Hiding the Evidence

Evolutionists: “Don’t Bother Us with the Truth

What happens if you are pre-committed to something and then evidence is unveiled that upends your beliefs? If you are California State University you fire the professor who uncovered the evidence and act like it never happened. However, there are two problems with this scenario: (1) it doesn’t negate the fact that the evidence does, in fact, exist; and (2) it doesn’t clear the conscience of those who are pre-committed to their previous beliefs. They are forced to live a lie.


Hidden Evidence is Still Evidence.

And that’s the predicament the administration at California State University finds itself in. Oh, and then there’s the lawsuit filed against the University by the man who uncovered the evidence.

Mark Armitage has been a scientist for over 30 years, graduating with advanced degrees in biological sciences. He was excavating dinosaur fossils at the Hell Creek Formation in Montana when he unearthed the largest triceratops horn ever unearthed.  After looking at the horn under a microscope, Armitage realized there was soft tissue in the specimen. His discovery clearly indicated, “that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.”

Mark’s findings were eventually published in the July 2013 issue of Acta Histochemica, a peer-reviewed scientific journal. What happened next? Armitage was fired from the university—just two weeks after the article was published.

Billy Hallowell at The Blaze noted:

After discussing the horn with students at the school one day, Armitage, who taught students how to use high-powered microscopes at the school’s Electron and Confocal Microscopy Suite, was apparently reported by one of the students to his supervisor, World News reported. That supervisor then allegedly questioned Armitage’s motivation, telling him that the school would not “tolerate” his religion in the department and slamming his creationist views. While the professor was reportedly assured by the head of the biology department that this was an isolated incident and that his views would be respected, his problems apparently intensified thereafter.[1]

Set Armitage’s firing aside for a moment, and look at what is really going on. When evidence is discovered that challenges conventional evolutionary theory, we aren’t supposed to study it. Here is a man who has been a published scientist for 30 years and yet now he isn’t supposed to use the scientific method on his discovery. He’s not supposed to subject it to microscopy or report it to the rest of the scientific community.

Another report noted: “Armitage, a published scientist of over 30 years, was subsequently let go after CSUN abruptly claimed his appointment at the university of 38 months had been temporary, and claimed a lack of funding for his position, according to attorneys.”[2]

But Armitage isn’t buying it. He believes it is all about his religious views—and that fact that his discovery clearly supports the creationist view that dinosaurs did not die out millions of years ago. And he’s right. Jerry Bergman has been documenting all the cases of discrimination against creationists for years. (Check out his eye-opening book Slaughter of the Dissidents: The Shocking Truth about Killing the Careers of Darwin Doubters.)

What is really at risk here is not just one man’s job. It is the subject of truth and integrity. How much longer will the public allow the scientific community to hide the facts? How much longer will professors be silenced by the political correctness of evolution? Just how far are they willing to go to protect their “religion”?

The evidence still exists. Firings don’t change that. Likewise, university is now forced to live with a conscience that knows their belief system is a lie. There is only so much they can sweep under the rug.

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