was unimaginable only a few years ago. We literally have unlimited information right in our hands: our phones, tablets, computers, satellite television and radio give us immediate access to limitless knowledge. Yet even in the light of this truth there seems to be more general ignorance than in any time in our history. Why? Maybe its because access to knowledge is so readily available that we don’t really study to know anything anymore. This is also true regarding God’s word and will.

From where do you get your information?

From where do you get your information?

In Acts 8–9 we read about Philip preaching and people believing, the apostles teaching and preaching, the Ethiopian eunuch desiring someone to guide him, Saul was told that he would be instructed what to do, Ananias was told to go and speak to Saul, Saul was told that he was a chosen vessel to bear the name of the Lord, Saul preached, and Barnabas spoke up for and defended Saul. Maybe we need to put down our phones, turn off the televisions and computers, and open our Bibles. Maybe we need to spend more time studying to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15). Maybe we need to work to allow the word of Christ dwell in us (Colossians 3:16). Maybe then we can share the truth of God’s word to an ignorant and dying generation. Be faithful.

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