He Loves Us Individually

As I reflect about our worship together this past Sunday, I cannot forget when we paraphrased John 3:16 and quoted it together. “For God so loved me that He gave His only begotten Son . . .” Think about this and rejoice that He loves each of us, individually,  so much that He would have given His Son even if we were the only one who followed Him!

It is at this personal level that Christianity takes on new meaning. He loves the world, but He loves each of us—individually. What He does for the world, He does for each of us—individually. What He promises the world, He promises to each of us—individually. He would not change His plan if you were the only Christian. With that in mind, read the following verses I have paraphrased and put your name in the  places where the you find the blanks .

“But God demonstrates His own love toward _______ in that while ________ was still a sinner, Christ died for _______. Much more then, having been justified by His blood, _______ shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if when _______ was an enemy ________ was reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, ________ shall be saved by His life.”

“Take eat; this is My body which is broken for _______; do this in remembrance of Me” . . . Then He took the cup . . .    saying,  “Drink from it, _______, for this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for ______ for the remission of sins”  . . . “For as often as ________ eats this bread and drinks this cup ________ proclaims My death till I come.” How can anyone be absent from the Lord’s table or find it a “dead time” in worship when eating with the Lord is made personal!

“For the eyes of the Lord are over _______ and His ears are open to ______’s prayers.” How can anyone read this and not stay focused during times of prayer! How can you mediate on these words and not pray more?

“Let not _________’s heart be troubled  . . . If I go and prepare a place for ________, I will come again and receive _______ to Myself; that where I am there ________ may be also.” Read these words, make them personal. While God is concerned about all the world, He is concerned about you! The righteous will hear His words about coming and entering into the joys of the Lord. But it is not just the righteous who will hear His words—it is you!

Take time today to think about God and His concern and involvement in the world. More importantly, take time to think of His concern and involvement in your life—individually!

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