Honest Questions and Bible Answers 4

Not long ago someone inquired as to what Paul
meant in Philippians 2:13.  Let us consider the
context.  In verse 12 Paul said,
“…work out your own
salvation with fear and trembling.”
We realize, then,
that we have a personal responsibility in our
salvation (we are to save ourselves).  Yet, without
further explanation this would seem impossible (cf.
Jn. 15:5).  Therefore, Paul encourages us by saying,
“for it is God who works in you both to will and to do
for His good pleasure”
(Phil. 2:13).  This reveals that
God has done and will do His part to save us; but we
must also do our part.

Yet how does God work in us?  Some assume that
the Holy Spirit miraculously works on the human
heart (something that the Scriptures do not teach).
However, the consistent answer is that God works in
us through His word (the gospel).  Proof of this is
seen in 1 Thessalonians 2:13: “…when you
received…the word of God, which also effectively
works in you who believe.”
The Holy Spirit speaks
to man through the word of God (cf. Rev. 2:7).  The
hearing of that word must be mixed with faith (Heb.
4:2).  This is how God and man work together for the
salvation of man’s soul.  This is how God’s “will” is
“done” in us.

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