I’m Proud of you Son

Proud of You

“A wise son makes a father glad…” (Prov. 15:20).


You can be proud of a Good son.


I remember a time, when I was about four years old, when I said something disrespectful to an uncle whom we were visiting.  Shortly afterward, feeling guilty, I crawled upon my father’s lap and said, “I love you” (hoping that would make up for my offense).  He replied, “I love you too; but I’m also disappointed in you.”  My father told me that 34 years ago and I still remember it vividly.  And you know what else?  My father was right to say it – and that bothered me.  You see, even at that young age, I didn’t just want his love, I wanted his approval.  So you can imagine how great I felt at those times when I did something that made him proud of me.

Jesus certainly had that experience when His Father said of Him, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17; 17:5).  Friends, a good father needs to be honored (Eph. 6:2-3).  So, for all that he means to me, I can say, “I’m proud of you, dad!”

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