Hearing What We Want to Hear

In a recent conversation the subject came up about how children sometimes hear things.  While many names or words are simply hard for children to pronounce, sometimes the problem lies in the fact that how they say it is how they perceive it.  In a sense, they “ hear what they want to hear. ”

As childhood memories go, when I was about five, I thought the hymn “ Jesus Meek and Gentle” was really “ Jesus Meek and Gentile. ”  (Jesus was a Jew not a Gentile).  Someone else confessed that “Low in the grave He lay… ” was to them “ Low in the gravy lay.”  A third person admitted that they thought “ Let’s have a little talk with Jesus… ” was really “ Let’s have a little chocolate Jesus. ”  The list could go on and on.  While these childhood examples may be comical, it strikes me that children are sometimes the best teachers that adults have.  Think of it: how many grown ups suffer the same problem?  Frequently in the religious world people hear the truth preached or taught, but they somehow miss the point, “ hearing what they want to hear. ”  Paul spoke of such in Acts 28:25-28.  Friends, if you will not “ hear ” the truth, you cannot be saved (Acts 11:14; Heb. 4:2; Rom. 10:17). The choice is yours. “ He who has ears to hear, let him hear! “ (Mk. 4:9).

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