I Did Not Get My Bulletin

The title of this article may not mean much to those who receive this bulletin by email, but it probably does to the hundreds who receive it via “snail-mail.” Two weeks ago we had a computer/printer crisis in the office and have been unable to print and mail the bulletin. We apologize to those who missed the bulletin for the past two weeks, but are thankful that we were able to at least email the bulletin to hundreds.

There are some lessons to be learned from every event of our lives. As I think about the events of the past weeks, I am reminded of the words of James, “You do not know what will happen tomorrow” (James 4:14). How easy it is for us to assume that the events of the past assure the continuity in the future. The one absolute assurance of the future is that God is in control and will be there for us!

I am thankful that we were missed by those who failed to receive the bulletin. Many years ago a deacon said to me, “I don’t know why we even print a bulletin, only 10% of the people who receive it, read it!” I am thankful that my experience is so different from his views. The comments about bulletin articles I have written in the past show that there are many who delight in reading it. Thank you for missing us!

I am thankful that my brethren are so wonderful and understanding. So much of our work revolves around the computer information we have and the failure to have access to it impacted the lives of many. Members at Palm Beach Lakes spent many hours resolving the problem. I marvel at their dedication. I am also so thankful for the patience of everyone as we worked to restore the operation of the office.

I have been reminded of the power of the printed page. The content of the bulletin has an impact on the members at this church. It is a weekly reminder of the sick, of those traveling, of those who are out of town, of those needing an avenue to express thanks and gratitude, of those interested in how the church is doing statistically, of those who want to know of upcoming events and of those who are edified by the articles found in the bulletin. The fact that the Bible has been given to us in a written form is a reminder of the power of words as we read them.

Then there is the reminder of the abiding nature of words when they are printed. A conversation may easily be forgotten and a sermon may not be remembered once one leaves the building, but that which appears in the bulletin can be read again and again, even years later.

Thanks for your interest in this bulletin!

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