He Sees Your Worth

He Sees Your Worth

There are some passages in the Bible that you can read a lifetime and simply read over them without considering them closer.  In this lesson, an instance of this is examined.  It is funny how commentary after commentary, scholar after scholar, and one’s own blind trudge forward can miss what is quite simple.  This video is the start of looking at your worth in the eyes of God.  I will likely provide a follow up video later as there were simply some thoughts and passages I did not get to properly explore.

Self worth seems to have its extremes in life.  We can go from the extreme of being arrogant straight to the line of feeling like we have no value at all.  I believe we have all seen examples like this in family, friends, or community.  This Locusts and Wild Honey study comes out of Matthew 17 and 18 and attempts to look at the full passage to understand the message and context.  There are wonderful themes of forgiveness and compassion that are never skipped in this selection of scripture and certainly, they won’t be skipped this time either (even if i does take another recording!).

Remember, whether you have matured to the point of strong Biblical reliance upon your Lord or whether you are continually barraged with your own failings in this life, God cares for you deeply.  You have worth.

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