Honest Questions and Bible Answers 2

I am sure that you’ve heard the expression, “Kill two
birds with one stone.”  Recently I was asked a
question that I believe this expression applies well to.
The question was: “Did Christ actually save anyone
by His death on the cross, or did He just make men
savable?”  The answer to this question is quite
simple: He did

You see, before Christ came in the flesh many men
were worshippers of the only true and living God; yet
they were all in need of a savior, for even the most
faithful of Israel were sinners, and they did not live to
see what Christ would accomplish at the cross.  What
hope, then, did they have?  Hebrews 11:13 tells us
“These all died in faith, not having received the
promises, but having seen them afar off were
assured of them, embraced them…”
eventual sacrifice would save those faithful ones who
died prior to His death, burial, and resurrection
(11:39-40).  All who have lived after the cross
(including you and I) have been called upon to obey
the gospel of Christ that we may be saved (Rom.
1:16; Jas. 1:21).  Therefore, friends, by His death He
saved many, and also made many savable.  Are you

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