How Do You Live All Your Life?

How Do You Live All Your Life?

During World War I, a small boy wrote to his father who had gone away to war: “Dear Daddy, I love you. I hope you live all your life.”

Are you an example of living a life in Christ?

Are you an example of living a life in Christ?

What does this mean? How do you live all your life?

Well first, you must know God. As H.G. Wells says, “until a man has found God, he begins at no beginning and works to no end.”

Second, you must take Christ as your Savior. In fact, that is the way to know God. As Jesus said, “He who has seen me has seen the Father” (Jn. 14:9). And Paul said, “For me to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21). You begin to live when you decide to give all your life to God.

Third, to live all your life, you must live at your best. That means understanding and brotherhood. As Abe Lincoln put it: “With malice toward non; with charity for all.” This means putting first things first-God, the church, then others. That means regular and reverent worship in the house of God. That means placing all your life, every phase of it-your career, your home, your play, everything–under God’s direction.

This is what creates the shape of your beliefs in your personality. Dr. Harold Urey said about some American exchange students on their way to Russia, “The best way to export an idea is to wrap it up in a person.” How true! Wherever you go, wrap up in yourself Christian love, unselfishness, sacrifice, the cross-and you will go far toward living all your life.

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