His Temple

Devotion to Building His Temple

David made an amazing vow to God when he said, “Surely I will not go into the chamber of my house, or go up to the comfort of my bed; I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids, until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob” (Psalm 132:3-5). If you wonder why David was described as a “a man after God’s own heart,” read His words again.

David longed for God, the Mighty One of Jacob, to have a dwelling place. Take time to read 2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17. David was in his luxurious palace, built from the cedars from Lebanon, and thought of the ark of the covenant which for centuries had been in tents made of animal skins. For at least twenty years prior to David’s words it had not even been in a tabernacle but the house of Abinadab.

David longed to be personally involved in finding God a place. Some in David’s position could so easily have said that the responsibility for these matters had been given to the Levites. David was from the tribe of Judah, yet he felt that it was his personal responsibility to get involved in a situation he thought needed attention.

David longed for God to have a place and would not rest until it was found. Herein lies a key as to why David’s heart was like the heart of God. He decided he would not go into his house, recline in his bed, give sleep to his eyes or slumber to his eyelids until he found a way to correct a mistake being made by God’s people. Look at his opening word “surely.” He was so determined to do this that it was a certainty of the intentions of his heart.

David did not fully understand about that place. David told Nathan his intentions. At first, Nathan agreed that the king should proceed. However, that same night God revealed that it was not David who was to build the temple but his son, Solomon. God saw that Israel needed a temple, but since David had killed so many, a man of peace, Solomon, would build the house (1 Kings 5:2-5). David accepted this and spent the rest of his life gathering materials for the temple.

What does this have to do with us? The Lord still has a temple, but it is not in Jerusalem. Our bodies are His temple and the church is His abode. Sometimes, we shut Him out and He stands at the door of our hearts. Sometimes, He stands at the “door of a church” asking to come in (Rev. 3:20-21).

Now here is the point. How much do you long as David did for the Lord to find a resting place? How much are you personally concerned about it? Read Psalm 132 again and think of you wanting God to be in your heart.

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